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Hi, I hope you´re doing great today. I have a small announcement before this chapter begins. It´s something really... well, not so important, but I kind of forgot to mention it before.

The thing is, our next short term... well, I´m not gonna tell you which one is it. Yet. I´ll make the announcement together with the last chapter of "E-Dating".

But so far, the voting´s been great. Thank you to all of you who voted! I appreciate it. Also, if you haven´t voted yet, you still can. It´ll be another seven days before I announce the winner.

Who knows, maybe your vote can make the difference...

Anyways, that was it from me. Now, here´s the chapter. I hope you enjoy. Also... I´ve added some small things on it... something under the maternal side. I hope you like it ;)

ALSO... don´t read this paragraph unless you wanna spoil what comes at the very last... (If you´ve kept reading I don´t blame you LOL) At the end there´s some, as suggested by some of you... a mild intro as to what our next chapter will include... muscular ladies...

Ok so... here´s our ninth chapter, I hope you like what I did here...

Before he knew it, Amy sat on him. She threw him over her bed and simply laid her gigantic butt over him. He squirmed, trying to break free.

“Oh, be quiet. I´m not even lying all of my weight on you, so be thankful for that.” She proceeded to try and unlock his phone.

He was smothered by her gigantic ass. It was so much flesh above him, he could hardly breathe.

“Is this kind…?” he thought as he tried to pull himself out. Else, she´d break his ribs.

“Fuck, what kind of password can you have? I mean, it´s just four digits… Unlock it!” she demanded as she placed her phone right on his face.

“W-what?” he said, trying his best to speak, but he was not breathing very well.

“You heard me, unlock your stupid phone so that I can add some more time to this date.” She was really annoying.

Of course he was not going to do it. She was crazy. But, what if he didn´t? Was there a way to get out of this? As far as he knew, there was no way no one would know he was there.

He didn´t share his location. The app had no need for him to update his status constantly. He was trapped either way, with or without adding more time to the date. But it seemed to him that Amy wasn´t aware of it. Unless… what if she wants to start a relationship with him? Turn him into her personal puppet.

Have a boyfriend to torment while she slowly forces him to believe he´s the useless shit she believes he is.

“No…” he said with a low tone.

“WHAT?” she asked, she barely heard him.

“I said… NO!” he yelled, he used all of his remaining strength to yell at her. “You won´t add time to nothing, just… get up and let go… NOW!” he yelled again.

Amy just “accommodated” herself over him, squishing him tight with her absurdly big ass. This time, she let some more of her weight over him.

“I don´t think you understand WHO´s the one in charge here…”

Now she will definitely suffocate him. Her weight was simply too much, much more than he could take. Everything was starting to turn into blur now. Was he going to pass out? The only thing that could be seen were his extended arms under her butt. She had pinned his face to the mattress now.

There was no way out for him, slowly, he could notice how his brain seemed to shut down, as if he was falling asleep, but in reality, he was fainting.

No one there to help, not friend, no Dame, no one to save him… except for…

Amy…? Sweetheart, is everything ok, I heard some noise coming from your room…” said a woman´s voice, a mature woman´s voice.

Her voice sounded deeper than Amy´s, and her steps, much louder. It only meant one thing, this woman was bigger than Amy.

Matt could barely listen to what was happening outside of the booty prison where he was. But there seemed to be hope for him.

“N-nothing… there´s nothing going on here… mom.” Replied Amy to the woman who was calling her. Apparently, it was Amy´s mother.

The door opened and revealed the woman, way taller than Amy. Amy´s mother was not a “short” gal like her daughter. No, she was tall, at least nineteen feet tall. And that wasn´t it.

In contrast to Amy, her body had the shape of a mature woman. She had wide hips and a very pronounced butt. Also, her breasts were round and firm mounds of flesh. Heavy tits that put her daughter in shame.

“Mom!” Amy said, she didn´t want her to witness what she was doing, she hide Matt´s phone on the side and tried her best to keep things “cool”.

“Relax. I know you don´t want me inside your room, I just came in to… what´s that…?” she said pointing at Matt´s arms that came out from under her butt. “Amy, honey, is that a man… beneath you?” she gently asked, not wanting to exaggerate things.

“No… what? There´s no…” she tried to lie, but her mother knew better.

“Amy… why is there a man under your butt… besides, can he breathe down there? Honey, please get up.” She said, to what Amy wasted no time and complied.

Matt took a deep breath as soon as she removed her butt from him. He even coughed a little.

“Amy!” Her mom said.

“What? He said he wanted it. He asked me to, you know how kinky some men are…” she lied.

Amy´s mother just walked pass her. Standing so much taller than her. She was four feet taller. Amy only made it up to her breasts. Breasts that were bigger than her head. But being short compared to her mother was not what bothered her, it was her mother´s attitude towards… men.

“Awww, honey, are you ok?” she asked Matt, bending down right in front of him.

He coughed a little, but he said: “Yeah, ehem, I´m… I´m better now.” He admitted.

“Now, I need you to be honest with me, did you really asked my daughter to smother you with her booty?” She spoke.

“Mom!” Amy yelled from behind her.

“Quiet Amy, I want him to answer.” Said the mother.

Matt turned at Amy for a second, then to this woman. Amy´s mother seemed… kind? Maybe? He had no clue, maybe she was just faking it and was about to sit on him too. Maybe they shared their man… or preys. He had no clue what was going on, but Amy´s look revealed a profound annoyance, so maybe her torment was over.

“No… I asked her for none of this… In fact, she just took my phone.” He complaint.

She turned towards her daughter and said: “Amy… did you took the man´s phone? Hmm?” she didn´t seem to approve.

“No…” Amy turned at the floor.

“AMY…” she raised her tone a little.

“Fine,” she admitted, “Here´s the stupid phone. Gosh, why do you have to be like this? He´s a man, we should be able to do whatever we want. Can´t you see how small he is?” Amy was very irritated.

“Give that to me, you have no right to private a man from his possessions. Haven´t I told you that men are fragile? Our duty as women is to look after them, not harm them.” The mother spoke extending her hand.

“Stop, just… stop right there. I´m tired of this.” Amy spoke as she gave her the phone and then left the room. Pissed.

Matt was relieved. That girl Amy was gone, and her mother seemed different. Not a menace like her, but kind.

She turned and gave him the phone. “Here you go sweetie. I would like to apologize for my daughter´s behavior. She´s just… frustrated. You know, a twenty-three-year-old girl like her should´ve moved out a while ago. But I don´t mind if she needs a little more time to leave the nest you know…” she explained.

“T-thank you…” Matt replied as he grabbed the phone. The thing looked so utterly tiny on this gigantic woman´s palm. A single of her fingers was as long as his forearm.

“No problem sweetheart. You know…” she said as she placed both of her huge hands under his armpits and lift him off the bed. Then, she sat where he was and placed him over her lap. He had no idea what was going on, but she continued.

“I´ve told her many many times that she should be gentle, kind. Men are just so… sorry if I sound rude but, you´re fragile. You need protection in this big world.” She explained.

Her words were… kind? But he was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. Her pronounced breasts were now pressing against his face. He could feel them coming close as she breathed. And her lap, so vast, so smooth. He felt awkwardly tiny.

He said nothing and just let her speak.

“I… I´m sorry honey. I guess she´s not a natural care taker like her mother…” just like that, she began ruffling his hair. He could feel this woman´s gigantic hand over his head. Her large thick fingers just messing with his hair. He disliked it.

Now, it seems as if this woman was the complete opposite to her daughter. Still, she fell on the side of women Matt very much disliked. Well, not a complete displeasure but, he found this kind of things unnecessary. She was a maternal woman. The lap, the ruffling in his hair, the “gentle” treatment. He was sure now.

“I just, I don´t know where all this comes from, you know, I thought I instructed her better. But I guess not all of us were born this way.” And with a simple move of her arm, she pressed Matt smoothly to her breast.

It was so awkward, but at the same time, the gigantic tit felt so good. She wasn´t suffocating him like Amy did. No, right now, she was pressing him with the right amount of strength. Besides, her boobs felt great.

So large, so smooth. So… comfy. He would´ve hugged the whole tit if he felt any more self-ensured. But he was trying to hide the eminent erection he was now getting. And this woman didn´t even seem to mind. She was just pushing him into her tit like nothing was happening. Was this a common thing?

“Well, I guess we can always have a talk later… but. I´m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself… I´m Grace.” She said as she pulled Matt away from her breast and now held him with both hands right in front of her.

“H-hi… Nice to meet you. I´m Matt.” He replied, not appreciating too much being held that way. But he´ll allow it, just for a little while since she´s his savior.

“Nice to meet you too, Mattie. So, would you like me to drive you home?” she asked.

“Uhm… sure. Thanks.” He replied. Finally, he was getting out of there. And it was so convenient. He wouldn´t have to watch his back as he leaves. Grace will escort him all the way back to his apartment.

“No problem sweetheart… although… how much time does this date of yours have left?” she asked.

That seemed like an odd question, but he took his phone out and checked on the timer. “Well, so far it´s been like… eighteen minutes so… there´s still like forty-two minutes left.” He said.

“GREAT! I mean, you wouldn´t like that time to simply go away, right?” He blinked, really he wouldn´t mind if she just dropped him and let the time run.

“Well, I guess…” He couldn´t say much because she cut him off.

“I believe we should use that time. You know, YOU and ME.” She declared.

“Shit.” He thought, he had just escaped from her daughters torment, now, he will be alone with the mother. What will she do? Of course, she said someone should always be kind and careful. But what does she have in mind?

Grace got up from bed and placed Matt over her hip. She had a big smile drawn on her face. Then she simply made her way to the end of the hall and entered a room. Her room.

Matt could feel her hips swaying as she held him. And he could see her breasts bouncing from the side. This woman was huge, and stacked. But when they entered the room, he had no idea what would happen.

She stepped in and locked the door. Then, she simply placed Matt over her bed and placed both of her hands on her hips.

“You know honey, I must admit you´re very good looking. How old are you?” she asked.

“Well, I´m 26…” he replied.

“Oh, I´m 57” she replied. In reality, she didn´t seem older than 40. Mature women aged really slowly. As if they stopped aging when they hit 35. And after 60, the years were too kind with them.

“You know…” she continued. “I think I´m old enough to be your mommy dear.” She smiled as she drove her hands to her blouse. More precisely, to the top button of it.

He swallowed. What was she going to do?

“I must admit that, since I saw you, my boobies have gone crazy. I can´t remember the last time they went that way.” She bit her lower lip. “Do you know that, after a woman becomes a mommy, her breasts never stop lactating?” she asked.

He just said no, moving his head from side to side.

“Well, that´s true sweetheart. It´s kind of… inconvenient sometimes. And also, kind of sad to throw all that milk away… but, now that you´re here… and you have ALL this free time, why don´t you give me a hand with it… Or should I say, a mouth?” she unbuttoned the blouse.

One at a time, all of the buttons were gone, after that she took her top off. Her tits were even bigger than they appeared. Gigantic mounds of flesh. And she wasn´t lying, there were some wet stains on the undersides of the bra.

Matt backed off. This is exactly what he didn´t want. He knew there were some dominant psychos like Amy. But what he really feared, was to meet up with one of this. A gigantic mommy, ready to force him into… this.

“Oh, no honey, it´s ok, this is completely normal. Just think of it as a good ole drink. One that comes straight out of my boobs.” She approached, placed one knee over the bed and, with her hands, undid the bra.

She threw the bra to the floor and revealed her gigantic milking breasts. She wasn´t lying, they were full. The made her way to him as her immense breasts just bounced, spitting milk over the bed. She was dripping now.

Matt couldn´t run this time, he was hypnotized by her tits. And what´s more, she had just placed both of her arms to his sides, cutting off any escape route.

“Come on Mattie, open up for mommy…” she said as she came closer and guided her engorged nipple to his mouth. It was so large, so hard, so… milky.

He didn´t even close his mouth. He just let her do her thing. The truth is, he was in shock. He coughed a couple times when the nipple came in. The milk seemed to come in cascades inside his mouth, like an open tap.

“You better start sucking sweetie, mommy wouldn´t like you to choke down there.” She said as she pressed her tit harder to him, pinning him to the bedhead.

This wasn´t right. He went from one torture to another. This was awful. Grace may have been kind, but that didn´t imply that he wanted to cooperate with her. In fact, he didn´t even resist. It was as if a small part of him wanted this, that it was the reason to stay still. But that couldn´t be, he was not into this.

He just kept sucking as she moaned from high above. Then, she switched to her other breast.

“Don´t think this titty it´s empty honey, but mommy wouldn´t like to fill you up with just one tit and be uneven, no…” and she inserted her other nipple into his mouth.

Matt wasn´t even thinking, he just let her do her thing while he sucked and sucked. His dick was hard inside his pants. But this was something no one needed to know. Never.

After a while, she pulled her nipple out, leaving Matt on the mattress with milk on his face and over the pillow where he rested his head.

“That´s it… much better.” She said as she stood back up. “Now, Mommy´s going to wipe your face and then, we can leave. I believe you still have around twenty minutes left. Now let´s go honey.” She declared as she picked him up from bed.

Matt said nothing, he just allowed the giantess to take care of everything.

“Was this… good?” he thought to himself. “Did I… like it? NO, no way, this was… I mean, I submitted, that´s it. Every man knows when a fight´s lost and when to submit. I just… surrender, right?” he had an inner conflict now. But he´ll meditate more about it at night.

She cleaned his face and gave him a ride home. He was awake enough to tell her where he was staying. She pulled in front of the man´s building and opened the door for him.

“Here we are sweetheart.” She spoke as he came off the car. Once he was standing, he realized he barely cleared the knees of this woman. She was gigantic.

“By the way, if you ever need some company. Feel free to send me a request.” Then, she grabbed both of her tits with her hands and said: “Momma´s always ready.” He just nodded and walked away.

After she drove off, he just threw himself on the couch and sighed. This wasn´t the best date he´s had. In fact, it was so far the worse. Two giantesses made their way with him. And he could do nothing to avoid it. This is not what he had been looking for.

But he couldn´t surrender. He had to keep looking. There must be a woman for him out there. Besides, he still had time.

He took his phone out of his pocket and started searching thru his requests. Then, he found one, it said:

“Hi there, I´m not good with requests, sorry. But I wanted to know if you´re free. I´m Rina and I´d like to meet you. I´ll send you the address from where I work, we can meet there any time from 8am to 4 pm.”

Could be. She sound nice. But Amy also sounded nice. He should be more careful on to whose requests he accepts. He checked her profile. There were very few pictured of her. Most of them were from the outside of some place with large windows. Others of food, coffee. The sunset.

It seemed normal. At least for him. He knew nothing about reading women´s profiles. On how to guess the type of woman just by looking at their pics. But she seemed kind. So he agreed.

He wrote:

“Hey there, request accepter, haha. At what time would you like to meet?”

He felt funny because he was also really bad with his messages, so they had that thing in common.

She replied fast, she wrote:

“Cool, we can meet today in like, thirty minutes. I´m out by then.”

“Fuck, thirty minutes… is it 3:00 already?” Time flew by. Grace dropped him at his apartment almost at 3:00, and it seems he spend 30 minutes searching thru women´s profiled until he met Rina´s.

This was day two out of seven. Today, he had three dates; where he met four women. So far so good, still, time was passing by too quickly. This date will take up to 5:00, then, he must look for someone else? Or maybe call it a day?

He wasn´t even sure if he´d like to have another date. But he was curious, he wanted to meet Rina and see if his instinct works when it comes on picking dates. Else, he´ll need some help.

He felt completely spent, he just hopped into the shower and washed himself. He was covered with the scent of butt and tits… and milk. He needed a different scent for this date.

When he came out, he read a new message from Rina:

“Btw, wear comfy clothes, I have a minor request for you… but it´s a surprise.”

“Comfy? Like… pajamas?” he had no idea what she was talking about, but he changed into jogging pants and a plain t-shirt. “Let´s not dress to impress.” He thought, maybe she wanted to go for a walk or something.

He was ok with anything but food. Grace´s breasts did fill him up. He hated to admit it but, he was full… of milk. But Rina must not know. No one must. This will be a secret.

He caught a bus, making sure not to be spotted and headed towards the address Rina sent. Where did she work? That question was on Matt´s head during all of the ride.

After a little, thankfully, he arrived. And just in time, he was three minutes away from 4:00. But, when he found the place, he stopped. He was trying to confirm if it was the right address.

It was a GYM, a lady´s one. He could see all of the women working out inside. He swallowed as he witnessed all of these muscular women in there. He checked on the address, but he was right on the spot.

Besides, this building was the one on Rina´s pictures. He didn´t bother to read the photo´s description:

“New job at the GYM… SO EXCITED!!!”

Was he safe? So far, two “regular shape” women had manhandled him and forced him into what they wanted. And the women right there, they were complete amazons. Their arms where so much thicker than his torso. And their muscles, a single finger would be more muscular than him.

Was he safe stepping in? He had to encourage himself. Taking a second look, not all of the women seemed so built. Some had a slim complexion. Some others seemed more like the running type rather that lifting heavy weight.

It was a normal GYM, no amazon factory GYM. He took a deep breath and stepped in.

“Ok, everything´s cool… perhaps, Rina just works here at the front door. Maybe she´s built like a marshmallow like me…” he chuckled.

And he wasn´t wrong. He saw the top of someone´s head on the front desk. That blonde hair, it seemed familiar. “Rina?” he said as he approached.

The lady at the desk stood a bit up to meet his face. The counter was so much taller than him. Maybe 9 feet tall. But when her face showed, he could see her face.

“Oh hi, it´s so nice to meet you Matt. Just give me a second, ok. I´ll be right with you in a minute.” Her face was as pretty as the one on her profile picture.

“Ok…” he said as he waited for her. She seemed, sweet. Maybe she didn´t post pictures on her profile because she felt self-conscious by working at a GYM where some amazon women went.

He turned around just to see that one out of two women was built as a tank. Maybe some slimer than others, but still, tremendous muscle.

“Done…” said Rina from behind him.

“Ok, so what would you like to do…” he asked as he turned at her, but his smile vanished when he spotted her.

Turns out, Rina was also one of those muscular women. Her arms, her legs, her abs. She was shredded. Swollen. Over all, a titan.

“Well, I mainly asked you out cause I sort of need a… GYM partner…? Come with me, I´d like to try some things with you.” She said as she reached for him and took him inside the GYM. This didn´t seem so good.



Gah I love a nice FBB giantess. Show off what you can do, Rina!