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New chapter, this time, I´ve sort of skipped the whole past of our main character and focussed on his current situation. Now, it´s time to talk more about Diana...

Hope you like it :D

Mike sat on the kitchen´s table, just admiring the way Diana cooked. She seemed so skilled chopping everything. Pouring the ingredients on the pot. He was amazed.

After a little while, Abby stepped in the room. “It smells delicious.” She said.

“Thank you, I´m making a stew.” Replied Diana smiling. “Maybe, I could also bake something, you know, as a dessert.” She added.

“Sure… but no worries, I think the stew alone will be fine.” Declared Abby as she walked closer to Mike and then whispered to his ear: “I don´t think she needs dessert…” she spoke, in a secret funny way.

Mike frowned, he was curious, so he asked: “What do you mean?” trying not so speak too loud either.

Abby sat next to him. The table was a couple feet away from the stove where Diana was; and she was too busy with the stew either way. She won´t listen to what they say.

“I mean…” said Abby, “Just, look at her, pay close attention, don´t you notice anything different?” she asked.

Mike turned at her, but all he could see were Diana´s breasts. They were so big, so round. He craved to put hands into them. But he couldn´t. He kept looking, her same glasses, a nice outfit, manicured fingers, her boobs… her usual long hair, a nice blouse, her breasts… some flat shoes, her big tits… he couldn´t focus enough, her boobs were magnificent. At her cheering height of 5´11”, she had an enormous rack. Even if she was tall, they were still too big on her. “hold on…” he stopped to think, “Were they… bigger?”

He had to be sure, cause that´s the only different thing he could notice, her tops seemed a little tighter than they should, was it maybe just today or… could that be?

“What… uhm, I…” he couldn´t really admit he thought it were her boobs, he had to lie a little so he said: “Is her blouse too… tight?” he asked, omitting where the tightness was.

“Bingo.” Said Abby with her mouth, but no sound really came out.

He was right? How?

“It´s too obvious, just, think about it…” she started whispering at him. “She wears those teacher-librarian styled outfits. Loose skirts, puffy tops, I mean, she doesn´t wear anything but them. And, since she´s got a personal bathroom at her room… well, she comes out already dressed… don´t you wonder…” and she approached to Mike and whispered to his ear “Why she doesn´t show more of her body?” he had an idea, but it was wrong for sure.

Having a better look of Diana´s body will be a wish come true for him. Her breasts were big enough to stand out, not even her loose outfits will hide those monstruous tits. But, he had a question, is her ass that amazing? Are her legs long and smooth pillars of thick flesh? He had no idea. But he was sure that it was not the answer Abby was expecting, so he lied.

“Uhmm, is she, like, shy?” he said.

“Well, not quite, she´s more like, hiding something?” Abby said.

His heart started beating hard inside his chest, he was excited. Her mere casual talk was making him crave to see her nude body. “And, what is she hiding?” he asked.

“It´s obvious… but I´ll tell you…” she said as she got closer to him and said straight to his ear in a low tone, just for him to listen. “She´s hiding her belly.”

“What?” he said, pushing back.

“Shhhh, you heard me… can´t you see? She´s been putting some pounds on… it´s actually no big deal, I really don´t know why I´m telling you this, but just… pay attention.” Abby declared.

Mike turned, now, only looking at her abdominal region. While she was sideways, he could notice her bally bulking more than usual. Standing out more than it should. And no, it was not the apron the one causing it. In fact, it seemed fairly tight.

“See?” she said.

After that, the three of them sat together and ate lunch, like usual. But this time, Mike had other things in mind, other than Diana´s huge rack.

“Fat? Is she getting fat?” he wondered.

Maybe that wouldn´t be so bad. Perhaps, having someone curvy around the house would have its benefits. For him of course. He could even witness the whole weight gain process as time goes by.

How her clothes are getting tighter. How she constantly needs bigger sizes. It´ll be like some sort of expansion. Her body will grow as her features become softer and rounder.

He swallowed hard, almost chocked with the food as he already imagined her ass getting huge and her breasts becoming massive.

“What do you think? Is it tasty?” Diana asked.

“Sure it is, you´re a great chef” replied Abby with a wink.

Mike just nodded, feeling kind of embarrassed.

After lunch. Mike had settled his mind. He wanted to see. He was curious as to how Diana´s belly will look. How soft could it be? How big had it got?

He had never seen her mid region bare before. Not like Tessa or Abby who sometimes wore crop tops. Diana was different. Perhaps, a little more conservative.

But he had to see. He walked upstairs and headed into her room. He stopped a few feet away from the door. He could see a crack on the door, a place where he could peep at her.

He sneaked closer. Maybe he could have a good look of her, or even. What if she strips? How would it be for him to see a woman twice his size stripping sexily as he stares? Maybe it was something wrong to do, but he wasn´t thinking straight now.

He approached to the door and looked. “Come on, where are you?” he thought as he scanned the room thru the small line of free space he had.

“Are you looking for me?” asked Diana coming in from behind him.

His heart began to race as he turned. He had not idea she wasn´t at her room. “I… I´m, well, I…” he replied nervously.

“You know, our session doesn´t start until like, an hour… do you want to start earlier, is that it?” she asked, genuinely thinking that was it.

He lied. “Sure, that´s it… I mean, if you´re free.”

“Sure thing… come in.” she said pushing him in with her larger hands. Given the size difference and the suspected weight gain, she easily pushed him in.

Just like any other day, Mike couldn´t say a word or protest whenever one of the girls caught him luring at them. He always let them tell what he was “doing”. Else, he thought he´ll mess up and since he was a terrible liar, reveal his true intentions.

Also, it was hard not to comply with either of them, given the fact that the smallest of them was Abby, and she was like thirty-two inches taller. They were bigger and much stronger. When Diana pushed him in, there was no way for him to resist.

“Ok Mike, today…” she spoke, grabbing one of her books from one of her book shelves. She had a ton of them.

Diana´s room was, not the average room. She had a huge collection of books. Some old, some new. She had at least three shelves filled with hundredths of books. Some thicker than others. And she was also very organized.

He didn´t question her when she said they were accommodated by alphabetical order.

“Hmmm, no, not this one…” she changed her mind. Everything was on it´s place, but she didn´t feel like using that book. She had no idea what to choose. Today, she was fairly busy and didn´t plan ahead what their lesson will be.

Meanwhile, Mike was sitting on one of Diana´s pink chairs in front of her desk. Normally, they used the big dining room´s table for this, but, from time to time, they were at her room.

He liked those private moments cause, there was no one but her to notice if he was looking at her boobs while she spoke. On the living room, well, it was a very big and open space, anyone could step in and caught him.

Right now, Mike was not even sure if he wanted to read or be taught anything, since Abby mentioned the weight gain, his brain was stuck with that idea. Should he ask? Was he allowed to talk about it? He had no idea how Diana will feel about it.

Maybe she doesn´t care, or maybe she does. However, he was starting to feel uneasy about it. He was dangling his feet desperately as he decided what to do.

Then Diana turned back at him holding a big book on her hands, a geography one, “ Ok, I think we can make a pop quiz about Europe´s capitals, don´t you agree?” he saw it.

When she turned, he could see how her belly was bulging on her clothes. Other than her tremendous breasts, she always had a slim figure, but it seems that she was accumulating some extra fat down there.

“Wow, it´s true…” he thought as he allowed his mouth to open.

“Mike… is everything ok?” she asked towards his dumbfounded look.

“Oh… yes, I… everything´s cool…” she lied, turning up to her, trying to ignore her swollen mid-section.

Diana was no full, she noticed he was looking at something, more like someone, her. So far, she didn´t mind that he was looking at her breasts so much. She got it, they were big and he was a man. But, her belly, his eyes were pinned at her belly, and that bothered her.

“Ughhh, is it that obvious?” she asked putting the closed book on the side.

“What?” he asked, trying to play dumb.

“It´s ok Mike, you can tell me… I don´t mind.” She spoke.

“Tell you…?” he asked.

“Come on!” she raised her tone for a second. “I… I knew I couldn´t hide it forever. But it´s not my fault.” She declared.

He swallowed. But it seemed natural, having a belly is not something a slim girl like her will get used to.

“It´s just that, with all the work, and… and the bakery they opened in front of the library… plus, I haven´t had time to work out… I know Mike, I know what you were looking at.” She knew, of course she did.

“I´m not… not looking at…” he tried to say, but she cut him off.

“It´s fine, I knew that sooner or later, someone was going to point that out.” She said, placing her hands on her hips and letting her belly to bulk out.

He was amazed. It seems like she was trying to tuck it in. Pull it in, trying not to breathe too hard. She just released her breath and her belly popped out. If it grew any bigger, then she´ll pop out one of her blouse´s buttons.

“Oh…” he said as he rose his eyebrows.

What was it? What was it in looking at her belly popping out that caught his attention? He had no clue, but he had some interest in it.

“I´m getting fat.” She declared, “At first, well, I thought what can a pound or two do? But before I knew it, I had this huge belly growing on me… and you wanna know what the worst part is? My boobs are getting bigger.” He swallowed hard.

Of course, her top-heavy figure will augment as she gains weight. He wouldn´t mind if she thickened her whole body, but he will crave to see her breasts swelling from her top.

Diana stood thirty-five inches taller than him. Almost three whole feet. Her boobs were giant balloons standing high out of his reach. And if they got bigger and heavier, then they´ll begin to fall closer to his reach.

For an instance he fantasized about her breasts inflating and popping out of her top. Round and soft breasts at full display, teasing him with their swollen look.

“Ufff… I know I haven´t told you this but…” she started, “I used to be in the volleyball team, I know you can´t picture me wearing those tiny uniforms.” He could, and he definitely liked the idea, but she continued talking.

“It used to be so easy to maintain my figure, and I could eat all I wanted, that´s cause I burn it all out during practice… but now, oh my,” and she placed her both hands on her bulging belly, picking it up a bit.

Mike was perplexed, the top of his head was leveled with that round gut of hers. It was strangely exciting to see when she let her belly fall. How it quacked. She was filled with stew and together with her already storage fat, it giggled like jelly.

“I´m getting HUGE!” she said.

Certainly, she was huge, compared to him at least. Her legs were as tall as his shoulders, and her breasts, well, they had certainly gotten way bigger than his head.

“I think,” he started, “I think that´s fine, you know… anyone will judge you if you got any… any bigger…” he said almost begging her to stuff herself until she turned into a curvaceous goddess whose breasts swelled round and out of her tops.

“Awww, that´s something really cute for you to say… but NO.” she declared dryly. “No one should mention it, cause that´s rude, but I want to get back in shape.” She had already planned it way ahead.

“Y-you do?” he asked, almost feeling down.

“YES, I want to lose this, ugh, this bulk in here.” She just sank a finger on her belly.

Mike simply nodded.

“And I have the perfect idea. I could join YOU and Tessa while you work out.” She declared.

That thought didn´t cross Mike´s mind, not even for a second. But it seemed logical. He was not the most active man there was, but since Tessa moved in, he gave himself some time to work out from time to time.

At first during weekends, then every other day, and now, he was working out every two days. Tessa worked out almost every day, maybe taking a rest every third day. But she could take it, she had been working out for years now, while he was barely starting.

He wasn´t sure how he got into it. But just one day like any others, he walked into Tessa´s room and saw her working out.

He felt elated as he saw her tight butt flexing under those colorful tight bottoms. Tight yoga pants of a bright pink that, not only accentuated their peachy-round shape, but they also didn´t let much to imagination.

When she asked if he wanted to join her, he just accepted, mostly because he wanted her to think he was eager to exercise and that he wasn´t luring at her.

After the first session, he was spent. He was the most unathletic person he knew. But now, well, he was still skinny, but he had some more stamina now. And another thing that helped him continue was the fact that he could lure at Tessa as he “counts” her reps.

He was like her workout partner, but in reality he was the guy who stares at the hot chick while she works out.

Now, having Diana joining them, that´s something else. He could already imagine her breasts bouncing in the air as she runs thru the treadmill. Her soft bosom quaking as she does her cardio. He was looking forward to it.

“SURE!” he said, not hiding his enthusiasm very much, “I… I mean, we´d love if you joined us.” He said, looking forward to see Diana wearing tight GYM clothes, and not her usual long skirts and loose tops.

“Ok then, it´s settled, I´ll be your third wheel during your work out sessions… I think I can still remember by routine, or I can ask Tessa for some help.” She declared, which will be easier.

And just like that, another of the girls had joined him during his “workout” sessions. It was more like stare at her body while she works out sessions. But he still exercised too.

But he was helpless. They were so much taller than him, and so sexy. He will be sharing the room with two goddesses as he attempts to work out.

On a side, he´ll have Tessa´s round ass flexing while she… actually, every day seems to be leg-day for her, so she mostly does sit ups and other related exercises. Like lunges, calves raising, leg bridges. Things like that.

And, on the other hand, even if he wasn´t sure what type of exercises Diana will do, he was sure enough that her boobs will be bouncing all over the place. He could already picture the towering woman sweating, her body wet and hot. He was getting turned on.

“That´s settled then, starting tomorrow I´ll join you both… at what time do you guys usually work out?” she asked, bending a little to meet his face.

“Oh, well…” he started, coming back from his naughty thoughts. “Around six, you know, when Tessa´s back from work.” He said.

“Ok then, tomorrow at six.” She said, self-ensured and very decided to work out.

He smiled up at her, trying to imagine her body in those tight pants, with a tight top… he had no idea how she´ll look. But whatever she wore, will definitely take his breath away.

“Family… I´m HOOOOME!” said Tessa walking in.

“What´s with that? We´re not related, you know that right?” said Abby, not wasting her chance to point the obvious.

“Oh I know, but I just felt like saying it, you should try it, it´s funny. Like in one of those old TV shows where…”

“You know what, I don´t care, do it, don’t do it, that´s none of my business” said Abby as she walked into her room.

“Ok, sure thing” said Tessa maintaining a positive attitude.

She and Abby were not like against each other or anything, but sometimes Abby felt like all of that extreme positiveness and unnecessary over-happiness were a little too much. It´s completely natural to be sad sometimes, but Tessa was always smiling. Which seemed illogical. But no one could blame her for always looking at a half full glass.

“Well, loke who´s here.” Said Diana looking at her watch. “just in time.”

“What?” Mike wondered. “It´s five already?!” He started to get anxious, Tessa was here, which only meant that…

“Miiiiiike, I´m home.” Said Kate´s voice, rumbling thru Mike´s ears.

He was afraid, he was trying to enlist all of the things he was supposed to do, and trying to remember if he had done all of them.

“Mike… Mike… MIKE!” said Diana, trying to call his attention. He seemed as if he was about to hyperventilate. Explode even. He seemed utterly anxious.

“Mike look at me, it´s fine… why are you worried?” she said, kneeling in front of him, still taller than him.

“I… I just, I need to know if I finished my, my shores.” He replied.

Diana could already see that coming. He knew he was still afraid of Kate. “Listen, she won´t get mad if you´re not done, you can do it tomorrow, there´s no rush.” She spoke, as comprehensive as ever.

“B-but what if she get´s mad?” he said.

“I assure you she won´t. Trust me, we already talked about it long ago. She already apologized for it. And, she said she won´t even do it again. Don´t worry, I´m here to protect you, remember.” And just like that, she leaned closer and wrapped her arms around him.

He was scared, enough not to notice her enlarged breasts pressing against his chest. Right above his collar bones.

Deep inside, Mike was afraid of Kate. One day, she did something that terrified him, even traumatized him. That´s the main reason why Diana moved in. She wasn´t lying when she said she was there to protect him.

It´s not like Kate was trying to kill him or anything, but the way she acted, the things she did, well, a man standing half her size won´t be able to do much to stop her if there´s even a second time. That´s why Diana, being the second tallest person on the house, decided to move in. To ensure Mike he was safe.

“Shh shh, relax Mike, no one´s going to hurt you…” said Diana as she hugged him tighter.

Still, he was afraid. And as he heard the sound of Kate´s heels coming closer, his heart began to beat faster.

“Here you are… aren´t you gonna say hi?” said Kate stepping into the room.


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