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Wow, it´s chapter 19 already? I can´t believe we´re one chapter away from the 20th, trust me, I´ll make that one worth it ;)

Today, well, this is more like a transition chapter, announcing what will come on the next one and, in a way, leaving some minor clues on what each character has in mind... I really hope you like it... however, the 20th will be the best chapter so far. (I apologize if it sounds as if this chapter´s got... lack of focus or content for the story, I assure you there´s an interesting chat between Lillian and Jonathan, although, the big talk is coming...)


Jonathan ignored the reasons Lillian had to say what she was saying. It came out of the blue for him. He felt sort of mad, it seemed that she was underestimating him. He was an adult; he could take care of himself. Hasn´t he done that during all these years?

Of course, he used to be an independent 5´9” man who managed to succeed the way he wanted in life. He wasn´t rich or anything like that, but he made it all the way to where he was on his own.

Now, it seems life gave a little twist. He´s been shrunken all the way down to 2´7”, the cause, that milk Lillian gave him. Her arguments bothered him enough to distract him and point his attention away from the milk; the milk and any growth or shrink that had been going around.

Now, as he stood up before the gigantic woman, who seemed more imposing than ever, he had to defend himself. Prove her he´s still capable of living on his own, even if he can´t. The truth is, his head doesn´t even clear the counter tops now, everything´s heavier and out of reach.

“Jonathan, dear, I´m just trying to help you out here.” Said the titanic woman as she took a step closer to him.

“What, help? I mean, I appreciate your… good intentions but, I think I´m ok.” He replied. The truth is he wouldn´t mind some help, but the way she called him “defenseless” it pissed him. It touched a nerve on him.

“Please sweetheart, listen… I don´t mean to sound rude or anything, just let me explain…” she started as her face showed some distress. It seemed to her that Jonathan was pushing himself away from her. And that couldn´t be. She was so close now.

“Wha… listen? What!? Are you going to point out the fact that I´m now a tiny man trying to live on his own? That I´m too small, too weak, too… “defenseless”?” he declared.

“Oh, is that it? Did I insult you when I said you were defenseless? Honey, listen, I didn´t mean to offend you, it´s just that… well, I wasn´t lying, you ARE defenseless. You´re so small now, so…” she stopped for a second before she said something that could bother him more, so, to make a point, she added: “What if someone breaks in and tries to hurt you? Hmmm, have you thought about that?” she rose an eyebrow and placed her hands on her wide hips.

He blinked for a moment, the truth is, Melissa had actually done that earlier, but he couldn´t admit it and prove her right. He just scratched the back of his head and turned at the floor.

“You haven´t don´t you?” she asked as she stood straight, appearing even taller.

“I… I think I can take care of myself…” he protested.

“But honey, the thing is… you can´t. Just look at you, you´re no longer the man you used to be. Even I back then didn´t thought you were so tough…” she admitted. How imposing could she found him when he introduced his 5´9” frame to her 6´6” one. She was the one who appear imposing to him; and now, that size gap had increased exponentially. She´s currently five feet taller than him. Over three times the size he is. Still, she knows he can get smaller.

“Ok but, I don´t need you here… I´m a man and I…” she interrupted him.

“I know… I made my mind and I think you would be better at MY place.” She spoke.

Jonathan´s eyes widened. Made her mind? Had she like… thought about this before? For an instance, it didn´t sound that bad, he did need someone to help him thru the day. He´s no longer capable of achieving much without a booster step.

“Y-your house… like, moving in with you?” that seemed really odd. And sort of inconvenient. She had just made both of her breasts pop out of her blouse. And she was at HIS place, now, how would things be if he moves in with her? Is she going to walk around topless or even naked? He could already feel the arousal growing in him just by thinking about it.

“Yes dear, MY place.” He could see some angst in him. She must wash away any sense of doubt or fear towards her. It was hard for her seeing how he protested rather than accepting her proposal. But she had to earn his trust. Else, she won´t get what she wants.

“Listen.” She started. “I know it´s… unexpected and maybe hard for you… but trust me, after some time, you´ll get used to it.” She said, not wanting to reveal her truth intentions, or the fact that she was the cause for his sudden “condition”.

“I… I don´t know…” he replied. Wondering if she actually said SOME time.

*sigh* “I didn´t want to say this out loud Jonathan, but… you need me.” She spoke.

Jonathan felt puzzled, need her?

“After the chat we had the other day, I know there hasn´t been such a thing as a maternal figure for you. You told me your mother left you at your own with your father, who didn´t love you, and your brothers, who I honestly believe haven´t called you since you left your house. Now, for me, it seems you have never felt how it is to have a… a mother, someone who cares for you, someone who looks after you, someone who can comfort you, Jonathan. I´m willing to… in a way, give you the love and attention you so long missed.” She declared, with some sort of open aura on her.

Was it real? Did she just said out loud what he heard? A “maternal figure”? Where did that even come from? Lillian seemed to be an attentive woman but… wasn´t she going a bit too far?

“I don´t…” started Jonathan, before she lowered herself and cut him off.

“I know it sounds… crazy but, well, you´re so… I just… please sweetheart, allow me to help you.” She declared.

“I think this is a bit… odd, maybe?” he replied.

“Nonsense, odd? Why? Why can´t a grown woman look after his adult neighbor who´s… ill?” she asked.

“Nothing but, a maternal figure?” he asked.

“There´s nothing wrong in seeing a woman that way. I just want you to see me as the woman who can help you, whenever you´re afraid, lone or even sad, I´d like to be the woman who can comfort you.” Then, she placed her hand over his head, engulfing his whole skull with one hand.

She had casted a large shadow over him, he panicked. This was getting sort of… weird. And the worst part is, her boobs menaced to fell out of her top again as she bent towards him. He craved for those giant breasts, but she must not know that.

And Lillian, well, she let aside some of the truth as for why she wanted to be that figure for him. It seemed logical, in a way. But this was not the time to confess her whole plan. So far, she didn´t even thought about it at all, she was supposed to come and take him with her. And he should follow, no questions asked. But it seemed that he doesn´t trust her that way… yet.

For a moment, there was an awful silence in the room. Everything was so quiet after Lillian´s confession. Jonathan needed some time to process the whole thing. Should he follow her or shall he stay? What were the pro´s and con´s on this proposal?

A pro is that he´ll be able to lure at Lillian´s enlarged body all day long. On the other hand, what if she gets mad and kicks him out for being a peeping tom? He´d still have Melissa but… he had proven before that she´s not so… trustable now.

After her unexpected rage display, Jonathan knew Melissa was not so… stable per say. Was it the growth spurt or… he just doesn´t know her that well? But Lillian, even after the growth spurt, she seemed as kind as always. Maybe it was ok to trust her.

“How bad can it be…” he thought as he turned at her and said: “I´ll… I´ll go with you…” he told her.

Lillian smiled, she joined her hands in what seemed to be a display of joy and said: “Very well, why don´t we go to my place now… it´s getting kind of late.” She wasn´t aware that Jonathan was more a night´s person, and that he had just wake up from a loooong nap. He wasn´t tired at all. But he followed.

“Hold on.” He said before making it to the door. “I, uhm, I need some clothes you know… and maybe a shower.” He added.

“Very well, go get them and I´ll wait here for you… unless… do you need any help reaching?” she politely asked.

“Oh no, not at all. I´ll be… fine.” And so, he left and headed upstairs to collect some clothes from his room.

Lillian was surprised things turned out so well. She was just a few steps away from succeeding on her plan. Jonathan was so close, just a few inches more and then… he´ll be hers and hers alone.

Jonathan made it to his room, opened a bag and threw in some clothes, and of course, his phone. But there was something bothering him, “maternal”?

Lillian was a lone mature woman, perhaps, she needed him as much as he now did. Still, wasn´t it a better idea to get some boyfriend or something? Why calling for your shrunken neighbor? Unless there was something he couldn´t catch yet, and there was, he just found it sort of, strange. Unless she wanted to have him as her tiny lover. He wouldn´t mind.

He threw everything inside the bag and came downstairs. His few clothes were so strangely heavy. And big. It was hard for him to make it thru the stairs with that bulky bag over his shoulder. But he managed.

When he arrived at the door, Lillian reached for him with both arms and said: “Need help?”

He stopped right there, after that confession, was she trying to… carry him? Like, in her arms? He stuttered but he said, “What?”

“The bag, do you need help with it?” asked Lillian.

Inside Jonathan´s mind, he was thinking: “The bag, of course…” He simply replied, “sure” and gave it to her.

It was amazing how easily she handled that bag. For him, it was a huge one, as large as his whole torse; on Lillian´s hand, the bag seemed tiny. She only needed one hand to carry the whole thing. For her, that bag must be as light as a feather.

But he kept the idea of her carrying him inside his mind. Would he be as light to carry as that? He didn´t want to picture the amazonic woman carrying him. But it was hard for him not to right now.

Both stepped out and, as he took the key from his pocket, she said: “Allow me…” and with a single move, she took the key from him.

Lillian´s hand seemed gigantic as she pulled the key form his hands. She was titanic, a goddess. Everything on her was bigger, rounder, thicker. Her body was simply, sensuous, and the way her flesh swayed as she moved, it left him in awestruck.

She inserted the key and locked the door. Now, it was time for Jonathan to follow Lillian towards her place. He tried to think if this was still a good idea. But he didn´t want to offend his neighbor. She had been so kind up until now, and what´s more, what type of clothes does she wear during night hours? Part of him prayed for her to sleep nude.

Which guided him to his next question, where will he sleep? That shouldn´t be hard to solve, he fitted very well on the couch. Any couch, it didn´t have to be a sofa-bed. Even a large cushion will work.

Lillian had a warm feeling inside as she walked next to him. Things were working very well. Even if she had to slow real down to meet his pace, it was worth it. His main question was, when will she truly confess? When is she going to proceed and make this fully? She needed to think, but she will not take more than a day or two to fulfill her desires.

Right now, she needs to rush to her house, more precisely her bathroom. She could feel an immense pressure on her breasts. The milk, it was becoming too much. The pressure, she needed to relieve the pressure. She knew the right person for it, but, given the way he just acted, he needed a bit more before that.

She could easily force him too. The second he steps in her house. She could get a hold of him, rip her top and, effortlessly, guide his mouth towards her swollen tit.

She could visualize her nipple dripping milk as he pleads for her to stop. But there was the problem, he´ll plead… to stop.

Lillian didn´t want him to resist, in fact, she wanted him to insist. To crave for it. She wanted him to actually need her, not turn him into her slave or something like that. She needed to create a bond with him. And for that, she´ll have tomorrow.

During the whole day, she´ll prove him he needs her. That his life will be way better if he just let go and give in to her.

“Ok, here we are… home sweet home.” She spoke as she opened the door of her house. But she had another idea on her mind, inside her head, she added: “Your new home… baby.”

“Thank you, Lillian. You know, for… for everything.” He had to change his attitude. Not everyday your over voluptuous neighbor opens the doors of her place for you. Besides, she offered to take care of him. And her meals were so… tasty, for sure, he´ll be threated as a king. Not that he wanted to, he wasn´t greedy. He won´t abuse her hospitality.

“Ok, I´ll let this bag of yours… right here…” she let the bag on the couch. “Now, if you excuse me… I have to use the, you know, the lady´s room for a moment.”

She had a certain rush on her tone, but he simply nodded and said: “Of course.”

She rushed because she didn´t want Jonathan to see the wet spots that were about to appear over her tits. She could feel her nipples getting hard, the milk about to come out. It will be even more obvious because she wasn´t wearing any bra beneath her top.

She needed to drain herself, even if it wasn´t in the way she had expected. She simply jogged thru the stairs and went straight to her bathroom. Her breasts bouncing heavily as she made her way.

Finally, she got inside and closed the door. She spread her top to the sides and revealed her swollen tits. There were already veins showing, she had been holding for quite some time. Lucky her, only a few drops had come out.

She pinched her nipples with her fingers, as she softly moaned, she could feel the flow of milk coming from both breasts. She was so full that the softest pinch allowed lots of milk to come out.

“F-fuuuu-uck…” she said between moans, trying her best to keep it low, “this is… ooohh, not the way I wanted to do t-this… but the-ohhh, there´s no other choice. J-jus-st… just wait my sweet Jonathan… oooohh, just wait until tomorrow. This will… aww, this will be all yours.” She said as the milk went down the pipe. Another waist of her milk, but if she wanted her plan to succeed, she needed to create a bond with Jonathan.

She´ll allow him to see her milking tits, but he needs to come by himself. She has to make her way so that, when she pops her dripping breasts out, he comes on his own and encircles her nipples with his mouth.

She had a plan, she´ll show him how good of a mommy she can be, but that will be after she comes out of the bathroom. Such swollen breasts need quite some time to release the milk.

In the meantime, Melissa made her way to the store. She felt kind of odd wearing such baggy clothes. She was a bit too conscious with her new body.

She was so tall that she felt everyone will be staring at her. When she came in, there were no abnormally tall women to make her feel identified. No woman as tall as her, not even 6´ tall… or close. Everyone seemed average.

It felt so odd how regular sized people appears, so… small around her. She outstood much more than she´d like. She was not wearing any bra beneath her clothes. She was worried that somehow people will notice, or if her top will become semi-transparent under a certain light.

The only place she went after her spurt was Jonathan´s house. And he was alone. So far, he had been the only person who had seen her, well, her new self.

She felt weird, but then, as she walked thru the store. She gained some confidence. Why should she be afraid? No one knew she used to be like a foot shorter. She could stand proud, until, she met the dairy section.

There she was, looking straight at the gallons of milk. They were… there. Just doing whatever a gallon does until someone picks it up and pays for it. Nothing else.

There was nothing abnormal in them. She just waited there. She decided to check on who purchased those gallons. To see if someone showed a sign of having some height changes.

She wandered in circles thru the store, but everyone who picked the gallons, so far two people, seemed normal. Maybe she could´ve asked, perhaps this was their first time having the milk, but she didn’t encourage herself so much.

She approached to the fridge one more time, and stood there for a moment, until someone said: “excuse me…” It was a man´s voice.

Melissa turned, but she immediately lowered her gaze to meet this man´s face. He was around thirty, with a slim physique and he stood at, well, given the sudden height change, she was no longer sure how tall people actually was. But she estimated the man was 6´ tall or so.

After a quick look at him she said: “Sorry…” and moved away. The guy was sort of impressed to find a woman that tall, but he didn´t care that much, although, he did lure at her ass before asking her to move.

Melissa saw how the man leaned forward and grabbed one of the gallons she was looking at. She thought for a moment about something, it was now or never, so she decided to ask the man something. “Uhm, can I ask you something…” she said from above.

The guy turned and said: “Ok… what´s up?” in a very causal way.

“Well, I´ve been thinking about buying one of those but…” she had to lie and make something up quickly, “but I don´t drink so much milk, I´m more an expresso person, heh… soooo, is it good?”

The guy rose an eyebrow, that was a really unexpected question, but given how pretty she was and that he had actually taken a nice look at her butt, he replied: “Well, sure, it´s good.”

“Nice… uhmm, so, there´s nothing wrong with it?” she asked, almost regretting it the second she spoke.

“Wrong like… does it get spoiled often or…?” he had no clue where she was going. If this was some sort of picking line, she was terrible at it.

“No, I mean, like, there´s nothing wrong with it, like, it´s just like any other milk you´ve tired… right?” she asked, now feeling nervous. Although, she shouldn’t, she had like six inches on the guy. If someone should be nervous, it shall be him as he looks up at her.

At the beginning he was, why would a tall sexy lady talk to him, but the more she talked, the more she seemed to be a weird lady, with some really weird questions.

“Sure, it´s normal… is this some sort of prank?” the guy asked, her questions seemed too odd. If she pointed somewhere else and said: “Yeah, we´re filming you for our channel or something…” then it would explain some things. But it wasn´t the case.

“No, not at all, I just…” she made something up, “it´s just that I´m a little insecure, you know, and I wouldn´t like to buy a whole gallon and…” she looked at him hoping he would somehow understand and stop her, but he just gave her a weird look and slowly started moving away until he actually left.

She couldn´t blame him, it will be weird for anyone who wasn´t her or Jonathan. But if so far he didn´t know what she was talking about, most likely there was nothing wrong with the milk.

“Oh well…” sighed Melissa before she grabbed a gallon herself and went straight to the register.

She didn´t have the success she had thought, so, there was only one way to figure out things. Another dose of it. So far, everyone seemed normal. In a way, this milk seemed not to be the cause, but if it wasn´t the milk from the store, then what was it?



I liked it! I don’t think it was uneven or unfocused, and it did advance the plot. Excited for chapter 20!


Thanks!!! I´m so happy to hear that :D... and not to worry, I already have a lot in mind for chapter 20 ;D


About... a minute. I´ll post it just now :D