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This is it, the finale, this is the final chapter of this story. I know I said I´ll post it on the 31ST, but it´s rady so why not posting it today. Another thing is that this is tle longest chapter among them all. I really liked writting this story, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well.

Another thing, is that I´ve started working on my stories from options A and B, I´ll announce the winner on Nov, 10TH, untill now, I guess option B is more of your liking, and I can´t blame you, I´m really excited to write this stories. 

With nothing else to say, I hope you enjoy, and Happy Haloween!

**The following story is intended for mature audiences. All characters on the story are 18 or older.**

Mark´s mouth opened in disbelief, what does she mean by that? She was holding the glass close to her face, if the potion was for her, what was it supposed to do? She was a witch, and she was already taller than him, over twice his size; what could she possibly want or need? why is she going to drink it?

She just watched him with a mischievous smile, proud of what was about to happen. Meanwhile, he was confused, he couldn´t figure out what the beverage she was holding was supposed to do, what it´s effects where. But there was one thing that was sure, he was scared.

His heart was beating hard inside his chest, and the pain in his buttocks only reminded him of what she was capable of doing; it wasn´t even something that radical, it was a simple way to discipline, the only thing was that it´s not common to spank a man who´s already 27 years old, but still, she did. And at his current size, there was no way he could´ve been able to stop her.

He found it hard to breathe, it could´ve been a couple seconds, barely a minute, but all that time she was just holding the glass, scrutinizing his reaction, rejoicing the pain in which he was right now. She just grinned at him and swallowed the whole content of the glass in one go. He could see droplets flowing thru the sides of her mouth, how she voraciously swallowed.

She let out an audible sigh to reflect satisfaction as she wiped her face with the sleeve of her blouse. “It seems as if you can´t understand anything of what I´ve tried to instill on you, so I´ve decided to be more direct with you…just wait for it, cause it´s about to begin…” he wasn´t sure about what she was talking about.

It was true that the main reason why she locked him in the closet was because he had flared up when she was just casually talking about the way he had been behaving in the last couple weeks. There´s a chance that he did wrong, but she was literally keeping him captive in her house. It was true that he went there looking for sex, he allowed her to hijack him into this; but it was insane.

Never before something like this has been told, there´s no story of a witch kidnapping horny men and shrinking them to use them for labor. Much less about her trying to instruct them on how to treat women. He could´ve acted in an uncouthly way, but what else could she expect?

Now he was standing there, paralyzed, just waiting for the effects of her potion to show off. Deep inside, he was terrified. He felt as if he was about to vomit, he had started to quiver; he felt the tremors of his limbs as he struggled to stay still, he was sure that in any time, he´ll fall into the wooden floor. And that´s when it happened.

Agatha let out a small giggle as she felt the effects of her potion kicking in. “Ready or not…” she said in a strong but sensual way, “here I come…” and then, he could see how her dress was beginning to tighten around her hips, how her thighs began to expand and swell out of her dress. His eyes were fixated on her lower area, the flounce of her dress started to rise up and up; her legs were beginning to show more and more, and getting thicker by the second.

It was a magnificent display, for a moment he forgot he was afraid and just enjoyed the view he had. Even his cock had begun to rise in his pants. He swallowed as he turned his head up and up… and up trying to watch her face, but it had been obstructed by the clear fact that her breasts were growing too. It was logical, if her legs were filling out, her boobs may as well do the same. And it was majestic. He could hear how the top of her dress was tearing apart, letting more room for her now humongous breasts.

From his point of view, he could see the skin on the underside of her boobs trying to squeeze out of her clothes. How her nipples were getting hard, fighting to poke out, to trespass the cotton fabric she was wearing. Her shoulders had become wider and her arms thicker. She seemed to be thicker rather than a little curvy.

He stepped back and tried to get a better view from her, there was something he was wondering while he witnessed this luscious display of involuntary exhibitionism. She was growing, he could tell that when he focused his attention in another part of her fleshy body, he had to turn his gaze higher and higher. She was not 5´7” no more, not even 6” tall. He wasn´t sure how tall she was, but he felt as if he was shrinking again, although, it was more than evident that she was the only one who was growing.

His mouth began to water as her clothes ripped completely and fell into the floor. Her now impossibly thick body was in perfect display for him to just enjoy. He felt how his blood went straight into his cock as her tree trunk legs just expanded wider than ever right in front of him. How the puffy areolas on her breasts were completely exposed, her nipples were fully erect; and her boobs, they were giggling sultrily in the air.

She was enjoying it, she definitely was. She was feeling pleasure, filled with excitement as she grew taller and thicker. Agatha carried her hand all the way to the swollen lips of her pussy, covering it and holding it tightly with her huge hand; she let out a couple of soft moans as she turned, allowing Mark to have a full view of her ass. Her butt cheeks jolted lusciously way above his head.

His jaw hit the floor when she did. Her ass was immense, round and juicy, he was craving to get a hold of it as it trembled with her every move. Her immense buttocks bounced from one side to another alluring him. He was ready to burst out, for his cock to explode right then and there. Then she smacked her ass with both hands, making her flesh shake as a sexy slap sound filled the air.

He swallowed hard, just waiting for a chance, a sign or whatever she could say or show to allow him to get closer to her gigantically naked body. She turned, the change was done, now her metamorphosis had taken place. At the moment, she stood way taller than him, the top of his head could barely reach her knee. She couldn´t help but to smile at that fact, watching him tenderly.

“I bet this is turning you on” she said looking straight at his erect penis as she bent down.

“Tell me… do you want to touch these?” she said as she grabbed one of her boobs with her left hand, which seemed tiny compared to that humongous breast. Mark just nodded with his mouth opened, in complete awestruck.

She just smiled and said: “Well, if you want to get a piece of ME… then you have to do a good job and follow aaaaaall of my orders, and by the 31ST, maaaaaybe, I´ll allow you to...” His mouth shut, he thought that after that magnificent display she´ll allow him to have sex with her, even if he could come just by watching her gorgeously gigantic body.

“B-b-but…” he stammered.

“Shush, I know you´re waiting for me to allow you to touch me…” she said putting her long finger in his lips, “but I don´t feel like you deserve it” she said with a now resentful look on her face.

“You see, I don´t appreciate what you did before, you acted in a very selfish and ungrateful way. I know you want to go back to your normal life, but I think you´re not seeing things as I expected…” she placed her hand on top of his head, then he lowered his gaze to look at the huge rack that she was exhibiting right in front of him. He wondered how much bigger they were, he was sure they had to be at least three or four times the size of his head.

“I think we may need to work on this from a different angle… that´s why, after giving it some thinking, I´ve decided to do the following…” she said as she grabbed a small container from the console table, her now extremely long arm reached over his head. She opened the container and continued: “turn” she commanded him.

He did as was told and just felt how her huge hand pulled his pants down into the floor. Then he felt the cold creamy texture of the ointment being spread all over his previously beaten ass. He quivered a little when she touched him. “Shhh shhh, it´s ok, this´ll make it all better, trust me” she added in a sweet gentle tone.

After that, he pulled his pants up and turned, he was still mesmerized by her huge size and incredibly curvaceous body; while she was kneeled, he only wanted to bury himself in between her embrace, he was sure it´ll be warm and soft, his desire was to sink away between the soft flesh of her thighs and stuck his head in between her huge boobs. He´d be in heaven.

“Listen…” she started, but now her face was more one of worry rather than anger or lust, “I know I may have gone a bit too far with those punishments, maybe that´s not the way we should do it… so I´ve had an idea, instead of punishing you for doing wrong, why not giving you a reward for doing well, what do you think about that?” she asked with the hope that he´ll agree, it was the best idea she could come up with, and maybe if he associated the fact of behaving with something good, then maybe he´ll change by his own will.

“Uhmm” he said while he was thinking: “WAIT! Is this for real? If she´s going to do it, then why did she had to grow herself? It´s clear that if she wants to tear me apart, with this size, she can… but if she´s going to change her ways to “teach”, then why does she… never mind, it´s better to do as she says. Who knows, maybe she´ll smother me in between those pillowy huge breasts.” He took a couple seconds to answer, but his reply was positive, he´ll do as she says; of course, looking forward for his own benefit, but who wouldn´t?

She let out a warm smile as she rose and stood at her full height. Mark swallowed, not completely used to the fact that, if he previously lived with a woman of amazonic proportions (at least for him), now he would share the house with a gigantic woman.

“I´m gonna put some clothes on, why don´t you stay…” she took a closer look at him, and given the fact that he was still wearing the dirty mud-covered clothes, she changed her mind, “I think it´ll be better if you change your clothes too. Or maybe take a shower… ok?” she had to lean to make sure that he was paying attention, and not just glaring at her body.

“Uhhh, sure, I… I´ll go right ahead” he said walking backwards, then turning to head upstairs to get some clothes, the truth was that he was also anxious to take a shower, he had been completely soaked in sweat when he finished, and sleeping on the dusty floor of the closet only left him grimier.

“I left some clothes for you over the bed…” she half yelled as he rushed all the way up thru the stairs. “Ok” he replied.

She smiled at the fact that things seemed to be better now, the only thing she had to do was perseverate and then, things will go as planned. There was a reason for her to do what she did, a reason to grow herself, but she didn´t want to say anything and ruin her plans. She just rose her hands in the sky, and as she turned her wrists and wiggled her fingers, green sparkles seemed to fill the air surrounding her; in a matter of seconds, a dress had appeared over her, covering her naked body.

The dress had long fancy sleeves, a big boob window on her chest and it was really short, but really short, not even covering half way thru her thighs. Her plans now where to be as foxy as she could, draw all of Mark´s attention towards her body. It wouldn´t be hard, with her size and curves, it was virtually impossible for him not to stare at her with a flabbergasted look on his face. A man like him will find it hard not to pay attention at her. And that´s all she needed, she wanted to make him aware that he needed her, to erotically made him desire for her, up to this point, she has had success.

But not the one she was looking for, the fact that her “spell” broke when she mentioned his training was enough for him to burst out in anger and ignore all he´s been thru to just seek for a way to get out of this, get out of that house, and in a way, get away from her. The real reason why she kept him there, why she attracted men and forced them to stay with her during their “trainings” was because of a single fact, she felt lonely.

As the years went by, then the decades, she fell into the conclusion that if she didn´t find someone to share her time with, someone to live with, someone to love, then she´ll be alone for the rest of eternity. She even considered dropping her spell and age, get old and then die. But she still had some hope, she was yearning to find a man that acted in a way she wanted, a perfect gentleman. And since she wasn´t evil, at least not enough, she knew it´ll be selfish to take a good man and force him to stay with her.

She respected that some men had aspirations, and it´ll be mean to take them off their lives, ruin their plans and force them to live with her, spend almost all their time in that house, far away from other people. So, she made up her mind, if she had to do it, then it´ll be towards those men who prove to her that they´ll be better off away from society. People who are only a waste of space, with no manners or moral. That´s why she only took men like Mark home.

Up until today, she hadn´t find a man who accomplished what she was looking for, no one that had the results she wanted. But Mark, he seemed more interesting, he had some self confidence that felt refreshing. She found him as a very interesting person, leaving the fact that he was a dush aside. She saw some potential on him, but she needed to be sure. That´s why she changed herself, from his point of view, she was gorgeous; and now, that she had “improved” herself, she was amusing.

All of his attention will be focused on her, and there won´t be any space in time for him to try to escape, or even think about it. If she played her cards well, then she´ll have what she had been waiting for during all those years, a man, who has changed enough to do as she says and, what´s more important, one that´s willing to stay with her; to string along with her for the rest of times.

During the next few days, she kept teasing him wearing clothes tight enough to show off her now lusciously enormous body. Skirts that allow her plump thighs to swell out of them, and when she bent enough, he could glare at her magnificent butt, contemplating the underside of her cheeks. Whenever she talked to him, she made sure to squeeze her breasts tightly with her arms. She adored the way he couldn´t help but to look in amusement as her tits threaten to pop out of her top, break the buttons of her blouse.

The pants she wore were tight enough to display a full camel toe. The way her vagina swelled in between her legs turned Mark on, even if he had to crane his neck way up just to see it. Quivers of lust run thru his spine as he witnessed the erotic show she was playing. He knew she wanted him to see, there was no other reason for her to wore those clothes and move in such a sensuous way. After a day or two, he decided to stare at her, she didn´t seem to mind, in fact, sometimes she encouraged him saying things like: “It´s ok, I don´t mind” or “You can look, I know you can´t help it”. Sometimes she winked at him or bit her lower lip.

He was horny from the moment he saw her up to the time he fell asleep. The fact that they shared a bed didn´t help calming his arousal. He turned himself so that she didn´t saw the full erection he was trying to hide beneath the covers. But now, now she turned in bed and hugged him from behind, enveloping him between her long arms. He felt tiny on her embrace, sure that each of her arms was way longer than his whole body. He felt her huge fingers caress his hair while her other arm pinned him tight between her breasts. He felt the soft flesh of her boobs on his back. It only made him want to masturbate right there, getting used to the fact that she will not have sex with him.

But there was a voice inside his head that said: “Is there… a chance? I mean, the clothes she´s wearing and the way she´s been acting, more tender, more affectuous, could it be that she?… should I ask for it?” He wasn´t so sure about it, if he asked, will she allow it? By now, he should know how to ask for things, or maybe… could it be another of her lessons? Properly asking a woman to have sex? The signs were there, the only thing that stopped him was the fact that now she was a gigantic woman over four times his size. He didn´t want to be crushed beneath her.

On October the 26TH while he swept the floor, as usual every morning, she approached to him, looming high above him. He couldn´t deny the fact that her size difference was very intimidating, yet, she arched her back and smiled at him.

“You know, you´ve been working very hard these days… I think you deserve a break, so for the rest of the day, let´s enjoy each other´s company instead of having you do all the chores around here…” he liked the idea, during the three weeks that he had been there, he never had a day off or any break, it was all waking up, having breakfast and then doing whatever she commanded him to do. It took the whole day, and once he was finished with the pumpkin patch, she allowed him to have dinner and rest. It was really late by that time, so within half an hour or so, she instructed him to shower and then join her in bed.

He couldn´t complaint about it, he was always tired after having to work all day, so heading to bed early wasn´t such a bad idea; and it was more exciting given the fact that he shared the bed with a curvaceous woman of gigantic proportions. Nowadays, her legs hung from the bed, and if she stretched her arms to the sides, they reached way passed the edges of the mattress.

It was very confusing why she had to grow herself so much. She completely dwarfed him before, there was no need for it; unless she was looking to be more intimidating or imponent with her mere presence. Which actually worked. At her current size, he was looking directly to the top of her calves, her round and sturdy calves. He knew he couldn´t complaint about anything now, he was afraid that she´ll take it in a bad way and he´ll be pinned to her lap while her hand destroyed his ass, or maybe worst. He wasn´t sure what she´ll be capable of.

Mark left the broom inside the closet and waited there; he was used to wait for her instructions after he finished with whatever task she made him do. He just stood there, in silence, admiring her body from head to toes, he had to keep his distance to do so, else, he won´t be able to look passed her navel. Still, that view would be enough to get him started. Her body was simply amazing, her wide fleshy hips, her thick luscious thigs swelling to the sides of her swollen pussy. Her legs were so long that, even if he stood over his own shoulders, he wouldn´t even make it passed her mid-thigh. And her ass, it was perfect, a heart shaped ass that wagged with her every move, it tossed succulently with each of her long strides.

It only made his mouth water while he got aroused by the second. Her lower body was enough to have him go all week. But there´s something else. Above all that, she still had a small waist, at least compared to her immense stature. Sometimes she allowed him to have a full view of her abdomen, it was tight and firm. And… above all that, we have her boobs. Round soft mounds she only embellished by wearing tight revealing tops. She knew he liked it, that´s why she didn´t made any effort on trying to hide them. He could see how they bounced when she came down the stairs, how they sexually but firmly hung. The only thing he wanted was to wrap himself around them for the most time he could.

He knew how they felt because every night for the past few days, she had been compressing them against his back. He blushed completely when she did, making it hard to breath. He wanted to turn and embrace them, even if he had to use his whole body to do it. But he didn´t. He was afraid this may be a test, some other of her lessons where she´ll snap him out of his fantasies with a single slap.

Now, while he was standing in front of her, she just craned her neck to the side, and with some doubt she added: “Aren´t you gonna do anything?... I mean, you´re free to do whatever you want… isn´t there anything you´d like to do?” he wasn´t sure what to say. He had been doing whatever she told him to, in the time she asked him to, never before he had been able to decide. Now, he was free to do whatever he wanted, the only question was, will she join him?

He had been in her company during a lot now, supervising the job he did. Now, he could walk away and do as he please. He couldn´t think of anything, other than being set free, return to his normal life, that´s something he craved for, but there was something that stopped him, something that made him want to stay. It was her, other than literally trapping him inside her house, he still wanted something, from her; since the first day he arrived there has been a certain event that was supposed to take place, but didn´t. He wants to fuck her.

She had a very attractive body since the moment when he saw her at the bar, and after the shrinking, it only magnified its proportions. Now, with her sudden growth, her stature increased, and on top of that, her body changed. Her feminine proportions became curvier, thicker and sexier. All on what he focusses on a woman has expanded to unconceivable proportions. It was as if it had been made only to call for his attention, so that he will be focused on her, on her body. Attracting his attention by calling for him in a sexual manner.

“Uhmm, I think…” he managed to say, “that I´m going to head upstairs for a while… I mean, if you don´t mind” he said.

“Of course not, it´s your free day, you can do whatever you want” she said smiling at him.

He went upstairs, and when he made it to the last step of the stairs, he turned. Agatha was sitting in the couch, which seemed tiny compared to her gigantic size. She just sat there in silence as she seemed to open a book. He swallowed, even just sitting there doing practically nothing, her body still imprint some ideas on his head. He felt himself blushing, so he turned, restraining himself from his own desires.

“Keep it cool, just get inside and do whatever, even… maybe find a way to escape. Away from…” he turned at her once again, but it all twisted the plans he was making, “Ohhh, should I really go? I mean, either way, she´ll let me go in what? Five days…hmmm… maybe I should stay here and see what happens.” He still wanted to have some intimacy with her, fuck, get laid, or whatever, he could settle only by being able to touch her naked body.

He laid on bed, thinking, considering all of his options. At this point, he was more than half way done, even almost done. He needed to know what to do during the next few days, who knows, maybe some of those “rewards” involve something more intimate. “Maybe some strip tease, or…a boob massage, or even…” he was getting horny just by thinking of it, imagining her fleshy body in a full erotic display, willing to satisfy his needs. It had been weeks since the last time he fucked, so even the slightest display of her sensual body will be enough for him…at least for now.

He just laid there, thinking of what the future will bring, what could happen during the few days he had left, up until his “sentence” is revoked. Just there…wondering.

And just like that, time went by, and the next day arrived. He could see how her attitude seemed to change, instead of just ordering him around, in a way, she acted in a gentler manner. She treated him as a person rather than just a man she uses to do the chores. He liked it, it was better than just working all day and fear that she´ll punish him for whatever tiny mistake he could make.

The way things worked now was better, instead of having to be reprimanded by doing things in a wrong way, she´ll reward him for doing a good job. It wasn´t half bad. She allowed him to have a break. Choose what to have for dinner, she´ll cook of course. But there was something more asides of all those prizes. Her approval.

For some reason, when she turned at him and commend him for his hard work, he felt good. A warm feeling grew on him as she stood there, smiling at him, telling him he had done great and that he deserved something in exchange. He couldn´t help but smile back, for a moment, he forgot he was enslaved there and just thought of her as a tender woman. But in reality, it was just a small bright side in the crude reality that he was imprisoned there, and she was the one who´ll judge whether he´s able to return home or not. There´s been a question that keeps coming to his mind every once in a while. What´ll happen if he doesn´t make it home? The other option was staying there, but, if she has already done this before, shouldn´t there be a bunch of men there? The only people that he has seen around the house was her and of course him. No one besides them.

He tried to ignore those thoughts, at least for now. Days kept passing by, and as the final day arrived, things were getting better. The so called “prizes” she gave him for doing a good job became, let’s say, more interesting. Instead of the usual stuff, she did something more “significant”.

She put the rewards in a level, if he did as she said, then he´ll allow him to touch her, but only her legs; which was better than nothing, even feeling the soft skin of her bare long legs was enough for him. Then, if he did more than she asked for, he´ll get to choose, whether to touch her boobs or butt; he almost fell to the ground when she said so, his heart beat audibly inside his chest, it all motivate him to do better and at the end, he could caress the luscious flesh of her mammaries or her enormous prurient butt. He felt as if he could cum from only thinking about it. But then, there was the best part, she literary said “But there´s something else… if I find out you´ve learn, that all of the lessons I´ve been trying to inculcate on you, have been successful, no matter the date, I´ll let you leave, and who knows, maybe I can give you an extra reward” she winked at him when she said that and lustfully caressed her own body.

Then, he froze, was she really? Could it be that all the effort he had put into this sort of experiment will bear fruit? Finally, the only thing he had been waiting for had arrived, he´ll be able to have some intimacy with her, allow him to touch her in a carnal way, to make love with her. All the time he spent there, working and working, will only make this even better. The best reward someone could ask for.

But it didn´t happen, what did happen was that she allowed him to caress her long legs with his hands, he could feel the heavy and smooth flesh contained beneath her soft skin. Even if he tried to hug her thigh, his arms barely covered half of them. She had to kneel so that he was able to reach, since it was his reward, she didn´t mind. He felt good, hugging her warm huge thigh made him feel ecstatic, she felt how his cock pocked her while he was standing there, in complete silence, just enjoying himself.

Then, we have the other reward. He couldn´t believe his eyes when it happened, what he asked for first, was to touch her breast. Those magnificent mounds of feminine flesh, so huge, being in complete display again, only that this time, he was able to touch them. Spread his hands all over them. He was sure a single one of them must weight the same as him. Enormous boobs just there, waiting for him to do as he pleased. Not fucking of course, but still, he trembled with desire. She placed him on top of the counter and stood on her knees right in front, other way he wouldn´t reach.

He focused his attention in one of them, embracing it with both hands. He couldn´t believe how soft they were, really heavy but at the same time, they felt soft. He focused his attention on her nipple, it was erect and hard. He touched it with his hand, never before he had seen such an immense pair of tits, not even imagine them. Now, they were there at a full display, just for him. He couldn´t help it, so he approached to her boob, just laid his head next to it, to feel it. He stared at him tenderly. Then, his desires told him to do other thing. He separated his head and slowly, he guided his face right in front of her nipple, more specifically, his mouth. He opened his mouth and started sucking on it. He had no idea why, but he felt as he needed to do it. As he did, she let out a soft moan. At the same time, she knew he couldn´t help it, he got carried away, only guided by his lust. She knew that if he called for this side of him, there was a bigger chance that he´ll stay.

Days went by, and on the 30TH, at night, when they were both in bed. She hugged him from behind, as usual, and started caressing his hair, but this time, instead on doing silently, she decided to speak up. She knew that tomorrow will be the day that decides everything, up to this point he has proven to be the one. He has been the only man that, up to this point, has been capable of succeeding with the training she had submitted them to. He is the only one who has had the expected results, who has met her expectations.

He may not be aware of the decision he´ll have to make tomorrow, ignoring the real reason why she took him all the way to her house; why she shrunk him and grew herself. The truth behind all this, what she had been waiting for during all those weeks. Waiting for the final day, the day things will change, for him and for her.

“Rest well my dear, because tomorrow we have things to do” he was completely asleep, so he couldn´t listen. She just smiled and cuddled him from behind. Counting the minutes until the next day.

Finally, the sun started rising in the sky, removing all the darkness from the night and coloring the sky with a light blue color. Agatha woke up when the first beam of light hit her eye. She was excited, today was the day. Today, Mark will finish what he started weeks ago. Here´s when everything´s settled, when she will give him his final test and check if all that training has been successful. She couldn´t help but smile down at him, just watching him sleep.

She allowed him to sleep a little longer, waiting for him to wake up on his own. After a while, he started to open his eyes, he let out a loud yawn and rubbed his eyes. “Good morning” she said, watching him from above.

“Hi…good morning” he replied, still half-sleep.

“Do you know what day is today?” she asked.

“Uhmm, I´m not sure, maybe Sunday?” he replied, he had lost track of time a while ago, so he wasn´t very aware of the exact date.

“Well… yes, but more specifically, today´s October the 31ST, and you know what it means?... today´s the day when we finish with your lessons. Aren´t you excited?” she really was, she was hoping for him to be as excited as her, but she couldn´t ask much given the fact that he wasn´t aware of what was going on.

“Really?” he said, “Oh wow, how fast haha” he chuckled a little. Sitting on the bed.

“Mhmm, now, why don´t you get dressed while I fix us some breakfast” she said as she stood up and walked to the door. Mark ogled at her as she stood and walked away, taking a glance at her bouncy gluts, swaying from side to side under the short night gown she was wearing. He got hard on his pants as he scanned her thick long legs from her wide hips to her ankles. He swallowed.

“Ok…” he thought to himself as he laid back in bed, “today´s the big day, finally I´ll be able to go back to my own life, everything will turn back to normal…” he was happy, finally, this will end and he will be able to go back home, back to his job and his regular routine. But there was something that bothered him, there was a thought that came to his mind as he imagined how things will be.

“So…it means I´m not going to see her no more…” it was true, he´ll return to his regular life, get his size back and his freedom, but that also meant that Agatha will step out of his life. He had gotten used to her company, and her body, he remembered the main reason why he was there, the carnal desires he had to get laid with this woman. And the fact that she was more curvaceous and bigger only augmented his desires.

He had touched her before, he knew how smooth and soft her skin was, how tender her flesh felt in the touch of his hands. There was only one thing left for him. Fuck her. Spread her legs apart and fuck her with all his mighty. She was so big now that with the difference in sizes she may not feel a thing, but he knew he will. As these ideas came to his mind, he started to feel how his body temperature was rising, so he decided to let go and get changed, join this immense woman on breakfast.

By the time he came down, breakfast was served, she was sitting on the table, waiting for him. She sat on the floor, given the fact that no chair was enough to fit her humongous butt. He sat on the chair right in front of her, over a couple books to give him some boost. He was already used to this.

Once they were done, she took care of the dishes and then told him: “Ok, this is finally it, today´s the day we´ll see if you earn your right to return back home… to see if you´ve learned all the lessons I´ve instructed you.” He listened to her as she spoke, trying not to focus his attention on her immense bossom. He just nodded.

“Let´s go to the living room, shall we?” she declared and he followed her there.

Then, she sat on the couch and told him: “Ok, today we´re not doing much, there´s only one thing left for you to do, something simple actually, it´s like a test. I´m going to ask you one question, and based on your answer, we´ll know if you pass, ok?” she declared while he simply nodded.

“Good, now, why don´t you join me on the couch?” she asked.

“Ok, but… there´s no space” he said, she took almost all the space there was, except for a couple inches where he for sure didn´t fit.

She smiled tenderly at him and said: “Well, then why don´t you sit on my lap” his eyes opened largely as he heard those words.

“It´s ok, it´s not like you haven´t been closer before…” she said with a lusty look in her eyes. “Now, come on, come here” she extended her arms towards him, waiting for him to place himself in between them.

He did and then she placed him on her lap, he felt the soft yet firm flesh on her thigh beneath him. He was closer to her, but she still rose way higher than him. If he stared straight at her, he´ll be looking right into the top of her boobs.

“Now, here´s the question, but make sure to take your time to answer… we wouldn´t like it for you to say something wrong…” she was smiling at him, but he knew there was something behind it. Maybe she wanted him to answer wrong…but why? What would she do to him if he gives the wrong answer? He swallowed and waited for her question.

“It´s really simple…” she said, “just a liiiittle question for you…” she said watching his expression, she knew a part of him was scared, so she decided to settle him by saying things carefully. “Like I said, take your time, there´s no need to rush, just think about what you´ll say, ok?” why was she making it so clear? He knew he had to answer correctly, but what could she ask?

Something about manners? Etiquette? About chores? He was getting anxious by the second, he felt his heart beating rapidly inside his chest, “Hurry up, just ask!” he thought, fearing the unknown.

“Ok… here we go…” she said as he barely managed to keep it together, “the question is…would you like to stay?” he froze, was she actually asking him to stay? For real? “That´s my question, simple, just decide, take your time and tell me if you´d like to stay here… with me” Agatha was really eager to know, even if he couldn´t tell, her heart was beating strongly inside her chest, she needed to know if he´d like to be the man who joins her for all eternity.

He stood there, considering his options, trying to find the right answer. It was a yes or no question, but it was very hard to decide. He gave it a lot of thought, but then, he came with an idea, why not answering her question with another question? Feeling insecure, he said:

“Uhm, w-would you… would you like me to stay?” he replied. He wasn´t sure if that´ll be considered cheating, or if that will mean she gets to decide, but he didn´t care. After all this time, he had come to a conclusion. He didn´t want to leave her, he had got used to it. Being with her. He knew that if he left, he´ll be wanting to go back, hoping that one day he´ll meet her at the bar again. But he wasn´t sure what´ll happen if he stayed. She had come from being demanding and rough, to being, well, sweet and tender.

She even said so, if he did well, then she could act nice. She smiled and said: “Well, I think that answering a question with another question is technically not an answer… still… I´ll allow it...” his heart was beating harder, what will she say? “If you really want to know, then I´ll say it… my answer is… YES…” she said with a soft and energetic tone.

“I´d love it for you to stay with me Mark, after all these years, you´ve been the only man who has actually proven he can change. You´re the only one who has turned into more of a gentleman rather than the dipshit I met on the bar… therefore, if you want, you can stay with me…forever.” His mind got stuck in the “forever” part, was it real?

“You know I can make you immortal like me…” she said, “just think about it, you and I can be a couple for the rest of times, living here, away from society… here I can provide for you, you just name it and I´ll give it to you…” then her expression changed into a more serious one, “but… you still have to behave, so far, you´ve learned, so I´ll advice you that if you want to have the lovely life I want for both of us, then you must maintain that way, acting as a fine man. If I allow you to stay, you´re still living under my rules, I´ll be your queen, and you´ll have to do as I say. Otherwise, there will still be some punishments for you.” He swallowed hard.

He wanted to stay, but if he did, there was still the fact that he´ll have to live under her rules, and that came with something else, punishments. He wanted to do as she said, but he was still a man, a person, he could get mad sometimes, and then, she´ll proceed with a small torture.

“But don´t worry…” she said returning to her sweet tender tone, “I promise I´ll do my best to avoid it, but you have to do your best too behaving” he settled down a little.

“Uhmm, c-can I ask you something?” Mark said. Agatha just nodded with a smile.

“Ok, sooo, I mean, if it´s not much asking, can you… you know, return me to my normal height?” he could live with the fact that she was huge, but it´ll be better if he could return to be the man he was, a tall muscular guy, more than capable of enjoying their intimacy.

“Oh well…hmmm, I don´t think so” she said smiling while his eyes widened. “I like you just the way you are, that´s not going to change, I´m sorry…but…it has it´s benefits” she said as she lowered him to the floor and started removing her skirt.

He wanted to be the tall man he was, but he didn´t complaint given the fact that she was now exposing the wet lips of her now swollen vagina. There was something good about it, at his current size, she was gigantic, and all of her feminine features, asides of being more intimidating, only called for his sex drive with their luring size.

She opened her legs widely and said: “Ok, come on, just enjoy yourself…” could it be? Was this finally the time when she? He wasted no time, removed his pants and climbed all the way up, he placed his hands on her humongous thighs and inserted his member on her vagina.

After all this time, this was his chance, finally, he´ll be able to fuck, the sweetest part was that she was insanely big and incredibly soft. He adores the way her soft skin just caressed his body while he was ravenously fucking. Pulling himself in and out. He wasn´t sure if she felt him, but he did felt her.

He was excited, all of his arousal will finally be contented. This was finally his chance to fulfill the sexual desires he had had for all these weeks. He kept going for a while. Feeling how her flesh giggled beneath him, how her thighs encaged his torso in between them. She was soft, sweet, tender. Letting out soft moans as he climaxed and finally came inside her. He was sweating, exhausted, but happy. He had got what he came here for, and more.

This only meant one thing, he´ll get more chances like this in the future. From this moment on, he will share the house with Agatha. A woman whose body alone was sensual enough to get him going all day. A small display of her curvaceous and sensuous features was breathtaking.

He was not resting on her lap, while she caressed his chest with her long fingers. He was happy, and so was she. As she watched him, she couldn´t help but think: “Finally, this little man will join me, he may have some minuscule flaws, but in some more time, I think he´ll be ready, ready to join me, to keep me company. But now, let´s just finish.”

And so, with the simple movement of her fingers, sparkles of light filled the air around him, shinning in a light green. That was it, as simple as it seemed, now, he was immortal like her, he won´t age while time keeps passing by. Since today on, they´ll be together, making each other company for the resto of times on that house that´s so far away from the city, form anywhere.



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