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So... I decided to take things somewhere here... I hope you like this chapter cause it´s got some ineresting things for his lastest date.

Matt hoped off the bus right on time. There were still a couple minutes left before the scheduled hour. Now, it was time for him to rush to the restaurant.

Moments later, and like a thousand steps too, he was there. He met the simple and still elegant façade of the restaurant. Before he entered, he had to explain the tall woman at the door who he was meeting. Apparently, there had to be a reservation done before actually getting in.

Matt pulled out his phone and showed the gigantic woman Hannah´s profile. The woman at the door was young, probably around Matt´s age. Long brown hair done in a nice bun and wearing dark formal clothing.

This place was not as the one´s he was used to. As he walked in, he could see the ornaments and the faint light that gave this restaurant it´s five stars review. Together with some awards he wasn´t aware of.

The tall doorkeeper, who stood at not less than seventeen feet tall, pointed towards the table where Hannah already was.

He made his way there. She was just like her profile picture. Tall, blonde, elegant. She was wearing a white blouse and, from his point of view, he could see she was wearing a black pencil skirt and some heels. Not like she needed them.

Hannah appeared to be taller than the doorkeeper. Maybe eighteen or eighteen and a half feet tall? Could be. She had a slim body and, even if her blouse was not open as he had the idea it´ll be, he could see a generous amount of cleavage on her. Her legs were nice too, long and shapely.

As he walked closer, her head seemed to disappear. He stepped right next to the table. Nowadays, table tops stand at about eight feet in height. Almost three times what a man-sized table will. Now, the only thing he could see where her legs. He couldn´t dare to peep at her panties.

She wouldn´t notice, cause she seemed to be too busy with her phone. But that´s not the way he should act. Still, he won´t complaint if she decides to take this date into a more private place.

“Hi… you must be Hannah.” He said as he stopped right next to her chair.

“Oh, hi there… Matt I guess.” She spoke, turning down at him. She was young, perhaps, a little older than him. Maybe around thirty or thirty-one. But she was pretty. He couldn´t take his eyes off of her blue round eyes. So big and tender.

“Please, have a sit.” She continued, pointing at the chair right in front of her, “And don´t worry, there´s a booster seat in there already.” She added.

Matt thanked her and climbed up the chair. Now, he was sitting right in front of this angelic woman, so far, she seemed polite.

“Well, just in time. Thank you for that.” She spoke in a professional way.

“Uhmm, welcome…?” he said. She giggled a bit, mainly because he wasn´t supposed to thank her. It was not a compliment, she was just pointing things out.

“Ok, so…” she started, “first of all, I´d like to thank you for accepting my invitation… well, my request. Now, I´d like to discuss some matters with you. First, this date´s… not a date actually, it´s more like an introduction, a presentation face to face.” He nodded, not very sure where she was going with all these. But he decided to let her speak.

“Now, before we move on, my name´s Hannah Scott, nice to meet you. And, as you may see by my attire, I´m a business woman. I´m the founder and main CEO of a… how to keep this simple for a man…? Well, I have released a full catalog of… devices, for women to use on their daily basis to… keep their male partners safe, we may say.” She was into tech. She wanted to keep it as a secret, mainly because she didn’t want to point out the fact that she had designed, manufactured and released some devices which will help women track their men.

Not in an obsessive or sinister way. It was meant to make sure men are safe whenever they step out in the outside world. But some did use it in a toxic way.

“But that´s not the main point here.” She said. “Let me explain you why I sent my request. As you may see, I´m wealthy, but that doesn´t necessarily mean I´m happy. I first started my company because I wanted to make sure that, whoever I chose as my partner, will be safe at all times. That he´ll be under my protection even if he´s not with me. But I assume you know how this is when it comes to men… heh, us women want to protect our man as if they where our, well, you get my point.”

He did, so far, he had never felt more vulnerable on his entire life. After he turned twenty-one, he had to find a partner, else, any woman could take him and claim him as hers. Not exactly, but any woman was big enough to take his phone and smash it. Makin sure no one will find him.

Hannah continued. “So, I´ve spent my time trying to find a way to keep my man safe, but, there´s no man with me.” She admitted. “I´ve spent so much time working on it that I actually didn’t gave myself the time to meet someone. I know, I´m still young but, the years go by really quick.” She made some gestures with her hands as she explained the whole thing. So far, he got her point.

“Now, my offer, well, my proposal for you is… would you like to be my partner?” she asked, loking straight at him.

“I…” she caught him off guard. He had no idea what to say.

“I know we don´t know each other so I won´t expect you to give me an immediate answer. I checked and you´re on your second day of… being single. I know you still have time so, what I want you to do is this.” It seemed to him that she had everything well ahead planned. He listened.

“This, like I said, is just an introduction, our real date will be scheduled some other day, not tomorrow, but… maybe in three or four days, I´ll let you know. Then, we´ll get to know each other better. We can go wherever you want, or I can choose, however you feel more comfortable. BUT…” he didn´t know it, but if he chose her, well, she came like, with some sort of package, per say.

“If you choose to stay with me. First of all, I´ll give you an employee. You know, so that we can be together while I work. You´ll be my assistant and, even if it sounds too good to be true, I´ll give you a monthly pay. Mhmm, that´s right, you´ll actually earn money.” That didn´t sound half bad for him.

“And, when we´re at home…” then she ran her fingers thru the table and, with a sexy grin, she grabbed his tiny hand in hers and said: “We can forget about work and, if you like, we can do some other “things” together.” She winked at him.

“I don´t need an employee, what I need it´s a lover, a boyfriend. Someone to love, someone to cuddle with, I can´t tell you how hard it is for me to be alone… But, it´s up to you, Mathew. I promise I´ll love you and look for you.” She said, returning to her professional tone.

“I… I´ll think about it.” He said. Not very sure if he had to say more. She had some nice offers, actually, she had offers. So far, this woman seemed like the right choice. But just like she said, he didn´t know her. What if this is a lie and she´s crazy?

“I´m sure you will.” Hannah smiled at him and also, took some time to look at him fully. She also needed to know if he´d be a good boyfriend material. “Ok, I think we´re done for today. If you chose to accept my offer, or even if you´d like to have that date with me, just send me a request, or a message. I´ll send you a reply in no time.” Then she stood up.

He nodded but, where was she going? So far, no more than ten minutes had gone by. “H-hold on! Is this… over?” he asked.

She stood there for a second and then, she replied, “Well, yes, that was pretty much it.” She declared.

“But, what… what about the rest of the hour?” he asked, not knowing what to do.

“Oh, don´t worry about it, the date´s an hour, whether we´re together or not. That´s just the scheduled time for our… interaction. You can do what you please during the rest of the time… it´s on me.” She winked and said goodbye.

Matt had no idea what to do, but then, Hannah came back. At first, he thought she wanted some action. He´d be fine with anything. And anywhere, the bathroom, the car. But then she spoke.

“Also, if you´re feeling hungry, just order and they´ll charge it to my card, ok?” Food was not his main issue.

Matt had already eaten, so he just ordered a drink. But he still had a question, what to do?

He had no idea. This had never happened before. Should he leave? Should he stay? Where there any rules about it? He could search online for it, but, when he pulled put his phone, he decided to do something else. Search for someone else to date thru his requests.

Don´t get the wrong idea. The offer Hannah made was good, maybe too good to be true. He decided to send a message whenever he felt ready. For now, he had to search for a new date. And as soon as he opened his app, he found one.

“Ok, let´s see… Amy…” he opened the request and read the message.

“Hi there. This´ll be my first date ever. I DON’T KNOW WHY I WROTE THAT… LOL. Anyways, do you want to come to my place to have some fun?” she wrote. Followed by: “I´ll send you the address if you accept.”

This didn´t sound like a girlfriend prospect date, more like, fool around date. But he didn´t care. In a way, this´ll help him cleaning up his requests. What if he wanted to have some fun in the process?

He accepted and scheduled the date in an hour and a half. Time enough to rest and take a bus. For a man with no money or income whatsoever, the free bus was the best way to move around thru the city. That or walking, and with his short legs, he´d rather use the bus.

Matt did his best to avoid any unnecessary interaction with other women. Now, he was on a limbo between one date and another. During that time, he was land of none, and he must avoid that.

Lucky for him. Not much women were around. Maybe they were working. Or… at a spa? He had no clue. But what he knew is that by now, he´s just a couple steps away from the address. Time really flew by.

He stopped right in front of a big yellow house. Rang the bell and waited. This date was with a woman younger than him. A 23-year-old woman. And lucky for him, she was not among the tallest of women. Sure, she stood at fifteen feet in height. Not so small, but not so big either. She was three times his height, which means.

“Hello there… come in.” she said as she opened the door. He was as tall as her mid-thigh. Quite a success for him. He greeted her and came in.

The house was fairly big. Nice house, nice neighborhood and… a nice lady too.

Amy was not quite tall, but she had a round butt that dragged all of Matt’s attention to it. He was looking forward to his “date”. So far, he knew she´d be one of those women who only use the app for sex. Luck him, he didn´t care.

“So…” she spoke, biting her lower lip. “Wanna go to my room?” she asked as she pulled her arms behind her, wanting to make her breasts look more pronounced.

“Sure.” He declared. Then, she pointed upstairs and he walked thru the stairs.

What he didn´t saw was the evil grin she displayed as soon as he turned.

Once in his room, he turned at her. So tall, she was a muse. Thick legs, a round butt. Even if her breasts didn´t stood as much as other´s. They were still huge for him.

“So… what do you want to do?” said Matt. Playing dumb. But he had no idea that he was actually very dumb. In a way, he fell on her trap.

“Ok…” she leaned right in front of him. Bending deep enough to be face to face with him. “There´s some things I´ve had in mind for a while now…” and just like that, she placed both hands over his shoulders.

He smiled, ignoring her truth intentions. Little by little, she applied more and more force over him, pushing him slowly down, until, he fell on his knees.

“Wow, heh, uhmm… why was that for?” he asked, playing it cool.

“It´s time for you to kneel before your goddess.” She spoke.

He blinked. “Goddess…? Is this some sort of roleplay? Cause I´m not into…”

“QUIET!” she declared with a loud and demanding tone. “You don´t get to speak unless I ask you to.” He swallowed as he stared up at her. What was going on?

“Now, turn to the floor and praise for me.” She spoke.

He did as she said, mainly because she was a giant. He turned placed his both hands on the floor and turn his gaze down, looking at her huge bare feet.

“Good… now, kiss my feet.” She spoke.

“Wha…?” he was about to talk.

“SHUT!” she said as she raised one of her feet and placed it over his back, pressing him hard to the ground, still, not hard enough to actually break something. “I´m being too kind with you, now, KISS-MY-FEET!” she commanded.

He did as she said, swallowing any pride that was on him and just, as a way to beg for his life, chose to listen to her.

“Listen now, whatever I say goes. Anything that comes out of my mouth will be a command for you. And you better listen, or else…” and she pressed him harder to the floor, making him couch. He could feel his ribs bending. That wasn´t good.

He could see his face turning red, he needed air, so she let him go.

He took a deep breath, desperate and then rose on his knees and hands.

“Good, I think this little lesson will be enough… for now.” She said with an evil aura around her. It seems like Amy was not looking for a date, but for an excuse to treat a man like trash.

“I don´t get it, I really don´t… “be careful with men”, “take care of men”, if you can, help him out” blah blah blah.” She said almost spitting at the floor. “Ugh, disgusting. We´re goddesses among men, why should we as women look for a piece of trash like YOU? What have you done to deserve it?” she said.

It seems she has some sort of hate towards the male population. Sadly, she was his date.

“You know, I never actually found a reason to care for a man. In my opinion, you should worship us, we´re bigger, stringer, smarter. You should be our servants. A woman should have the right to have as many man as she pleased… don´t you agree?” she leaned above him, waiting for his answer.

“Well… Ah, I…” What should he say?

“Don’t speak, that wasn´t actually a question. I don´t care if you agree or not.” She spoke.

Matt was in trouble; he was beneath a giant woman who seemed to be a huge red light for him. His question was, when this date´s over, is she going to let him go?

She walked around him, she told him not to move, to stay still. He did as she said.

“There must be a way out… or, what´ll happen if I leave? I accepted her request… am I going to be penalized? Fuck, where to run…?” he wondered as she walked. Immense, with her hands on her hips. Walking by him. Threatening.

“Now now… what to do with you?” she said. “Should I step on you? Nah… should I SIT on you? Maybe… or maybe you´d like it… hmmm, what to do, what to do?” she wondered what a nice punishment will be. But why should he be punished.

Matt had only made one mistake, accept her request.

“Got it!” She spoke, “now, get UP!” she ordered.

He did as she said and stood back up. She was a menace. He turned at the open door, wondering if he could outrun her. But her legs were like two feet taller than him. He had no chance.

Just as he was about to look back at her. She slapped him on the face, with one single hand that covered his whole face. It only took one blow to set him back on the floor. He fell right on his butt. He wondered if she had broken his nose, it hurt like hell. For sure, his whole face was red now, it felt like burning.

“Nope… that wasn´t it…” she said, feeling too little with it. She wanted more.

“UP!” she said once again, and he just did as she said.

Once he was back on his feet, she said: “Do you think I´m pretty?”

He had no clue why she asked that, but as she found no answer, she aksed once more: I SAID! DO YOU THINK I´M PRETTY?!”

“YES.” De yelled, fearing what will come next.

“Hmm, that´s what I thought.” Suddenly, Amy bent and reached for him with her hand. She engulfed his head with her log fingers and started to rise him, up in the sky.

Matt squirmed, he tried to break free, but her grip was too strong. Before knew it, she rose him at her shoulder level. His gaze was set on her boobs. And his neck, it hurt like hell.

“Men men men, always saying whatever women want whenever they´re in danger. But you can´t help it, can you?” she spoke.

He just rose his hands and took hold of her hand. There was no way he could get free, but he could at least hang in there to reduce the tension on his neck.

“I mean, look at you, weak…” she poked him with her index finger hard on his chest, “Fragil…” she poked him again, “you couldn´t fight back even if you wanted to…” she was torturing him.

She had complete control over him. There was no way to escape, whatever she had in mind, Matt will have to go all the way thru it. Unless. He could get a hold of his phone. He could call the Dame from the other day, or even his bartender friend. He only had to get it while she´s not looking.

Meanwhile, she continued. “Seriously, why do we women still need men? We´re the one´s who work, who drive, who take care of the bills… you don´t even have to get a job.” She looked straight at him, “I mean, you could live the rest of your days inside my purse while I get things done… or…” and she rose him higher, above her.

“Ouch…” he complaint.

“Or I could use that dick of yours… maybe place you in front of me… inside my pants, so that you can satisfy me all day long. I´m sure you won´t have any problem maintaining an erection… and I think this is a common practice… somewhere, at least no one will see you down there.” She declared, to which, he swallowed in fear.

Amy had some twisted plans, but there was no way she could keep him with her. As soon as his date´s over, he´ll be free… hopefully. But he didn´t anticipate what she did next.

“Let´s see…” she said as she guided her enormous hand towards his pants. He thought she wanted to do it, right now. But he was wrong. She searched for something on his pockets. A phone.

“Got it.” she declared as she took the tiny phone from him.

“H-hey!” he protested.

“QUIET! I don´t want to hear a word from you… maybe, if I open your app, then we can extend this date. Prolong it and have some fun.” She grinned as she held the diminutive device on her gigantic hands.

“S-she can´t… can she?” he wondered as he watched the gigantic woman in fear. What if she made him her boyfriend? So far, she´s done with him what she pleased. She could easily unlock the device and start him over with her. Send a request to him and accept it using his account. A perfect plan.

Matt was in danger, he couldn´t take that risk. What if she kept him prisoner like she said? He had to find a way out. He couldn´t force his way out. Or rip his head to ran away. His heart was racing, his breath quickened. His only option was one, cry for help.

As she attempted to use the tiny screen with her overly big fingers, he let out a loud scream.

“HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLPP!!!” He yelled to the top of his lungs.

“SOMEONE! PLEASE, HELP MEEEEEE!” he needed help, but, the closest person was Amy, who seemed really pissed by him.

She placed her huge hand on his mouth, covering his whole face and said: “Sshhhhh! Didn´t I told you not to SPEAK!” she said.

He was in trouble, as darkness filled his vision, he trembled as to what this woman was up to. For him, it seemed as if this was her first time torturing a man, but no woman had to do much to over power a man. With the huge height and strength difference, even a “small” pinch from her will leave a bruise.

She removed her hand and allowed him to breathe again, but she was not done, she pulled him up from his shirt, rose him up to meet her face and said: “Now, I think it´s time for you to stay still for a while, and if I hear any more screaming… you´ll regret it.” She sounded very serious with that last part.

What does Amy have in store for him?



Oh no! Sounds like he’s in trouble. What’s his best course of action, here? Submit or fight?


Either way, she could easily get what she wants... but I have an idea in mind for the next chapter, not gonna lie, it´ll include some maternal tags hehe