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Hope you like this chapter. I know I haven´t written much on Zoey, she´s been away for quite some time now, but she´s back!

Matt decided to go to the main entrance and wait outside. That´s pretty much the best he can do. He´s sore. No idea if it´s because of the work out or the beating Rina gave him, but he feels like pulp.

He waits outside, leaning to a wall. He doesn´t even care if a crazy woman spots him. It´s dark already, so there´s no chance they can easily se him there.

“This is my worst date so far…” he thinks as he slowly descends at the floor. He can´t stand so long. His legs tremble.

Perhaps, the fact that he never worked out and today he just over-exceeded his limits has something to do with the soreness on his body. But the thrashing given by the muscular woman doesn´t help at all.

Suddenly, a car stops, right in front of the GYM. Then, a woman steps out. Zoey. Matt smiles at his savior and stand up to meet her.

She´s looking for him, about to get into the GYM and ask, but then, she spots him.

“Matt?” she asks.

“Hey…” he says, looking up at the 18-foot-tall giantess. He often forgot how big she is.

“Oh my… what happened?” she covered her mouth as she rushed to him. She could see his stance was not the one he usually had, but the one of a beaten man. From high above, thru the dim light given by the outside lamps. She could see a smile, hidden by some bruises.

“I´m fine… r-really.” He wasn´t, but he knew she´ll get worried. She was a very carrying person.

“No, you´re NOT fine. We´re coming in and you´re going to tell me which of those women did this to you.” She declared, changing her worried tone by a warlike one.

“Zoey, it´s fine, there´s no…” he just wanted to leave.

“NO!” she declared as she bent over and reached for him. Now, she was carrying him in her arms. Her large arms. He was in part thankful by the relieve it gave to his legs, but his ribs were a bit sore and her grip was not so loose. “We´re going in, and when you see her, you´ll tell me.” She said, once again, not needing his approval.

“I… I´m… sh-she… she already left.” He said, which is true. She was long gone.

“What?!” she asked with anger.

“She left like… at five…”

“Five? Matt, FIVE? You called me like fifteen minutes ago, you´re telling me she beat you up like three hours ago, and you just called me?” he felt intimidated by her reaction, now, her anger seemed to be pointed at him.

“I… it´s because I… I may have sort of… passed out?” he said to her.

“WHAT! You passed out. Oh my, I don´t care if she´s not here, you´re going to look for her profile and then I´ll take care.” This was getting far more serious than he thought. Too much.

“O-ok.” He muttered.

She sighed, then, she let her anger go, for now, and talked to him with a serene tone. “Listen, I don´t mean to be so aggressive, but a man like you shouldn´t be treated this way. You can explain me later. Now, why don´t we get you home.” He just nodded.

“Ok, but first, let´s heal you. We´re heading to my place, and then I´ll drop you at your apartment.” She knew he had no say in this. She was decided and already walking to the car.

The ride was quiet. Very quiet. From the passenger seat, he could see a tear on Zoey´s face, falling thru her cheek. She felt sad, and all because of him. He felt guilty, but he couldn´t be blamed. He´s only guilty of not being a good GYM partner.

After a couple minutes. She pulled over on her drive way. He felt odd, he´s never been in her house before.

Of course, such a carrying woman wouldn´t let him stumble his way in, so she carried him in. He felt ridiculous being carried by her. He could walk. But a lot of men get carried these days, and not necessarily because they´re injured.

She cleaned his face, wrapped his ribs with bandages and checked the rest of him.

He wondered, was she a nurse? She knew very well what to do. Maybe she was a healer. Who knows, who cares, he´s already feeling better.

“Zoey. Sorry for taking you away from work.” He muttered.

“What? No, it´s fine, there´s no problem, when a friend´s in danger, it´s your duty to go help. Much more when it´s a tiny man like you.” He wasn´t on the tiny side of men, but he can´t go against what the giantess said. Reaching a little over her knee is not exactly being tall for her.

After seeing all the bruises in him, she said: “You´re staying here.”

“What?!” he asked.

“You heard me, you´re going to spend the night with me, and I won´t get any no for an answer. Understood?” He nodded. She seemed so bossy now. “And tomorrow, first thing in the morning, we´ll go to an agency to get you some assistance.”

“What? An agency?” he asked.

“Yhup. A friend of mine has an agency for dating. I believe I told you already. But just in case, she´s the owner of an agency meant to help, both men and women, to look for dates. It´s actually more like educating them on how to use the app. But I think she´s got some more access to some features. I can´t remember, I haven’t used the app in years. Anyway, she´ll help us… you, she´ll help you.”

That sounded, good? Actually, it was helpful. Was there a way to know who´s crazy and who´s not? Maybe there´s like a filter.

“You want some pie?” she asked.


“Pie, do you want pie, I have apple pie, and I know it´s your favorite…” she said.

She was right, apple pie was his favorite dessert. “YES.” He declared, he wouldn´t reject such offer.

He was sitting on the counter table of the kitchen, looking at how the giantess grabbed the dishes and took the pie out of the fridge. He ogled at her body more than he could be proud of. But Zoey had such a sensuous body.

He always had a semi-good view of her boobs when he was sitting on the bar´s counter. But he had never seen her butt so much. He lured at how her round ass swayed as she went from one side to the other on the kitchen. He was getting hard down there.

“Ok, hope you´re hungry, this one´s for you…” she handed him a “small” plate with a “small” fork, and what seemed to be pie for two (at least for two 5´ tall men.) “And, this one´s for me.” Her slice was huge.

The slice on her plate must´ve weigher half what he does, at least a third.

She noticed his wide opened eyes on her plate. “What? I´m hungry.” She said as she took a huge piece of the pie to her mouth.

The pie was great, but even after burning so much calories at the GYM, he couldn´t finish it. But that wasn´t the important thing now.

“Are those… pajamas?” he asked looking up to her from the counter.

“Yes. It´s a set of pajamas… I think they´ll fit.” She declared.

She went upstairs after she finished her slice and went back carrying what seemed to be male pajamas.

“Why do you have those?” he was confused, and it seemed very suspicious.

“Oh, well, no one knows when a male friend will stay here for the night…” she made it up, why did she had them. He didn´t care.

“Ok…” he said.

Zoey was kind, carrying. She was one among many gentle giantesses out there. And she was a friend of his. It´s not that hard to become friends with a kind woman. Most of the time, they´re looking for a male friend. But even among the gentle women out there, there´s a dark side.

It was not a facade or a lie to make men feel safe among them. A truly carrying woman has the only desire to treat man kindly. Maybe too kind. It´s always good to meet women like Zoey, attentive, nice, even protective; but there´s a bad habit among them. They are kind of obsessive.

They tend to be jealous, greedy, over protective. Even among kind women, there´s always one that tries her best to isolate the man, keep him for her. Make sure he´s only hers.

Maybe it´s just paranoia, where they try to keep him safe. Perhaps, there are some urges in them that force their brains to think it is for the best. Men trapped in the care of giantesses.

And every woman finds their own way to gently “rule” over them. Whether they turn bossy, or if they “discipline” their man, it´s, according to them, always for the best. Matt hates a particular side of these gentle women, the maternal one.

The mere idea that some of them want a man to call them “mommy”, it sends some disgusted quivers thru his spine. Why would they? But he´s safe with Zoey.

Matt´s known Zoey well enough to know she´s only a natural care-taker. The way she healed his wounds, the meal she just gave him. Even the friendly way in which she always greets him. He´s safe with her. But those pajamas really freaked him out.

They were plain blue pants and a t-shirt. But why does she have men´s clothes at her place? He´s suspicious. But he can let this slid. Although, he´ll have to be very careful now, he´s never been at her place before.

“I´ll go take a shower, why don´t you make yourself comfortable, I´ll be back in a minute and then we can hit the bed.” She said.

“Bed? But, it´s barely passed eight, why do we…”

“Because WE have a busy day tomorrow. We´ll go to my friend´s agency tomorrow, first hour in the morning, and then she´ll assist YOU in finding a new girlfriend.” She sounded kind of bossy now.


“No, nah ah, no buts. You need to rest and so do I. And that´s the end of it.” She had a severe look on her face, this time, he´ll have to do as she says.

He´s never met this side of her. Usually, she´s kind and cheerful. Happy. But now, it seems she´s kind of pissed. Even if she won´t admit it, she´s mad.

Mad at him? Or mad at the lady who beat him? Maybe calling her for help did bother her. But she was the one who suggested her place anyways. She could´ve been bossy all the time and he found it out just now.

Just like she said, she went out of the bathroom and collect him from the couch. He didn´t mind being carried by the giantess. But why does she have to? He never told her about the pain in his legs.

Minutes later, Zoey opened the door to her room and closed the door. She placed him in the middle of the bed.

“Left or right?” she asked.


“Your side of the bed, left or right?” she said once again.

“Oh, right, ehm, either?”

“Either´s not an option, Matt. But if you want me to pick for you… then I´ll take the right side, ok?” she wanted him to feel comfortable. But he didn´t know what to say. But there´s something he had just thought about.

“We´re sharing the same bed?” this question was in his mind only. Alarmed, but shut inside his head.

Maybe the couch would´ve been a better place for him. More private, alone. But she had some other plans.

Before he knew it, Zoey turned off the lights and her enormous frame laid in bed. He could feel her heavy weight landing on the bed. How much times more did she weight? He didn´t want to ask.

“Good night.” She said.

“Oh, g-good night.” He said back.

This was uncomfortable. He was sharing the bed with a woman again. A voluptuous, carrying and known woman. A friend. He didn´t know how to feel. Should he feel safe? Should he sleep with an eye opened?

“Come on, it´s Zoey…” he thought, trying to calm himself down.

After a very little while, Zoey started snoring. He figured she was really tired. Her snoring was loud, but for a woman her size, it was mild. The huge size contrast was what made everything on her louder, heavier, harder.

Suddenly, he felt a large arm above him. He tried to move, but Zoey´s long arm got him. Her huge hand and long fingers landed on his chest and pulled him closer.

Before he knew it, the giantess pulled him right in the middle of her chest. Both sides of him were surrounded by boob flesh now. A giant pair of feminine mounds. He liked it, what´s more, this was turning him on.

His back was pressed right in the middle of her soft breasts. Her aroma, her scent, it was sweet. He was involved by this woman´s charms. It felt good. Maybe too good.

He knew the flesh behind him were Zoey´s huge breasts. Each weighted more than him. He had wondered before how will it feel to have some intimacy with her; now he had no doubts, it felt terrific.

Her gentle touch, even while she slept, allowed him to enjoy every second of it. He didn´t mind being her live-teddy bear. He could do this all night, but then, her hug tightened. Her grip augmented.

She pulled him closer, and closer, deeper inside her breasts. Before he could do anything, her boobs swallowed his whole body. Now, he was imprisoned in a round, sensuous cage. He was thankful he could breathe.

Morning came, and when Zoey woke up, she couldn´t find Matt.

“Did he left?” she wondered. “He better be somewhere around the house, cause if he makes me look for him…” but then she noticed a strange feeling on her chest. Something between her boobs.

“Oh my… MATT!” she said as she noticed the man´s body pinned between her enormous breasts.

“Huh…” he said still asleep.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry…” she pulled him out. “Are you ok?” she was worried she had suffocated him while they slept. She´s never done this before, but she thought it will be a good idea to keep him close. In case he needed something. But she never took the time to think she may squash him while sleeping.

“I´m ok, better than that…” he blushed, he meant he had a great time being pinned between her breasts, but she must not know, so he corrected himself. “I mean… good morning?”

“Well, I´m glad. How are your injuries?” she asked.

“Actually, I feel much better… although, I feel some slight pain in my shoulders, and thighs, and my… core…” he worked out for the first time ever, what did he expected?

After a shower, and more suspiciously convenient clothes his size. Zoey and Matt parted to the agency. He didn´t ask for this, not that he minded either. But there was a question in his mind. Why was Zoey so attentive towards him? This whole thing seemed sort of, overprotection.

He wondered if she was one of those gently-twisted women. The carrying, the meal, the whole bossy attitude from time to time. But that couldn´t be.

If she was one of those women, then, instead of driving him to this dating agency, she would´ve made a dating request on her own. Date him, seduce him, and then, he´ll be all for her. But this was not how things were going on now.

“Ok, we´re here.” Zoey said as she parked in front of a modest size building. Huge for him, but it wasn´t much bigger than Zoey´s bar.

“Cool.” He said.

“Let me give her a call.” She said as she dialed her number on her cell phone.

“Hello? Lisa, I´m here… yes, he´s here next to me… no, he didn´t protest at all, unlike you, he accepted my suggestion… what do you mean by that?! You know what, I´m coming in.” and she hung up.

Matt´s expression revealed to her that the last part of her phone conversation seemed kind of… odd.

“Relax, there´s no problem, she´s just… you´ll see.” She said as she stepped out of the car. And a minute later, she opened his door, but still, she carried him in.

“Zoey, I can walk…” he protested.

“I know, but I´m afraid you´re still a little injured, what if you trip and we find out the bad way, you´ve got some broken bones.” She said.

The place was nice, an ample entrance, what seemed to be the couches of a waiting room and also a secretary waiting.

“Welcome! Do you have an appointment or, would you like to make one?” asked the young secretary behind the counter.

“Oh, thank you, but we do have an appointment. Do you know if Lisa´s busy?” Zoey asked.

“Well, hello there…” said another woman´s voice.

Matt turned to spot the blonde beauty that was walking inside the room. She seemed to be around Zoey´s age, but taller, maybe by half a foot. But she was wearing heels. He noticed because he scanned her sensuous body from head to toes.

She was wearing a pair of black yoga pants that accentuated her long curvaceous legs. And he couldn´t help but to stare at her bouncy breasts. So round and big. They quacked a little with each step she gave.

“You must be Matt.” Said the woman, stopping right in front of Zoey and bending to meet his gaze.

“H-hey…” he said nervously, hopping she didn´t notice he was ogling at her breasts.

“Hello Lisa.” Said Zoey.

“Hi there… I can see you´re still a bit over protective towards men…” she said pointing at the obvious fact that she was carrying him.

“He´s injured.” Zoey said, kind of annoyed.

“Aww, that´s awful… but, is he?” she asked.

“Yes he IS. For your information, he called me last night after a fricking GYM nut beat his poor ass. Isn´t that right, mattie?” she asked.

Mattie? Beat his ass? Why was she even saying that? Lisa seemed nice, self-confident. And maybe she had a bit of a problem with the way Zoey treated man, or at least him.

“Zo… man are not as fragile as you think. Let me…” then, she leaned back at him, and asked: “What did she do to you? Exactly.” This seemed as a question only meant to prove a point.

“Hey! Don´t ask him that. What if…” Zoey said, but Lisa interrupted her, knowing exactly what she was about to say.

“What? What if he´s got some sort of trauma about it? Come on, he seems fine, maybe he´s got some bruises, but I assure you nothing awful happened.” Then she looked back at Matt. “Tell me, did she actually hit you, like with her fists or like, kicked you? Or was there something else?”

“Well…” Matt started, not sure if he should answer or now. He turned at Zoey a couple times.

“Nope, don´t look at her, just tell me.” Lisa said. This woman seemed very assertive, and what´s more, she wanted to prove Zoey wrong, but why?

“Well, she… pinned me to the wall with her butt…” he felt shy, why was he saying this out there, that secretary didn´t need to know. But he kept going. “And, she kind of… s-squahed me… between her thighs…” he wasn´t sure of he should keep going.

“Ok, that´s enough.” Lisa said. Then, she stood back up to meet Zoey´s face. “See? He was pinned between thighs and butts, it´s not that bad.”

“WHAT? And what´s your definition of bad?” Zoey didn´t like the way she so calmly took things. Hearing his words made her feel awful.

“Listen, men are tougher than you´d think. As long as no bone had been broken, he´s fine. Ok, there are some wounds in him, but he´ll get over that very easy. You know men´s healing factor is actually a lot quicker than women? And by quicker, I mean QUICKER. I think it´s just evolution, to allow men to take bigger women… if you know what I mean.” She meant sex, of course.

Nowadays, as long as they are not suffocated, men can take the weight of an average woman. Still, they´re not made of rubber, women can hurt men, but just not that easy.

Lisa made her point. She pissed Zoey, but she made her point.

“So… are you going to put him down or… do you want me to carry him too?” Said Lisa, of course, she meant for Zoey to put him down.

“Fine.” Said Zoey, putting Matt on the ground.

Now, Matt was looking up at both giantesses. Zoey seemed bothered by having to listen to Lisa; while she seemed proud to make a point, in what seemed not to be the first time.

“So… are you going to walk in with him or… can he do this on his own? I mean, everyone can but since you are a bit… you know…” said Lisa.

“A bit what?!” she hated her insinuations.

“Well, I really don´t wanna say it out loud…” she replied.

“You know what, just shut it. He can go in on his own. Mostly because I´m tired of hearing you.” Zoey seemed tired, of her own friend.

“Hey, don´t be mad, I´m just sayin´…” but Zoey´s frown at  her made her understand she really didn´t want to hear anything more. The smart mouth giantess shut it, for now.

“I´ll be back in an hour to pick him up, do you think that´s enough time?” Zoey asked.

“An hour? Well… we can make it work. Right?” she winked down at Matt.

He nodded.

This was new. This woman, Lisa, was about to help him understand the app more. He knew very little about it, but were there some things behind he should know. Maybe filters, or other things that could help him with his new dating life?

The only thing he knew for sure was that she teased Zoey. A lot. But she drove him all the way there just to help him. She was carrying, enough to drive him there, with someone who clearly annoyed her.

“Ok, follow me.” Said Lisa as she turned and walked in, now, it was time to get wiser.

He waved goodbye at Zoey and followed Lisa. His question was, is she as kind as Zoey, or where was he getting into?


Mezio Fufezio

Nice chapter! Just one thing, I noticed what I assume it is a mistake caused by the autocorrect function being repeated various times. Specifically, anytime you typed in caring it corrected it to carrying! Not too much troubles, just makes things a little harder to get when an actual action of carry is happening.


I apologize for that. I know it can lead to some missunderstandings thru the story. I´ll keep an eye on that. Thank you for letting me know :D