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Hellooo!!! Here´s the new chapter, and I can´t believe I´ve made it all the way to ten so far (and I thought I didn´t have much ideas for this story LOL), I really hope you like what I did with this chapter :D

Also, I´ll start working on the short-term that comes after "The Lady At The Store", so far I´ve read it and now I´m ready to write what comes next. I´m really excited!

Now, here´s the next chapter, hope you like it :)

“No no no no” he thinks as he steps up. He wanted to have company, but not now. Couldn´t they wait until he found something to wear? But who could it be, Melissa? Lillian?

It could be either of them, Lillian always comes to his door; and he called Melissa, but he forgot his phone downstairs so if she called him, there was no way for him to know, maybe she decided to come since there were two missed calls and if she called back, then there was no answer.


Once again, his bell rang. He wasn´t ready for it, he put a white shirt on and decided to go downstairs. If he pretends as if he wasn´t home, then who knows how long it will be before someone shows up again.

“C-coming!” he yelled from upstairs, but his voice didn´t seem as big as it used to, perhaps, the person at the door wouldn´t be able to hear. He rushed down the steps. Even the steps seemed huge now.


As he made it downstairs, he wondered who could it be? He couldn´t reach the peep hole, so there was no way to tell.

“W-who is it?” he asked, the sound of his voice was smaller than ever, but it made sense. Now, his head was almost level with the door knob.

“Jonathan, honey, is that you?” came a woman´s voice from outside. Jonathan knew for sure it was Lillian who was outside his door.

“Y-yes” he replied.

“Oh honey, I´m so glad you´re home, listen, I bought some burgers. I thought we could have lunch together, would you like that?” she asked in a joyful way.

“I… I´m… I think I c-can´t…” he replied, he didn´t want to turn her down, her nice gesture seemed very considerate, but he´d rather not being spot in underwear by her.

“Aww, why not sweetheart? Is everything ok?” she asked with a sweet tone.

“No, I mean! Y-yes, but… I…” he didn´t knew what to say.

“Honey, why don´t you let me in, if anything´s wrong, maybe I can help you. I don’t think you should be alone.” She said from outside his door.

“B-but, I… there´s…” he didn´t know what excuse to make.

“Did you shrink again sweetheart?” she asked, she knew it wasn´t the best question, but she was eager to know, part of her was craving for it to happen.

“I…” he didn’t want to say it, but she was right, so why would he lie. “Yes.” He said shyly.

“Poor little thing, let me in, I want to see if you´re ok” she added.

“B-but…” he didn´t want her to see him that way, “I´m not… presentable” he said.

“Don´t be silly, it´s ok, I don´t mind if you didn´t shower.” She said, eager than ever to step in and take a look at him.

“But I… do you? I mean, can´t we…” how could he set her away?

“Honey, please let me in.” she insisted, she wasn´t sure why he didn´t wanted, but one thing was for sure, there was a smaller man on the other side of that door, a man who´d fit perfectly in between her arms.

“I don´t…” he said, he was really conscious about opening that door and letting her in.

“JONATHAN! Open this door, right now!” she commanded as she had lost her patience.

He freaked out for a moment, why was she acting that way? Even she ignored the reason for that sudden burst of madness. But if she wasn´t serious, then he wouldn´t open the door. But she didn´t want to scare him, so she added:

“Please.” With a sweet and calm tone.

Jonathan was trembling, but he had no other choice, the door was unlocked so if she decided to push her luck and turn the knob, she´ll be getting in either way, he didn´t want to find out how a mad Lillian looks at his current height. He grabbed the knob, it was enormous compared with his now tiny hand, before he opened it, he said:

“I… I´ll open but, p-please, don´t laugh.” He said feeling embarrassed for what she was about to witness.

“I won´t honey, I promise, just, don´t be shy and open the door… I just want to help.” She said, even if that wasn´t a complete lie, she had her own reasons why she wanted to step in. She needed to see him, she was wondering, how tall was he.

“Maybe he´s not even boob level now… could he be… oh my, what if he´s already leveled with my belly button…” Lillian though, “Awww, I can´t promise I won´t eat him up if he is…” her heart was beating with joy and an urge to see Jonathan´s current state. Just then, the knob turned and the door began to open.

Both of them could see the crack on the door becoming wider and wider as they could now see each other better. And once the door was completely open, each of them had a complete opposite reaction.

Lillian immediately covered her mouth as she had now a good view of Jonathan, he was tiny. On the other hand, Jonathan was speechless, he couldn´t believe how big Lillian had become; actually, he´s the one who has become smaller, but it felt kind of the same.

Now that the door was open, he could compare heights with someone, Lillian, but he didn´t like what he was seeing. Her face was eclipsed by her immense bosom, and her hand was covering it too. But what he could tell now, was that he was no longer boob level with her. Not even belly button level as he didn´t knew she thought.

If he looked straight into her, he´ll find one thing right in front. Her pussy. Jonathan was about waist level with her, he couldn´t believe it. She was two times bigger than him, as he examined her legs, he realized that her thighs were thicker than ever, maybe even bigger than his torso.

Lillian covered her mouth not because of the shock, but because she wanted to hide the big grin she had, he couldn´t see her but she loved it. As she realized he was smaller than she thought, there was only an idea that came to her mind.

“Oh my god! He´s perfect!” she kept scanning him with her eyes, watching how his clothes hung in him, how the neck of his shirt was almost as wide as his shoulders. She couldn´t believe it.

“I can see someone really likes his milk…” she kept thinking, “I bet you already finished the whole gallon, yes you did, but it´s ok, you only want to make me happy… even if you don´t know it.” Her mind had gone into somewhere else, now, she only seemed to care about her selfish needs more than what the little guy in front of her may feel about it.

Jonathan shrugged; he joined his hands together in front of him as he gave her an anxious look. He was worried, and she could tell.

“Aww, don´t be scared Jonathan, it´s ok…” she said as she bent down in front of him and surround him with her arms.

He couldn´t tell, her scent, the warmness of her soft body, even her enormity, there was something in her that just, sooth him. He stopped trembling, now, for some reason, in the arms of his gigantic neighbor, he felt safe. He hugged her, trying to embrace her womanly flesh and just sank his head on her shoulder. At the same time, she caressed his back saying:

“Shh shh, there there, it´s ok, I´m here now… I´ll help you with anything you need…” she knew that as scared as he was, he would look for someone to help him. And most likely, the first person he found will be the one to whom he´ll attach the most, it was just natural. And for her, very convenient.

He was so close to her, but he didn´t get the primal arousal he always got when he saw her sensuous body; he was too concerned to conceive those thoughts. Instead, he embraced her, feeling protected, for some reason, he needed it.

Suddenly, she let go of him and started standing: Jonathan wasn´t ready for that, he needed more time, he tried to attach to her a little longer, but it was useless, she was half way up when he could no longer hold himself. As soon as she stood up, he felt vulnerable again.

Lillian could tell he was scared, maybe not scared by her, but by the size of everything. It must me normal for a man to be afraid of shrinking, even more when you´re waist level with your neighbor.

“Aww, you poor thing…” she thought as she saw him shrugging again. “don´t worry, I´ll make you feel better soon, you´ll love being close to your new… let´s hold up on that for a moment…” she thought because if she pronounced those words, even mentally, she wouldn´t be able to hold herself; she needed a few more time before Jonathan was ready for the next stage of her plan.

For now, it was time to make a more solid relationship with him, sooner or later he´ll figure out that he can´t do everything on his own, that now he depends on other people. And she´d love to be the one he depends on. As she keeps looking at the tiny fret man in front of her, she can´t help but to think how cute he looks. A man on him mid-twenties getting tinier and tinier, she just loves it.

But it´s time to set him away from all the bad thoughts he´s having, she wouldn´t like it for him to be stressed all the time. As she remembers the reason why she went there, she said:

“Look honey, I brought you some lunch…” and she then rose the brown paper bag she held on her right hand all this time. “I thought we could have some lunch together, and I honestly felt a little lazy today, so I went out and order some take out… I hope you like burgers.” She said with a wink of her eye.

Jonathan tried to focus on her words, but the mere presence of the statuesque woman was making him feel kind of anxious. Even if she held the burger bag on her belly level, it was still like half a foot away for him, or at least that´s how he felt it.

“I… uhmm, t-thank you Lillian, you´re really thoughtful.” He said, settling down his troubled mind.

“You´re welcome cutie pie.” She said as she thought: “Lillian? Ok, I´ll let it slip for now, but soon, you won´t be calling me “Lillian” honey.” Jonathan had no clue on what she wanted, not even what her intentions were. He was now a pawn on her game, or maybe the prize?

She stood there for a second, and then she asked: “Say, Jonathan, I don´t mean to be rude but… do you know how tall you are?” she asked quite interested.

“Oh well, I… I don´t know.” He replied turning his gaze at the floor.

“Come on sweetheart, don´t tell me that the first thing you did when you notice this, ehm… change, wasn’t measuring yourself.” She asked, cause that´s what she would´ve done.

“I… no, I just, I don´t want to know…” he said still looking at the floor, with sorrow on his tone.

“Aww, don´t feel sad little one, here, look at me…” she placed her fingers on his chin, which felt enormous for him, and started raising his head, she knew that he shouldn´t be sad, there were a lot of good things to come for him. Things both of them will do together.

“Here, let´s go eat.” She said as she extended her hand at him, she seemed as if she wanted him to hold it and walk to the kitchen with her, but why?

He just watched her now enormous hand as he knew there was no need, the kitchen was just a couple feet away, still, she insisted: “Come on honey, don´t leave me hanging…” she said.

And so, he did, he extended his arm and took hold of her hand. He couldn´t believe it, if it seemed huge, holding it made it feel even bigger, he was sure that he could barely take hold of two of her fingers. She took his hand into hers, which seemed more normal. Jonathan walked all the way to the kitchen holding the hand of his gigantic neighbor. It felt so unreal. It was as if she was guiding him.

He couldn´t help it, as he regained some confidence, he took a glance at her; more precisely, at her but. Her ass seemed ginormous as it swayed from side to side. He was now walking next to Lillian´s thick thighs, the spandex pants she was wearing only made him swallow as they both got into the kitchen.

“Ok, where would you like to sit?” she asked.

“Uhmm, well, here I guess…” he replied as he pointed into the chair right in front of him.

Not even a second passed by before Lillian grabbed him from below his arms and helped him into the seat. It felt so unnecessary, but he couldn´t say a word, before he knew it, Lillian´s big hands had trapped him and his feet were already dangling in the air.

“Oh honey, you´re so light haha, you really need to eat more.” She said as she placed him on the seat.

Jonathan´s head barely cleared the table top now. He found it hard to believe, but it was his new reality. The table top was even with his mouth as he was sitting. “Hmmm, maybe… would you like to sit over some books?” she asked knowing he needed a boost.

“Oh, ehm, n-no, it´s ok, I mean, it´s just burgers… I can grab it and eat it perfectly fine… but thank you.” He replied. Lillian knew he was kind of right, but she knew he would not be able to eat that way for too long, she added: “Ok sweetheart, but make sure not to stain your clothes as you´re eating.” and she winked at him.

“His clothes…” she thought, “They´re seriously big, I mean, just look at him, that shirt´s like a man´s medium and its completely loose fitting, it´s like he´s wearing a bed sheet… he really needs some new clothes.” Then she sat.

Lillian would´ve loved it to sit right next to him, or even sit Jonathan over her lap. That would´ve been so nice, having the tiny man sitting right in front of her, more like over her. But she knew he´d feel embarrassed, although, either way, by the time she confesses what she wants, he´ll still be afraid of such change, so it will be better if she tries to do this things little by little.

“Here´s your burger honey, I ordered a double cheese for you…” she said as she placed the burger in front of him.

Jonathan couldn´t believe it, it was huge! The size of it was big in regular standards, but for him, it was insane.

“Wow, haha, it´s quite big isn´t it…” he nervously said as he looked straight into the giant paper wrapped burger.

“Oh yes, I like them cause, you know, for a big woman like me, they´re quite the right size… but I guess, I mean, if you can only eat half of it maybe we can save the rest for dinner.” She said, she knew the burger will be quite big for him, but she wanted to see him struggle with it´s size. She wanted to see how Jonathan struggled to just take a bite of the burger. Not that she wanted to see him suffer, but seeing how small he´s getting pulls quite some knots in her.

“I´ll sit over here…” she said pointing at the chair on the other side of the table, facing Jonathan.

“Ok…” he replied as he started unwrapping his burger. He couldn´t believe it, but it was even bigger than his whole hand extended. “There´s no way I can finish this” he thought.

On the other side of the table, Lillian was pulling her burger out of the bag, when she did, Jonathan realized hers was bigger than his, by a noticeable amount. “Wow” he said as he could see it from his seat.

Lillian noticed and said: “Oh, hehe, yes, I ordered the largest one they had… I know it´s quite big but, remember, I´m a big lady… don´t think I´m some kind of glutton, Jonathan…” she said smiling at him.

It seemed logical, a big woman needs to eat well, but for him, that was quite too much. Lillian was not only tall, but she was also thick. She carried quite a reasonable amount of weight in her, of course, her body needed nurtured, more than his, so it totally made sense she could eat quite more than him, even more at his current state.

“Well, I hope you enjoy it honey, now, let´s eat.” She said as she started unwrapping her burger.

Jonathan couldn´t lie, he was kind of hungry, and the greasy aroma of the grilled meat only made him want to dig in. But there was also something else calling him, Lillian.

As he was sitting, he could see she was still way above the level he was, her chest cleared the table´s top quite easy. For him, the enormous mounds of her tits were at full display. He could hardly hold himself as her boobs quaked with her every move, and when she adjusted her chair to approach to the table; her boobs only bounced even more. Her tight blouse had quite some buttons undone, allowing him to see a nice amount of flesh. He was sure that one more button and he´d be able to see part of her bra.

It was insane, but the enormous bimbo sitting in front of him was his neighbor. And the best part was, she frequently visited him. Even if he´s shrinking, he knows that it will only make her seem bigger. Her robust body will only seem to swell more as he shrinks. Thinking of it, it´s a good deal.

“So…” he started thinking, “let´s just say… I can no longer do… pretty much anything, which means, I need help… maybe, if I ask properly, could Lillian like, come more often?” he thought, what she said was right, he needed help, someone who could assist him in his daily tasks, he was more than sure that he could no longer reach over the counter tops without a booster step or a stool. It seemed logical that, like today, Lillian could lend a helping hand. And if she was there more often, then he could see her more often, her body, how her flesh sensuously bounces at his display. It was not the nicest thing to have in mind, but he´ll take it.

He was full before he even got to half of the burger. On the other hand, Lillian had already finished hers and was not digging on the fries.

“Opps, I forgot to give you some…” she said as she began to step up with the bag in hand.

“No, I´m ok… I´m full already, thanks.” He replied.

Lillian smiled at him and said: “Oh, ok, no problem.” She sat back on her chair. Jonathan could listen to the chair creak as she let her generous weight fall back in, her boobs bounced from the slight impact on the chair. Jonathan was thinking, how could they bounce so much so easy?

He wanted to see it one more time, and he found the perfect excuse. He smiled and said: “But, well, I would love to have something to drink, uhm, are there any drinks on the bag?” he asked.

“Nope, sorry Jonathan, but I only bought burgers and fries… but, what about a glass of milk?” she said.

“Oh, well, haha, isn´t milk a little heavy?” he replied, wondering “why milk?”

“What? A soda from a fast-food restaurant would only make you feel bloated, wouldn´t it? Come on, milk´s good for you” she said, “And it´s good for digestion.”

Jonathan wasn´t very sure about that, so he said: “Are you sure, isn´t milk a little heavy to digest?”

“Nonsense,” Lillian replied, “It´s more natural than a carbonated drink, and it has less sugar than the artificial juices they sell on the stores. Besides… between you and me, the milk I gave you it´s a liiittle different from the rest…” she said with a wink. “I assure you it´ll make you feel better.”

“Ok but…” he said accepting the undeniable fact that she would only give him milk, “I ran out of milk, there´s only a couple bottles of water on the fridge…” he said pointing at the fridge.

“Oh, already?” she said as she thought to herself: “Of course you did, my precious angel.”

“Yes.” He replied.

“Well, I think I have a new gallon at my house, why don´t you wait here and I´ll go get it.” She said as she rose from her seat.

“Oh, there´s no need…” he started.

“Don´t be silly, I´ll be back in a sec… besides, you wouldn´t want to be dehydrated, would you?” she said as she left the kitchen. And before she left, she added: “Oh, and I´ll bring the measuring tape too…” and so, Jonathan heard the sound of the front door opening and then closing.

“Ugh, I guess I can´t get rid of being measured, but… why is she so eager to know? And why does she always offer milk?” he thought as he found himself alone on the kitchen, then he turned down and said: “Great, there´s also a stain on this shirt, freakin´ ketchup.”


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