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Hello everybody, I hope you´re doing great!

Here´s the new chapter, and I must say, things are going to get quite interesting from now on.

I really hope you like this chapter :D

Jonathan remained where he was, sitting at the kitchen´s table. Lillian had left just a couple minutes ago, and all the while, he couldn´t help but to think about what she said.

“Ok ok, so, first of all, she´s always offering milk to me, which is pretty weird… unless she´s kind of a sponsor for the brand… but I really don´t think so. Second of all, I did start shrinking at the same time I started drinking from the milk… which is about the same time I moved in… FUCK! It´s so freakin´ confusing.” Jonathan was starting to consider the milk was shrinking him, but why would it be, and besides, if Lillian said she has had that same milk for years, how come she hasn´t shrink? He needed answers, and now.

“Ok, this is what it´s going to happen…” he started, “the ONLY way I´m drinking more milk is if she does too, but this time, it´ll be a reasonable amount, not just a sip like the one Melissa had, no, if I have to have a glass full of milk, then she does too.” He thought.

Jonathan needed to be sure that it wasn´t the milk the one that was causing his shrinking. He was really suspicious now since he had never seen Lillian had any of it, not even a sip. This time, to discard the milk, he needed prove, he needed to see Lillian drink it too.

On some other place of the city, Melissa was having lunch. She had been busy the whole day, lucky for her, lunch time was the perfect break. Time to nourish the body and set your mind away from work. But first, she checked on her phone, as usual.

“Ok, let´s see what do we have here…” she unlocked her phone and started checking on her new notifications, some were e-mails, a few messages, news, and below all that, she found two missed calls, both from Jonathan.

“Oh…” then she smiled, she thought it was cute from him to call her, “Maybe he needs me…” and she giggled at that thought. Even if she was really busy at work, she couldn´t help but to think on Jonathan a few times, wondering how he is. She didn´t notice any of the effects of the milk on her, other than waking up with her nipples hard, there was no change. Her clothes fitted, and everything seemed as always.

“Oh, right… he doesn´t know I´m… the same.” She thought, maybe Jonathan called to check if the milk had any effects on her after she left. Probably, but the real reason was because Jonathan needed someone; Melissa ignored the true reasons for his call, but she decided to call him back after work, she was half way done anyways.

“I´ll just keep it in mind and I´ll call him when I get home, who knows, maybe I can pay him a little visit…” she thought as she put her phone away and dig into her meal.

Back at Jonathan´s place, he heard the door, finally, Lillian came back. He was suspicious, it took her quite some time; if he was fair, she may have as well done something else, she went to her place, maybe she picked up her mail or some other thing. Taking long doesn´t mean she´s pouring some chemicals on the gallon, but still, he had his doubts.

“Sorry for the delay honey, I forgot to take out the trash…” she said as she walked into the kitchen.

“No problem” he replied, still thinking about his plan.

“Ok so… where do you store your glasses sweetheart?” she asked with the full gallon in hand.

“Oh, they´re… in the cabinet on the corner…” he replied.

“Ok” she said as she turned and walked over there. Jonathan couldn´t help but to stare at her butt as she walked. It was mesmerizing, it´s mere size made him feel even smaller, but the truth is, he didn´t care. He watched her butt flesh sway from side to side as she gave some heavy strides thru the kitchen. She was big, really big, and now, the show was just for him. He swallowed, and then he noticed his member was getting hard, lucky for him, it was all covered by the loose fabric of the shirt.

“Here they are…” said Lillian as she grabbed a glass out of the cabinet.

“Are you… are you having milk too?” he asked, he was nervous but if he wanted to be sure, then she needed to drink too.

“Sorry?” she asked, hoping she got it wrong.

“Aren´t you drinking milk too, you only grabbed a glass…” he said, hopping she didn´t suspect a thing, but why would she.

“Oh I´m…” she wasn´t sure, was it possible that he suspected the milk was the cause of his shrinking? She had no clue, but if she wanted to make sure he didn´t find out, then she must drink too. “of course I am, I just, you know, I thought it would be rude if I drank from it without your permission…” she said, trying to give an excuse.

“But… the milk´s yours, I mean, I´d be a dick if I minded…” he said.

“Language….” She thought as she grabbed a second glass.

Lillian closed the cabinet´s door and walked back to the table. Jonathan could see the milk moving inside the gallon, he feared that the white liquid was the cause of all, but he got distracted as he turned his eyes up, to watch Lillian, she was smiling at him. He only saw her smile for a second before his gaze turned into somewhere else, her breasts.

Lillian placed the gallon and the glasses on the table, her boobs bounced generously as she did. Jonathan was staring directly at them, but when he noticed it was more than obvious, he turned. And not only a little, he turned completely to the side, at the wall at his left.

“Awww, how cute, he got nervous…” Lillian thought, of course she knew he ogled at her, but she didn´t mind, if he couldn´t help it then he won´t be able to resist her when she´s ready to take him in. “Don´t worry sweetheart, I don´t mind…” she thought as she watched him with a tender smile.

Seconds later, she opened the gallon, she made sure to keep the cap sealed, to avoid any misunderstandings this time. Jonathan could see and listen to the seal when it broke, so he was sure it was a brand-new gallon. She poured the liquid on both glasses and gave one to him.

She took the other one and sat on the other side of the table. Jonathan couldn´t believe how her enormous and sensuous body moved with such grace, but he had to focus. He needed to see her drink, so he stood there without taking a sip of the glass.

“What´s the matter honey, aren´t you thirsty?” Lillian asked, with some worry at the fact that he could already know about the milk.

“Oh, ehm… no” he replied as he grabbed the glass. Lillian had picked the biggest glasses he had, they were plastic ones, the extra-large ones that they give away on fast food restaurants, but he kept them just in case. It´s size meant for him to use both hands. Now, he carried the heavy glass all the way to his mouth thinking: “Come on Jonathan, think of something… don´t just do as she says, else, how would you know…” and then, he had an idea.

“Does it smell bad?” he asked lowering the glass carefully.

“Sorry?” Lillian asked.

“Ehm, the milk, don´t you think it smells a little… off?” he asked.

“Well, it´s new, I believe it arrived yesterday…” she lied, meaning she filled the gallon yesterday.

“I… I don´t know…” he said trying to be more persuasive, “Maybe… can you try it first?” he asked.

Lillian´s eyes opened wide, she looked at the milk, she ignored the effects it may have on her. What if she shrank too… well, that wouldn´t be so bad, maybe she can start buying clothes that are normal sized… but why did he wanted her to drink first? She was curious, but she already set her mind on drinking the milk, so why not being the first one to do it.

She picked the glass, with one hand, then drove it to her face, “Well, it smells quite nice actually…” she thought as she then drank from the glass. She poured the same amount on each glass, so that he wasn´t more suspicious. She drank, and drank. Before she put the glass back on the table, she had already drink half of it.

“Well, it was really tasty… as always.” She said not wanting to show Jonathan it was the first time she tasted the milk.

Jonathan had finally seen her drinking the milk. The tasty white colored nectar was now inside of her too, for once, it made him feel a little more ensured about it. If she knew there was something wrong with the milk, then it wouldn´t have been so easy for her to drink it; and she drank quite a lot actually. But, he didn´t feel so ensured, part of him still wanted to wait, he needed more prove that there were no delayed effects or maybe something else that triggered the effects… he had no clue. He stood there, just watching his glass, looking at the white plain liquid on it.

“Drink it…” Lillian said, Jonathan turned at her as she kept talking, “I think the milk´s good, so there shouldn´t be any problem if you drink it sweetheart.” She smiled at him. She could see the concern on his face, so she needed to ensure him everything was ok. At least for her. If Jonathan kept drinking the milk, then it will be only a matter of time before she gets what she wants.

Lillian was still unsure whether to tell him or now, but she decided she will confess once things are right where she wants them. Maybe by then, Jonathan will accept his fate. “Just look at him…” she thought, “his head barely clears the table… after this glass, I´m sure you´ll need a booster seat…” she kept thinking.

Jonathan swallowed hard as he took hold of the glass again. “Ok, just… just take a small sip, no one said you had to finish the whole glass… maybe I can pretend I´m really full… yes! That´s it, a small sip and I´ll wait for things to happen… but, what if it´s not the milk? FUCK! How can assure it?” his head was a mess now, he couldn´t think straight. He needed to test it on someone else, but he couldn´t if he was supposed to still drink it. But there´s one thing for sure, if he drinks it and Lillian does too, then there should be a similar effect on both.

For once, if they have the same amount, then, later or maybe by tomorrow, their height difference will remain the same. And if he drinks less than her, then the height gap will be reduced.

“Ok Jonathan, keep calm, just remember, you´re leveled with…” and he couldn´t help but to feel excitement as he recalled his eyes are leveled with her pussy. He swallowed again, but this time, due to the images of Lillian´s immense body that were flying in his head. Her body, the thickness, how it giggled, it was a very erotic display of short memories he could recall. “Fuck, let´s do it…” that was his last thought before he started drinking.

He took a small sip as he planned, but he ignored one thing, he was weak. When it came to the milk, his other senses seem to fail, leaving his mind blurry as he could only smell the sweet scent of the creamy liquid. Then, his mouth began to swallow, one mouthful after another. He couldn´t see what he was doing, it seemed as if the milk had a bigger impact on him than before. He kept drinking as Lillian could hear him taking deep breaths. He swallowed three times, then made a pause to breathe, and began once again.

He didn´t notice, but the glass had become significantly lighter as he kept drinking. Lillian was amazed, he seemed to be in some sort of trance. “I guess he can´t help it…” she started thinking, “But… I must admit, it is quite good.” She then took hold of the glass once again and drank from it, but only two sips. “Wow, it is quite tasty… and this comes from me?” she wondered.

As she kept thinking about it, Jonathan was still busy with his glass, he didn´t stop, he wanted more and more. Lillian could see the bottom of the glass rising higher and higher as he kept swallowing. “Oh my, is he… is he going to finish it all in one go?” she was surprised, but part of her enjoyed it.

Then, Jonathan left the glass on the table, empty, as he took long deep breaths. Then, he realized one thing, he was full, really full. “Oh… I think I shouldn´t have done that…” he took hold of his guts; he was so bloated. He had already eaten the most he could from the burger, and then he drank the whole glass of milk, he felt as if he was going to explode. He burped, loud and clear. It seemed as if his stomach wanted to make space, so it led out all of the air and gases inside him. He felt slightly better after.

“Oh… s-sorry I…” he forgot Lillian was there, his face turned red in embarrassment.

“Don´t worry honey, you know what they say, it only means you enjoyed the food.” She said as she realized something. She stood up and started walking in Jonathan´s direction.

He had no clue what was going on, he just watched her as she approached. Then, she took a napkin and said: “Let me…” and then, she whipped his face. It seemed that the milk had sticked on his upper lip, he could feel her big hands cleaning his face on a tender yet firm way. He didn´t know what to say other than “Thank you.”

“You´re welcome…” she said with a sweet tone as she went back to her seat.

He was still very bloated, lucky for him, he didn´t wanted to vomit. Now, he really could take no more, not even a mint. On the other hand, his plans had been blown away, now, he will not be sure if the milk´s the cause of it, unless…

“So… aren´t you gonna finish your milk?” he asked Lillian, he knew it sounded more as if he wanted to force her to do it, but he needed her to finish the glass, fully. Only that way he´ll be sure. It seemed logical that their bodies shrank the same if they drank an equal amount.

“Oh, sure…” she replied. She knew he was eager for her to do so; he was suspicious of it already. Lillian blamed most of it on that girl Melissa, but if she wanted to play her part, well, then she must finish with her glass.

She took the glass once again and drank from it. She swallowed and swallowed until the glass was empty. Then she placed it back on the table. “Mmmmm, delicious.” She spoke.

Finally, this time Jonathan could make sure the milk was the root of all his shrinking. If Lillian shrank likewise, it only meant that there was something wrong with it, but something wasn´t right. “If she said she has had it for years… then, does it mean it has no effects on her? Or is it the milk that has just recently been affected? FUCK! Why is it so hard to find an answer?” he was unsure about his whole theory.

If she had drank it already, then it means there has been no effects on her, or, she lied and she had never had the milk; maybe, it could only affect men!

“Man, this is so stupid.” He thought.

“Ok, time to clean the table…” Lillian said as she stood up, she couldn´t believe she just drank a full glass of her milk. She was unsure what it will do to her. But maybe this way she can find out what it did to Melissa, unless, it has no effects on her since she´s the “source”. Things were a bit confusing, for both.

“Let me… *YAWN*” Jonathan was about to offer his help as he then let out a loud yawn, then, his eyes turn teary and he started to feel lethargic.

“No, it´s ok, I´ll clean, you can just… maybe just wait for me on the couch, ok?” she said stepping closer.

“O… ok” he replied, he was really sleepy, he was about to hop off the chair when suddenly, he felt a pair of big hands on his sides.

“Down we go” said Lillian giggling as she lowered him to the floor.

He said nothing, and he was half sleep already, but he felt slightly embarrassed. A 26-year-old-man shouldn´t need help to get off a chair. He could get down, at least, but he was tired, he walked straight into the living room, and climbed to the couch. It was hard, but he could still do it.

Lillian had cleaned everything in just a minute, she only had to wash two glasses and the rest was just trash. Also, she stored Jonathan´s half eaten burger on the fridge, together with the gallon of milk.

“Well, it seems we drank quite much of it…” she said as she noticed it was barely half full. “I guess they really were big glasses, but… it´s ok. *yawn*” she was also starting to feel the effects of the milk.

It was the first time she had drank from it, so she ignored that after drinking it, you felt sleepy. Not as much as Jonathan, she was bigger, but she felt as if she could take a nap.

“Ok, maybe… I can go back to my house and have some rest… and then, come back here to check on…” as she was saying that, she walked into the living room, and when she spotted Jonathan, she found him sleeping on the couch.

“Awww, aren´t you cute!” she said looming over him, then, she remembered one thing.

“Ok Jonathan, time to measure you…” and so, she took out a taping measure from her pocket. She made sure to stretch Jonathan´s limbs before measuring him. She did so tenderly and slowly, she didn´t wanted to wake him up. Now, Jonathan went from a cuddled position to being face up fully stretched on the couch.

“Ok, let´s see…” Lillian said as she slowly bent to measure him, as she bent, the weight of her breasts made them fall forward heavily, they stretched to top of her blouse and menaced to pop out; the soft flesh of her boobs seemed to fall from her top, about to break the remaining button and set free.

She stretched the tape, from head to toes, and then, she looked at the measure. She was surprised, her eyebrows rose in amazement, and then, a smile of joy filled her face. She was ecstatic. “Well Jonathan, you really are small, can you believe it, you´re 3´1” amazing!” she said, then she noticed his oversized shirt, it was stained with ketchup. “Well, we need to fix that too… but I guess, you need some new clothes… that´s it! I´ll get some sleep and then I´ll go get some clothes for you, yes I will, but first, we can´t leave you here.”

She lowered herself again, and placed both of her hands under Jonathan, one under his legs and the other one under his head. “There we go, easy…” she said as she picked him up, he was really light and she totally adored that. Then, she placed her head over his shoulder and walked upstairs, into Jonathan´s room.

Her butt wiggled as she walked upstairs, each step only made her ass bounce lightly as the next one did the same. And then, she opened the door to his room, placed him on his bed and covered him with his sheets. “Sleep tight, I´ll be back before you wake up… *Yawn* oops, sorry.” She whispered.

She closed the door slowly, trying to make no sound, and then, she went downstairs, looking for her purse. Suddenly, she heard something, a phone ringing. “Oh, it must be his phone… let´s see who is it.” She said as she searched for it, lucky for her, it was next to the couch. But her joy was vanished when she saw the name of the person who was calling. “Melissa”.

“Ugh, it´s her.” She said with a sour tone. “I´m sorry Melissa, but Jonathan´s sleeping, call him later…” she said as she put the phone on silent mode, that way she won´t wake him up if she keeps calling.

She left the phone where it was, then she exited the house, but she forgot to lock the door from inside; moments later, she found herself back at her house. She left her purse next to the front door, walked upstairs to her room and just fell backwards over her bed.

All of her body giggled when she fell, her thick thighs, her slightly tummy and even more, her monstruous tits were the ones who were quaking the most, they moved inward and forward as they accommodated. *YAWN* “Oh boy, I´m really falling asleep… ok then, let´s give the body what it wants…” and so she closed her eyes.

Before she noticed, she was sleeping already, now, it was time for the effects of her milk to show. Her body will now begin to show what the milk does to women, currently, there´s something happening to her pants, more precisely, the button; Lillian´s body seems to be expanding, the fabric around her waist it´s stretching, barely able to contain her body, and then *pop* the button flew in the air, suddenly, the zipped of her pants ran down, but not because she unzipped it, but because of the mass augmentation that´s now taking place on her.

Her pants were also becoming shorter, rising higher on her legs. And her boobs, they broke the remaining button of her top and wiggled as they did. Lillian´s body seemed to be swelling out all over, you could hear the seams of her clothes stretching and even ripping, her bigger body needed more space. But the change will not only affect Lillian, Jonathan also drank from the milk, the question is, how short will he get?



yeeessss - I love this story. Only way this gets better is if Lillian grows! Edit: oh crap, I left that comment before I read. YES!


This story always leaves you wanting more. It's really good!


Hahaha, I know, at first I wasn´t sure, but I decided to go for it ;)