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Hello everyone, here´s the new chapter, I hope you like it :D

It´s night already, around nine o´clock, any shade of blue has been turned into a black stary sky. Melissa had left a couple hours ago. They ordered a pizza and had lunch together. Jonathan could notice how different the portions are when you´re not even five feet tall. Normally, he´d have had three slices of pizza, sometimes even four; today, he barely managed to eat two.

Right now, Jonathan was on his kitchen, feeling how his stomach growled with hunger, he ate around six hours ago. He had been playing some videogames since Melissa left, now, it was time to eat something.

He opened his fridge, searching first on the top shelves. There was some fruit, ham, eggs, among other things; he couldn´t see anything he liked. He scanned the freezer´s shelves from top to bottom, but he stopped once he spotted one thing, the half empty gallon of milk. His gaze stopped right into it as his mouth began to water. He couldn´t deny that the taste of it was better than anything else he could eat.

Before he could tell, he found himself pouring the milk into a glass. Maybe a 16 oz glass. He stopped for a moment to contemplate the glass filled with milk that stood on the counter right in front of him. He was scanning the white creamy liquid as he began wondering some things.

“Can… can this be shrinking me?” he was still concerned about the fact that one of the things he had done different since he started shrinking was drinking from that milk. He stood there for a couple seconds, just looking at the glass on the counter.

“I guess… I guess it´s not, since it didn´t affect Melissa… And Lillian says she´s been drinking from it for years now… Maybe a glass won´t hurt.” He thought grabbing the glass. Melissa didn´t notice any change on her, so he came to the conclusion that it was nonsense to suspect on the milk; mere paranoia.

He drove the glass all the way to his mouth and then he placed the border of it on his lips as he began to suck the liquid in. He closed his eyes with pleasure as the sweet taste of the milk hit his tongue. He swallowed mouth full after mouth full of milk as he then emptied the glass. “Ahhhh” he said with satisfaction, then placed the glass on the counter once again.

He couldn´t help it, once he tasted the sweet flavor of the milk he had to swallow as much as he could. He didn´t even thought about it, every time his tongue touched the milk, the glass was empty before he could notice. But that wasn´t the end of it, he still wanted more.

He thought he could drink a glass of milk and then eat something solid, like a sandwich or maybe a slice of the remaining pizza. But he was wrong. The only thing he knew he wanted was more milk. He checked on the gallon next to his glass. He could tell there was enough milk for at least another three glasses. But he would only have one more, that´s if he could resist the craving he had for more.

As expected, he couldn´t. A couple moments later he found himself sitting on the kitchen´s table with an empty gallon of milk, and the glass next to it only had a few drops remaining at the bottom. He must admit he wasn´t surprised, the taste of that sweet nectar was too much for him to resist. Now, he was just sitting there with a few droplets on the borders of his lips.

“Oh man, how weak” he thinks as he noticed he couldn´t stop, and if there had been more milk on the gallon, he would´ve swallowed it too. He´s just sitting there as he then feels a little tired.


“M-maybe, maybe I should lie on the couch, just for a moment.” Then he stood up and walked all the way to the couch. Once he laid in it, he closed his eyes. He couldn´t help it, he felt tired. His stomach was filled with milk, and it made him feel drowsy. With his eyes closed, he fell asleep within seconds. The couch was big enough for him now, so there was much space.

And just like that, he started letting out small snoring sounds. But while he was resting still on the couch, his mind was getting busy. He went thru all the stages of sleep into the REM stage in just a couple minutes. His mind decided it was time for a dream.

Jonathan´s eyes were open, or at least that´s how he felt them, he couldn´t tell since everything was dark. He couldn´t even see his hands as he tried to pull them right in front of him. Where was he?

He paid no attention to the reason why or even where he was, he just started walking, noticing that the floor, or whatever it was that he was standing, made no sound. He´s very confused at the moment. He just walked in what he thinks is a straight path, it´s all so strange since he can´t even tell where he´s going, and to avoid any unpleasant impact, he rises his hands to try and take a hold of anything. “Maybe there´s a wall somewhere…” he thinks.

And then, he hits it, but not a wall as he believed, but what seems to be a pillar. He runs his fingers thru it, but it doesn´t seem as any type of pillar he had touched, the sensation he was getting from it wasn´t the one a stone would give. It wasn´t cold and harsh, it was warm and soft for some reason. He kept trying to find out what it was when he heard a small giggle coming from above his head. He turned, and then, all of the darkness was washed away where he was standing.

His vision cleared just to find out that “pillar” was a leg, a huge woman´s leg. When he turned up, way higher than expected, he could see Melissa looming over him. He was speechless, she must´ve been around fifteen feet tall or so.

“M-melissa! H-how… why?” how was she so tall? Or had he shrunk again? He had no clue. As he stood there trying to make up his mind, she bent down, and extended her arms into him. Before he noticed it, she already had her hands under his arms and started to lift him up.

“H-hey! What are you…” he had no idea what was going on, he just look at her with worried eyes.

“Relax, don´t tell me you dislike this.” She said finally speaking. “I know you like it when a big woman like me carries you, there´s no need to deny it.” He had no clue what she was talking about.

“Melissa, put me down.” He said.

“Why would I do such a thing? You always beg me to carry you. I must admit, you´re as light as a feather, I could hold you here all day.” She added.

Jonathan was mad, she was tall, sure, but why was she carrying him like that?

“Put me down!” he commanded.

“Awww, are you feeling mad? Is little Jonathan going to throw a tantrum?” she asked in a mucking tone.

He was about to explode in anger when he suddenly felt something else. The presence of someone behind him, someone big.

“Is it time already?” Melissa says as she looks up to whoever stands behind them. “Ok…” she says as she seems to give Jonathan away to someone else.

Jonathan´s confused, who could this other person be? And how tall?

Before he could tell, he could feel the hands of this other person holding him, much bigger than Melissa´s. He turned, he needed to know who it was. And then, he spotted her, it was Lillian. She had a warm smile drawn on her face, as usual, but what wasn´t usual was her height. She could be at least twenty feet tall. He swallowed hard as he noticed the sheering size of this gigantic woman.

“Awww, don´t be scared Johnny, it´s ok, I´m here now…” Lillian said.

He tried to push away, but when he did, he just saw how his hands sank on the immense flesh of Lillian´s gargantuan tits. She noticed, but didn’t seem to mind, she just said:

“I missed you too little one.” and so, she approached to him and poured a kiss on him. Her lips were huge, he could swear they covered at least half of his head. He just stood still as she left a huge stain of lip gloss on half his face.

Lillian just smiled down at him. Jonathan was shocked by both of them, so much bigger than the last time they met. How was this even possible.

“Aww, don´t be scared baby… Mommy knows how to make you feel better…” hold on, baby? Mommy? Jonathan freaked out as Lillian held him with one hand and began pulling her left tit out.

“What are you?!” his eyes grew larger as the areola of Lillian´s enormous tit began to show, he wet his lips and then swallowed. “Hold on, no! Lillian what are you?” he just looked up to her.

“Relax baby, mommy knows what´s best for you…” and just like that, the enormous nipple popped out and started approaching to him, closer and closer.

“No! hold on, Lillian, please… stop!” he said felling alarmed, but then, it all began to vanish.

“Nooooo, wait…” he yelled as he woke up, it was a dream. He found himself back on his house, laying on his couch. But now, it was morning already. He was covered in sweat, and another thing too.

“What… what happened?” he thought as he noticed the sweat on his forehead, also on his neck. He sat on the couch, scanning the rest of his body, and then, he found a certain spot somewhere. “What´s… oh fuck.” He had his usual morning wood, but this time, there was a big stain of cum near to it. He rubbed his eyes as he got up from bed.

“Not again, it´s already been twice this month… don´t tell me… crap.” The reason for his not so pleasant body reaction was on his dream, and whether he liked to admit it or not, it was caused by Melissa or Lillian, or maybe even both.

“I better change up before someone comes… haha, who would come?” he thought. He had no visits or plans for today, just relax and play some more videogames, maybe he could live stream something.

He decided to go to his room, grab some clean clothes and get changed, but there was something wrong. “I don´t know why, or how but… I can´t keep having this type of dreams, I mean, it´s embarrassing.” He didn´t wanted to admit he came on his pants because he was being held by two gigantic women, and one of them was about to insert her nipple on his mouth. “No one can know this.” He stood up from the couch, but, for some reason, the couch seemed taller than he remembered.

He was still too sleepy, but his pants almost fell into the round when he his feet hit the floor. As he pulled his pants on, he noticed they were not fitting as “regular” as they should. “Oh no, don´t tell me that…” things became more obvious as he tried to climb the steps. They seemed higher, He chose to ignore it for now, trying to get to his room as soon as possible, but once he entered, things only became clearer.

He just took his cum stained pants off without even looking, needless to say they fell right to the floor as he barely touched them, but now, the pants he was trying to put on, they were enormous. It was like putting a tent on, or trying to cover yourself with some sheets.

“NO! no no no no no.” He was alarmed, he immediately noticed the shrinking had happened again, but this time, he was alone. He was trying to calm down as he couldn´t help but to think how tall was he?

“Please no, I… No!” he panicked. He couldn´t afford to lose more of his height. It was insane. He was already short before, how much smaller could he be, the pants he was trying to put on were not even so big, at least the didn´t used to, and his leg didn´t even came out of it.

He pulled them off, more like letting them fall, and then he tried to sit on his bed. The bed was way higher now, at tall as his waist, so he hopped up instead of just laying back. Now, he was sitting there, wearing nothing more than a huge shirt and a tent like pair of boxers. He was trembling.

Meanwhile, at Lillian´s house. She had already done her morning exercise and was now on her kitchen, making some nurturing smoothie. But something bothered her, of course, she knew Jonathan was shrinking, as planned, but why was Melissa there?

More than feeling jealous, she was concerned that Melissa will interfere with her plans. Things seemed to be working fine, but what can happen if Melissa steps in? Lillian was worried that she could ruin the whole thing, or worst.

“What if she decides to keep Jonathan for her own?” Thought Lillian as she clenched her fingers tight.

The had both been aware of his shrinking, nothing uncommon with such a change, but, what if they both figure out the milk´s the source of his shrinking? Jonathan on his own will take long to figure that out; maybe he´ll be right where she wants him before he finds out. But with Melissa, maybe two people can come up with it faster.

Lillian chose Jonathan because, like her, he works at home, which means there´s not much interaction with the outside world. If he doesn´t have a regular job, then there´s no colleagues who´ll notice the immediate change; the only one who could notice it could be him as he struggles with his daily life. But with Melissa there, then the chances to ruin her plans are bigger.

“Oh, this nosy girl… and besides, she had some of the milk, right?” Lillian thought to herself as she sat on the couch with her smoothie in hand. You could listen to the couch creaking as she laid her statuesque body´s weight in it. Her butt covered in full the one seat couch.

“Well… this was designed for man… I wonder, will she shrink too? Maybe it´ll be slower, or with minor effects… who knows?” she said as she took a sip of her drink.

Some more details about this “milk” she was giving to Jonathan are, well, first of all, the milk itself. The final product, which is her breast milk, it´s altered, so that the man she chooses will gradually shrink as he drinks it. There´s a whole process that has to occur before that. His body has to assimilate the milk and the compounds in it have to get into his cells. Since this will take much of his energy and take most of the metabolic functions, he needs to rest.

Jonathan´s not sleeping more just because, the main reason is that his body needs to reserve all of it´s energy to digest the milk and readjust into his new self. But, as it´s been said, that´s for men. Lillian ignores the effects this milk can have on women, and now that Melissa has turned herself into a guinea pig, that question will be answered by itself in a few time. But it still bothers Lillian.

“He told me he was single, but he didn´t mention he had a dating app…” she was also mad at Jonathan for keeping that for himself. “Ugh, I guess I can´t blame him, it´s not like I´ll learn his whole life in a couple days… but once he´s with me, we´ll have all the time in the world to get to know each other better.” And so, she drew a big smile on her face.

“Speaking of which, I think I should head over his place with some food… the poor little guy won´t be able to cook for himself in a while… or maybe he already can´t…” she said wondering how tall is he now. She remembers yesterday´s encounter with him. He was tiny.

Jonathan was boob level with her, it turned her on so bad, she wanted to pull out her huge jugs and just put her nipples inside his mouth. He was then the perfect height for that, but Melissa was there. It completely ruined the magic of the moment, so she had to resign and give him some space.

“Ok…” she said as she stood up, “let´s go get my ba… Jonathan some food.” She corrected, but then, she noticed something else. “Oh, just look at that…” there was a big stain on her right nipple. She touched her left one just to find out there was a wet spot too. “Well, it seems that just thinking on him makes my boobies produce milk… how cute, I´m ready for him, but how long will it be before he´s ready for me?” she wondered as she walked upstairs to get changed, and maybe do some pumping.

Back at Jonathan´s place, he was still sitting on the edge of his bed, concerned. He´s been there for maybe an hour, just hugging his knees, scared to find out how tall he is. He won´t leave his bed, he can´t, facing the real world is something he doesn´t want to do. And he doesn´t have to, at least not today, but he wonders, what will happen when he´s got no more food, or even, right now he needs some new clothes, he can´t go everywhere wearing a shirt as if it was a gown.

But he doesn´t want to be seen. He would like to stay there, in his room, isolated from everyone, that way no one will tell if he´s smaller. But that just doesn´t seem right. He knows that he has to go out eventually, besides, Lillian may come over, or maybe… Melissa. Then he had an idea, he could call her.

He jumped off his bed and went downstairs for his phone. The shirt he was wearing now was huge, you could only see a small stripe of his boxers beneath it. How come he didn´t noticed before? Eventually, he made it downstairs and grabbed his phone form the center table.

“Ok, Melissa… here she is…” he said as he dialed her number, he could hear the beeps of the phone, waiting for one of them to turn into Melissa saying “Hello?” but it didn´t happen. He was sent to voice mail. He called once again and the same thing happened, no answer. Maybe a third time will be insisting too much, so he gave up.

“Maybe I can call later… or she can call me back…” he said feeling defeated.

He would´ve loved it for Melissa to answer. She´s the first person who noticed his shrinking, and she seemed very attentive to him after the second spurt. Right now, he needs her to calm himself down. He will show much despair if he rans into her once she arrives, but he needs someone, right now, he feels lonely.

His house seems huge, now that he had gone all the way down to who knows how tall, his house appears to be bigger than yesterday. Big and lonely. He doesn´t know what triggers his shrinking, so it´ll be better if there´s someone else with him, someone who cares. That´s why Melissa was his first option, but he still has another option.

Lillian also knows of the shrinking, even if she didn´t show the same concern Melissa had, she knew. It seemed strange to him, she seemed as a carrying sweet woman, but still, there wasn´t much support from her when she saw him. But the hug she gave him before she knew seemed to come out of nowhere, maybe she had received some good news and just wanted to share the joy with him… besides, it felt great.

“Well, I´ll…” he was about to call her when he remembered he didn´t had her phone number. She lived right next door so why would he need it? He could just knock on her door. But now, it didn´t seem so unnecessary to have it.

“Fuck.” He thought, his only other choice was to walk all the way there, which means everyone will see him in boxers, “Hold on… if any of them comes, I´ll be in boxers…” his face turned red by the embarrassment of it. If he wants to receive some visits, then he must find something to wear, something that fits.

He spent hours searching for something, everything seemed huge now. “And to know I wasn´t considered tall… everything´s a freaking tent now…” he thought to himself. He was only wearing boxers now; he took his shirt off because it was too baggy. “Crap, even the smallest pieces are big… what can I…” and then he was interrupted by something, his door bell.


“Oh no!” he thought.



I sense a growth rivalry with Melissa coming!


i can't wait this is the best thing i've ever read


Hehe, there will definitely be something going on between the two of them. Just wait for the next chapters ;')


Thank you :D, I´m really happy to hear that, I honestly wasn´t expecting the story to be so well received.