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They paid the check and left, heading to her apartment. As they walked thru the street looking for a cab, he couldn´t help but stare at her feet, she wasn´t wearing any heels, she was actually in flats. But he was sure she should be around 5´10”, if she was 5´6” like she says, then the top her head should be leveled with his eyebrows, instead, his eyes were leveled with her nose.

After a while, she found a cab, they got in and headed towards her apartment. He actually enjoyed her company, she was just so spontaneous, always smiling. When she sat next to him on the back seat of the cab, he couldn´t help but notice she had a nice pair of boobs. Maybe not the biggest there are, but they were certainly D size. He tried not to stare so he turned and watched thru the window.

He was watching the stores from downtown. Attire stores, shoe stores, some fancy restaurants, then a comic store he had visited before. You could find pretty much everything there. As the cab drove away, there appeared to be less stores and houses began to pop up. Melissa´s apartment wasn´t as close as he imagined.

Finally, they arrived, he paid for the cab as a gentlemen would do and then they both entered the building. But something began to bother him. He kept thinking on what she said. Trying to convince himself that in a way she was wrong. How could he be four inches shorter? That´s not possible.

He tried to stand as tall as he could, standing straight with his spine fully erect, but still, she was taller. She didn´t seem to notice, but he was trying to compare heights as they walked. Then, when they climbed the stairs, he noticed something.

The shoes he was wearing, aside of being fancy, they used to be a little tight, not too much, they were just adjusted, but they still fit. But now, they seemed bigger, in a way, it seemed as if the shoes had expanded, like when the heat of summer makes object to dilate. But it wasn´t summer and objects don´t expand that much.

Maybe his feet had slimmed, but that was not the case. The only way that could happen is if he had lost weight, even if he hasn´t check on his weight recently, he didn´t seem to have lost any weight. His slim complexion was as usual.

“Ok, this is my floor” Melissa said as she turned right from the stairs. He follower her as she walked. The she stopped in one of the doors and took out the key from her purse. He waited as he tried to compare his height with something, but that was worthless given the fact he´s not aware of things measures.

She opened the door and said: “Here we are, feel yourself at home” she smiled at him, so he smiled back. But then she extended her arms towards the ceiling just to stretch and he couldn´t help but feel smaller.

“Ok…now, where did I put the tape measure?” she said as she started searching thru the kitchen’s drawers. He just stood there watching. He wasn´t sure how tall the counters were, but they seemed taller than usual. He was starting to get worried, but maybe the counter tops were taller here. Still, something felt odd for some reason.

“Found it!” she said as she pulled the tape out. “Now…” she continued, “how would you like to do this?” she asked him. He was still trying to figure the height of things, so he wasn´t paying much attention, he turned to her and said: “Uhm, maybe, putting a line on the wall?” he asked with some doubt.

“Ok” she replied as she turned to another drawer an pulled out a pencil.

He was not very confident about it all, but there was no reason for him to be shorter than he used to, so there was no need to feel afraid. He removed his shoes and stood in front of the wall, with his back against it, standing fully erect. She drew the line right over his head, then he moved and she used the tape measure to show him.

“Ok, here we go” she said as she placed the tip at the bottom of the wall and extend it all the way up to the mark. “Let´s see… it says five foot… five, see you´re not 5´9” like you say” she stated.

He got closer to watch, but it was true, the line wasn´t lying, he checked on the floor, the tape measure, everything was fine. He started thinking, could it be that he really was 5´5”? Has he been that height all the time or just… just now? He seemed nauseous, as if the whole thing was making him sick.

She then stood in front of the wall and said: “Ok, just so you can see that I´m not lying, measure me” he grabbed the pencil and drew a line right on the top of her head, she stepped away and gave him the tape measure, “Check for yourself” she stated.

He did, only to find out it was true, she was 5´6” just like she said. He even doubled and tripled check, but the tape wasn´t lying. There was no denial in the fact that she was taller, but what stuck in his mind the most was that she wasn´t even over 5´9”, which should be his height right now.

He knew he wasn´t among the tall guys, maybe around short people he stood taller, but normally, he wasn´t outstanding. But this, even if 5´9” wasn´t a towering height, how come he had been reduced by four inches. There must be an explanation, and what´s more, how could he not notice.

His face showed some concern, that´s why Melissa decided to take things somewhere else.

“Hey, it´s ok, I don´t mind if I´m taller than you, in fact…” she said as she approached and surrounded him with her arms, “I kind of like it” she smiled at him with a luscious grin. He rose his eyebrows in surprise and smelled her sweet perfume. She smelled sweet.

“Why don´t we go to my bedroom, there´s something I´d like to try, that´s if you´re in for it” she winked at him. He smiled and nodded, following her into other room. Once inside, she closed the door behind them.

“Well, mister, since you lied to me… why don´t you make it up now? It´s fair if you please me, don´t you agree?” she said as she passed her tongue thru her lips, lubricating them.

“S-sure” he replied, feeling lucky.

“Ok, then…” she approached, “why don´t we remove these pants of yours?” she said as she unbuckled his belt and started removing his pants. He stumbled backwards and made sure to land on her bed. Seconds later, his pants and underwear had been removed and she was now sucking on his cock.

“Mmmm…” she said, “I can see someone´s not so small here” then she grabbed his member and started masturbating it. He could feel quivers of lust flowing thru his spine, he enjoyed every second of it.

She let go of his penis and started crawling on top of him, she removed his shirt and began removing her dress. “Why don´t you help me with this bra?” she said leaning closer to him. He could barely keep his hands from shaking as he attempted to undo her bra and remove it.

He hadn´t had sex in weeks, which you could guess given the amount of attention he placed on Lillian. He day dreamed about her buxom body and her tremendous curves. Melissa wasn´t as thick or tall as Lillian, but she did have a generous amount of boob flesh.

Once he undid the bra, Melissa´s boobs popped out and bounced a little as they settled over her bare chest. After that, all of Jonathan´s attention was driven into her boobs, but more precisely, on her erect nipples. He stood there for a second or two, just looking at them with his mouth open.

“Come on, you can touch if you want… it´s free” She said winking at him with a lustful smile. He simply smiled back at her, not knowing why he was so suddenly fixated into her bare bosom. He did as she said and squeezed the smooth flesh of her boobs. His member was at full mast now.

She wasted no more time, removed her thong and inserted his member on her pussy. Jonathan could feel how her swollen pussy engorged all of his hard member into it, he let out a couple moans of excitement. She was on top of him now, moving forwards and backwards.

She enjoyed the fact that she was taller, it made her feel as if she was in control, even if it was just an inch in height. She rode Jonathan´s cock over and over, and when she felt as if he was about to come, she said in a sensual tone: “Hold it… just a little longer…” He tried to, but it was all too much.

He was caressing the smooth flesh of her torso and hips as she continued with their sexual ritual. Both of them were breathing loudly now, inhaling and exhaling the luscious aroma that their bodies emanated. He couldn´t hold it anymore, so he came inside her. He let out a couple moans as his load filled her.

When he was done, she pulled him out as she was heavily breathing thru her nose. She caressed his chest with her hands and said: “I guess you couldn´t hold it… but… I´m not done, and I know you wouldn´t want to let down a pretty girl like me, right?” she said as if she was in control.

A part of Jonathan thought he could´ve hold it a little longer, but it was all too much, but he decided to make amends, and try to satisfy her in other way. He was ok with everything, except foot work. He nodded in response and said: “What would you like to do… my lady.”

“What a gentleman…” she replied, “How about some oral?” she asked. Jonathan rose from bed, met her face to face and after pouring a deep wet kiss on her mouth he said: “Sure” he tried his best to make a firm and deep voice.

Before he knew it, she was now laying backwards in bed as he attempted to satisfy her desires with his mouth, it was the first time he did something like that so he wasn´t sure if he was doing it right. He used his mouth and his fingers too. He tried to surround her swollen pussy in full, then he focused on her lips. He was really nervous, but decided to play it cool, “Just aim for her clit” he thought as he now focused all of his attention into it.

He must´ve been doing it right, cause she let out moan after moan, each one louder than the one before. He turned up, and when his eyes met her round breasts shaking like jelly, he couldn´t help but crave for them.

He knew she was about to burst, so he stopped, he fingered her and decided to carry his mouth somewhere else. She didn´t seem to mind as she saw him rose from below and stop over her chest. There´s only thing he wanted to do now, all he was aiming for was one thing, her nipples. More precisely, the nipple on her right.

He took it in, sucking from it. At first, he sucked once, maybe twice, let go and then start over. But for some reason it wasn´t enough. He sucked hardly on her nipple, then turned to the other, he was attempting to do something, but he wasn´t sure what it was. Melissa couldn´t care less, she was so aroused now that as long as he kept his hand on her pussy, she didn´t mind what else he tried.

He felt like on a trance, not sure about what he was doing or why, and then, when she came, he how his hand became wet with her vaginal juices. He blinked once, twice and then came back to reality. He could tell she liked it because when he turned to watch her face, she had a satisfied look on it. “Come closer” she gestured with her lips, he did as he was told and they made out for a while.

He wasn´t very sure what had happened there, but now, they were both resting over her bed, watching at the ceiling, catching up their breaths. He felt proud, he had done great, or at least that´s how he felt it. He turned at her and then she turned at him, when their eyes met, he was sure about one thing, she was gorgeous. He was in awestruck as he watched her soft facial features.

“Would you like to stay?” she asked. He rose his eyebrows, not fully understanding what she meant, she continued, “You know, stay for the night, it´s late already, and I´m not sure if there´s any cab out there…” he closed his eyes and said: “Why not, I just hope the lady on the apartment wont mind” she smiled at him, got closer and after pouring one last kiss on his mouth, she added: “I´m sure she will not.”

They both rested there until they fell asleep, it had been a long night and they needed a good rest after that. He was sure it was still early, at least for him, but for some reason, he felt tired. He got lost in his thoughts and then darkness was all he could see.

It seemed like just a couple seconds, but night went by and so did the early morning. Jonathan opened his eyes just to find out an arm hugging him tight. He was covered with white sheets for what he could see. He felt someone behind him and knew that Melissa was spooning him, this time he was the small spoon. He couldn´t care less, he was asleep, so it doesn´t matter if she wants to be the big spoon.

He took hold of her hand driven by the feeling of affection he was having after such a lovable night. He tried to grab her right hand but something wasn´t right. For some reason, something felt off with his hand. He wasn´t sure if it was too early or if he was still somehow sleepy, but he could swear her hand was bigger.

He had grabbed or at least touched her hand the night before, and he was sure his hand was slightly bigger than hers. But now, for some reason, her hand seemed to be bigger than his. He should be able to cover her hand as he would cover one of his, but now, it was as if she was wearing some gloves or something. He turned down at the hand on his chest and couldn´t believe what he was seeing.

For sure, it was Melissa´s hand, the hand of a woman, but his hand was what seemed off. It looked small compared to hers. He turned laying his back on bed and grabbed her hand by the wrist, he extended his palm below hers and to his surprise, his was considerably smaller. With his hand fully extended on hers, the tip of his finger didn´t even made it to her digital pulp. His finger was barely up to the beginning of her distal phalanx.

He blinked a couple times, he tried to think straight, what was going on? Yesterday she proved him she was taller than him, and that he apparently was no longer 5´9” as he thought. He had the idea that it was some kind of mistake, even if she made it clear it wasn´t, but he decided to check on it with some other tape measure or a height scale.

The only explanation he could find now was that he was not in bed with Melissa, but with some other woman, a woman way taller. But then, he heard her voice coming from right next to him.

“Morning” it was definitely Melissa´s voice, who let out a soft yawn as she stretched and removed her hand from his. He turned, but was astonished for what he saw. It was Melissa, that´s for sure, but her head was laying higher in bed than his. He turned towards the footboard to see if maybe she was laying higher than him, but it wasn´t the case. In fact, her feet reached further than his.

From his point of view, he wasn´t sure by how much, but it certainly wasn´t an inch as it was yesterday. He felt worried, why was that possible? He rubbed his eyes over and over as he tried to find a logical explanation, but it was useless.

Melissa opened her eyes and turned at him, he seemed preoccupied, so she decided to ask him what was going on, she said: “Is… is everything ok? You look a little off.”

“Oh, uhmm, it´s… nothing…” he replied still trying to find an explanation for this. He was trying to convince himself that he wasn´t looking correctly, that there was a mistake on his perception, maybe those were not her feet, but something else like a pillow or something. He stretched his legs the most he could just to see how far his feet could reach. But that was not helping much.

Even if he could sort of make out how far his feet reached, he wasn´t very sure about all the details he needed. It was evident that he didn´t reach as far as he used to, but some questions began to hit him, things like: “How far did I reach yesterday?”, “Do I even know about it? I mean, I´ve never really focused on that…” or “How big is this bed either way? Queen…King? FUCK! Why is this even happening?”

He knew there must be a way to find out how tall he was, or if he was still the same height as yesterday, but he didn´t want to. A part of him chose to ignore it. He wanted to close his eyes, walk away and never open them again, maybe consider this as a dream, he wanted to forget it. But it was impossible.

“Jonathan… are you sure you´re ok? You seem kind of pale…” Melissa said as she accommodated herself and sat on bed. That´s when he saw it, the bulge below his feet moved as she sat, making it more than obvious that those were her feet.

Jonathan took a deep breath and said: “I… I, uhm, ok, I´ll tell you b-but… promise me you won´t laugh or… or think I´m crazy or some shit, ok?” he said feeling stupid about what he was about to say.

“Sure, heh” she smiled and let out a small laugh, but she wasn´t so sure what was about to happen, what could be going on with him? He seemed pretty normal the night before. She was getting concerned about what was going on, her mind was driving into some conclusions: “Well, he lied about being 5´9”, but that was it, he seemed very friendly, even kind of cute…what could be tormenting the poor guy right now… hold on, he´s not married, right?” she then lowered her gaze looking for a ring on his finger.

“Ok, *sigh*, remember what I told you last night about… well being taller than you?” he asked.

“Mhmm” she replied wondering if it was all about his height.

“I… I think that somehow… I shrank” he said in a concerned way.

“Hahahahaha, oh my, come on” she said bursting into laugh, considering he was joking, “don´t lie, what´s the matter, for real” she stated.

“I´m not lying! Even now I… I think I may be shorter…” he said feeling down. That made her curious, could he be telling the truth? But it was all so surreal, how come he shrank overnight?

“Well, mister, if you´re not lying, why don´t we check on that?” she asked.

“Do you mean?” Jonathan said.

“Yes, stand up.” Those were the last words she spoke before she stepped out of bed and walked right next to where he was laying.

He was worried, he didn´t want to find out, but now there was no turning back. Even if he didn´t stood up now, he will eventually do, he was in her house, so he needed to leave at some point. He resigned and considered that he had only one option.

Melissa noticed he was wasting too much time thinking, so she extended her hand towards him and said: “Come on, I won´t bite… I promise.” She said with an adoring smile.

He smiled at her little joke, extended his arm and grabbed her hand, embracing himself for what was about to come.



Love this work, please post more soon!


This is the chapter that finally hooked me into subscribing. Great work!