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Well, I said I was supposed to make short terms and such but, with this particular story, I´m thinking, should it be a long term?

Honestly, I´d love to make more chapters here, given the fact that the topic has just so much potential for much more than just another couple chapters. That´s why I´d like to know if you agree on it.

If there´s more chapters then, there could me more dates for our main character Matt. At first, I thought of maybe 5 or 6 dates, but if I turn it into a long term, then I can put a lot more characters for him to date.

BTW, I´ll be leaving the story on the same tier, only that I´ll be making more chapters.

Having said that, feel free to vote for it, should it be turned into a long term or be kept as a short term. I´ll let you know the results by the next time I post a chapter. (Which will be like in three weeks cause I was supposed to update "At The Lady´s House" today, but no worries, I´ll post the next chapter by next week.)



Is there a possible vote for looooooonnnnggggg term? 🤞🏻


Haha, like a never ending long term... could be, I mean, this story has soooo much possibilities; I hope I´m able to explore them all. But sure, I´ll make it as long as I possibly can.