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**The following story is intended for mature audiences. All characters on the story are 18 or older.**

Imagine a city full of people, coming and going through the boulevard; the sky´s blue and the sun shining high in the sky. Buildings overflowing with everyone inside, working, shopping or doing some other thing. Nothing abnormal going on, everyone´s just minding their own business.

Now, remove all of the people, leave the streets empty; take the clean cars and change them for some dusty abandoned cars, forsaken all around the city. Clean-bright buildings are now looking gray and decayed; broken windows, all the doors are open or gone. The once blue sky is now a sort of orange-red one, with dark grey clouds covering it, for sure, the sun´s behind them, but it´s been a while since anyone ever saw it for the last time.

The world, that once had a population of over seven billion people is now lonely. But I guess that´s what apocalypse is supposed to be. But let me tell you a little more; before we move on, let me introduce myself, I´m Grey; it´s actually Greyson, but no one really called me that way, at least not anymore. I´m just a regular guy, 5´9”, brown messy hair, slim complexion, I´m also on my 20´s; my birthday´s in a month actually, hehe, not that anyone will celebrate it besides me. But let´s talk about what happened here.

This is a big city, once inhabited by a ton of people, now, there´s mostly small animals and me. I seem to be the last survivor of this desolated place. A few years ago, that´s when the beginning of the end started. As you know, the world was overpopulated, resources were limited and everyone was fighting for a slice of the cake. So, everyone who didn´t care started to worry about this, trying to find a way to survive, maybe look for a way to create more resources, reuse the ones we have, make campaigns to create some consciousness, and so on. Finally, when everyone saw that there was no way all the people in the world would care about it, with everyone living their lives as usual not giving a damn, that´s when things turn into complete madness.

Everyone was fighting for whatever they still had, bunkers were built for when bombs were released. Little by little, all the population in the world was reduced to… well, nothing. Our once overpopulated world turned into a lonely place. Rockets were launched into space trying to find a better place to live, some of them blew up before leaving the atmosphere, but I don´t want to get into much detail. In a matter of months things went from good to extremely bad.

You may wonder how I survived, well, it´s something funny. I wasn´t what you´d call a “social person” I would rather be in my room watching some series or browsing on my computer. I thought I could live without everyone around, but now I´m not so sure about it. I miss people. So, with all that solitary-guy vibe, I had the brilliant idea to buy a house in the woods, actually a house far away from mine, from the city, from everything. I tried to live on my own and not depend on anyone for food or shelter, or anything.

And it came up pretty well, I learned how to cultivate my own food, to fish, I even learned how to knit, but the last part will be a secret between you and I. You could say I became a “survivor”, and like I isolated myself from the outside world, I knew nothing about what was going on in the real world. I packed a ton of books because I knew I couldn´t live without a source of entertainment, there´s no internet on the woods; but I had generator to still have some music, and light during nights.

As I was saying, I completely ignored the current situation outside, it turns out that everyone was going crazy, I went back because, well, I was sick of being alone; but it turns out that, now I was alone, for real. When I came back, I read in a bunch of newspapers that wars were going on, people were literally killing each other´s for food or supplies, the extinction of the human race had arrived, and for what I could see, it wasn´t nice; in fact, it was awful, I looked around for anyone, but not even a single soul came up. This time, I was alone, on my own in this lonely and devastated world.

The bright side is, given the fact that everyone was trying to seize all the resources, no one messed with the sweet water bodies, like rivers, lakes and so on; although there were huge fences around them, I guess someone tried to take possession of them. But like I said, there´s no one to keep me away from them. Since everyone tried to kill each other, people who had a great power, military talking, released a series of bombs all over the cities, some were nuclear, but at least not here, they were some sort of new bomb that only target the people or life forms, I don´t know how, the thing is that they only killed people in a certain area but didn´t mess with the environment.

That´s how, little by little, the number of people decreased, and when they were just a few, they killed each other for food, needless to say that some couldn´t take it and ended up killing themselves. The only reason I´m still alive, it´s because I have hope, I dream that one day, I can find someone, whoever I don´t care, I´ll find someone and leave all this loneliness behind. But I´d really rather that someone´s a girl my age.

In the meantime, I search for people during the evenings, I have a house, well, actually a mansion; if I need to live alone, at least I´ll do it with luxury. In the backyard there´s a huge garden that I grew up with time. I have a ton of cans and, since I never learned how to hunt, I try to find meat in other places. But there´s no place around with it, and if there´s an abandoned fridge somewhere, the meat is rotten, that´s what happens when the city´s power plant is turned off, a ton of delicious food was thrown to the trash, metaphorically talking because the only way to prevent that smell from coming out is closing the fridges door and walking away.

Right now, I´m just sitting outside, by the pool; well, actually I turned the pool into a garden to cultivate fruit, but you get the idea. Today, it was not my lucky day, like always, there´s cero signs of human life aside of mine. The good thing is that the air is breathable, the first months I was here I had to wear a mask to keep all those gases away from my lungs. Actually, nature seems to recover its land, there´s more plants around the city and the weather seems more, well, actually it´s very weird; at least it rains more.

My usual routine is to wake up early in the morning, take care of my fruits and vegetables, or how I like to call them, my food fountain; then I cut whatever it´s ripe and take it in. After that, I… well, I´m not getting into much detail, let´s just say I take care of my personal hygiene. Then, it´s time to search for other human beings. I know it sounds weird coming from an introvert like me, but it´s awful to be completely alone, at least before I was sure that I could return to the civilization and hang out; now I´m sure that if I don´t seek for anyone, then no one´s going to come.

The only good thing now it´s that, now that there´s no one, this place is really peaceful, never before I´ve taken time to watch the stars; with no light pollution around, there´s a lot more stars to see in the sky. It´s just magical. But I guess it´s time to go to bed, well, I guess I´ll try to find someone tomorrow, wish me luck.

After waking up at 5:30 to take care of the garden, and having a nutritious breakfast, it´s time to look for other people around, maybe I can find some other guy to hang around with, but I´d rather find a woman, not that I´m a weirdo who wants to stare at her, or a perv who wants to ogle at her, but I´d rather find a female companion. I drive whatever car I feel like driving, I just check that it works and then I fill it with gas, there are a lot of abandoned gas stations around here with a full deposit, I just take what I need and get going.

It´s been a while since I arrived to the city, and as always, there´s no one to be seen, I decided to get on the top on the highest building, to get a better view from above. Lucky me, I found a puzzle cube in my way up, I´ll spend some time trying to build it up, but with no internet, I guess there´s no tutorial to follow.

A couple hours later still nothing, as I´m standing here, the only thing to be seen are birds, birds and that sand storm over there… hold on. As he grabs his binoculars, he realizes that´s not a sand storm, it´s actually something different.

It´s a vehicle, yeah, and a very big one, maybe there are some people inside it, let´s just hope they stop here. Let´s see, and yes, the car has stopped by the… the hardware store. Let´s just get there fast before they leave, fuck, I´m really excited, this´ll be the first time I see someone in years, I´m so happy.

Ok, now, I´m a few blocks away from the store, just walking all the way there, and yes, there´s a lot of cracks and holes around the streets, it seems that after a few years of no maintenance, the city will fall apart, let´s just wish no building falls down on me. Ok, here we go.

Checking on the car, well, the vehicle is completely alone, the funny part is that it has no roof, it´s a huge pick-up truck with no roof, not very sure why, but let´s leave it that way. Maybe that person´s inside the hardware store, or somewhere around here. Not very sure if I need to wait here or look for… Oh my god, there he is.

The guy´s standing by the door, and I must admit it seems to be a really tall person, wearing a sort of hooded cape, of course, with the hood on, let´s see, a big pair of boots, a pair of pants, and… wait, is that a… o fuck, it´s a spear, where the fuck did they found a spear? and why didn´t I notice before?

Oh crap, he saw me, and now he´s coming my way, shit, he´s huge, every step he takes he just stands taller, oh crap, I just hope he doesn´t want to kill me. Why didn´t I thought about it before? It was easy, people you meet can have two ideas, either they feel happy to see you too, or they want to kill you and keep your belongings. I just hope that if they kill me, they do it fast.

Ok he´s jogging, time to run. I try to run as fast as I can, but this guy just keeps following me. “STOP!!!” I yell, but he´s still on his way, crap, I should´ve known better, now I´m screwed, and tired, even if I eat all the vegetables I need, I still… need… some… Fuck, I´m tired. Oh shit!

Grey tripped, and now the other guy is getting closer, and closer, only a few feet away now. *BAM*, the spear is placed immediately next to Grey, and with it, the huge person carrying it.

Fuck, just lay here, pretend you´re death, don´t look, don´t look. Fuck, he´s bending down, just close your eyes and hope he kills you fast, I should´ve stayed home today.

“Are you ok?” said a voice from above, but not just whatever voice, it was a woman´s voice, and a very sweet one, but where could she be?

Is that an angel? Am I dead already? Hold on, who´s under that hood? To my surprise, when the hood´s removed, the person underneath it, it´s a woman? And a very pretty one, What the...?

“Are you hurt?” she says as she caresses my head, fuck she´s pretty.

“I-I´m ok, nothing to worry, I fall all the time, trust me” I say as I sit on the street.

“Well, I´m glad, but the best part is, I found someone, wow, I never thought I´ll find someone else” she says cheerfully.

“What? Where you looking for other people? Me too, I´ve been running around in this city for years, my name´s Greyson, but you can call me Grey” She´s tall, like very tall, and she´s not even standing, how tall is she?

“Hi, I´m Wendy, nice to meet you” she said as she extended her hand, I shake it but, her hand´s huge, my hand feels as if it´s been held by a bear´s claw or something, not that I´m saying she´s fat or anything.

“Let me help you get up” she says as she pulls me, and boy she´s strong, I don’t even think she made an effort.

Now that I see her standing, well, she´s even taller, I don´t know if I had ever seen someone that tall, she´s easily over seven feet tall, that´s for sure, maybe eight feet? Not that I mind, at least I´m not alone anymore, I´m in the company of this beautiful woman, her hair´s golden brown by the way.

“So, uhm…hi” I say, I really don´t know how to talk to women.

She just smiled, let out a small giggle and said: “Well, hello there” she´s completely looming at me, oh boy, I feel tiny.

“Tell me Grey, do you live nearby?” she asks.

“Oh yeah, well, actually a couple miles over there” I replied as I point towards the mansion where I live.

“Ok, so you´re from around here…good… do you know somewhere I can find clothes like, for big people?” she says kind of curious, could it be that she was looking for clothes on the hardware store? I don´t think so.

“I would like to change these clothes for something else” she continued, “they´re like, I don´t know, a little burly, I´d like something more feminine… if you know what I mean.” She says giving me a funny look, kind of teasing.

I can´t help but imagine this lady in a bikini, her clothes are super baggy so I´m not sure the type of body she has, still I need to answer: “I, uhm, well, I believe there´s a ton of clothes stores over that area, I haven´t check for the sizes, but maybe you can find a store there.”

“Super, let´s get there, you wanna hop in?” she says pointing to her car.

“Sure” I reply, I´m not gonna waste any time, I´ve been completely alone for years, even if it´s awkward, I wont step away from her, I just hope she doesn´t leave by tomorrow morning.

I hoped in the car with her, and yes, she took the roof off because her head reaches higher than it, way higher, the front glass only reaches her collar bones; take in mind that this is a big car, so the roof´s higher than usual.

We drove over there and to my surprise there was a store specialized in clothes for people big and tall, but no, she didn´t change her clothes there. A part of me was hoping for it, to take a glance at her body, but that´ll have to wait.

“It´s getting late don´t you think?” she asked, “Say, do you wanna head to your place?” she seemed a little excited for it, no wonder why, she´s been alone for who knows how much.

“Sure” I reply immediately, I should calm a little, and not seem so obvious, but she doesn´t seem to mind.

After a couple minutes we´re at my place. “Wow, you have a big house” she says in amazement. I mean, she´s super tall, but yeah, the house is big, but she still had to duck to walk thru the main door, and I think that door´s like seven feet tall, but whatever.

“Welcome to my place, make yourself at home” I say, trying to make her comfortable, but for some reason, she hasn´t stop smiling since we met. I hope she´s not crazy, or worst, that she takes all of my food and runs away with it, being such a big woman involves she may eat waaaay more than I do. Could she be a carnival? Fuck, she´s already in my house, noooo. If I´m not death by tomorrow then we´ll talk.

“Is there anywhere I can change?” she asked, kind of shy, I wonder why if I´m not even shoulder level with her, even below that, but I guess she´s just polite, and since this is my house, well, I guess that´s ok.

“Yes, upstairs, there´s a bathroom… the second door to your left” I replied.

“Thank you, I´ll be back in a moment” she replied heading upstairs.

Ok, it´s about 5:00 o clock in the evening. Soon it´ll be dinner time, I have enough food for myself for about a week here, but I´m not sure how much does she eat, besides, what´s with the spear? It really freaks me out. If she was a normal height woman, I´d understand why she needs it, but she´s huge; I don´t think anyone will mess with her; and there´s also the fact that she´s the only human being I´ve seen in years.

Grey just sat there for a while, trying to solve the puzzle cube he found; he didn´t. In time, Wendy came back from downstairs, as soon as he saw it his jaw hit the floor. She was stunning, her height was not the only big thing on her. She took a huge bag of clothes upstairs, he wasn´t sure how many garments she took, but the bag was immense. It seems she took, and was now wearing, a set of pajamas, jade colored top and shorts, and by shorts I really meant shorts.

It turns out that under all those layers of clothes there was a very attractive woman. She had a feminine silhouette, her legs were long and thick, really thick; her boobs were big, enormous if you like; her complexion was rather husky, but the main reason could be that she was really tall. Het top was really stretched, it only covered her perky breast, leaving her midsection exposed. On the other end, her shorts were tight too, and really short, they couldn´t cover more than a third or fourth part of her thighs.

She came down the stairs, and every step she took just made her boobs giggle, bounce up and down. Grey couldn´t believe his eyes, he came from being alone to have a foxy woman on his house; it was true that she was a giantess; and if she wanted, she could shred him into pieces, but he didn´t care.

“Hi there” she said.

“Oh hi, I can see you´re ready” dammit, I hope I didn´t make it too obvious, but just look at her, it´s impossible not to be hypnotized by such magnificent curves.

They really were, she came down and walked in front of him. As she passed, he noticed that her round butt, it was gigantic too, her butt cheeks flexed as she walked into the kitchen; her attire could be tight on the top, but it was insanely adjusted on the back, he could see the whole contour of her ass, it was like a second skin, leaving nothing to your imagination.

“Can´t she see? I mean, this must be on purpose. Is she like… trying to catch my attention?” he was starting to make himself ideas, and who wouldn´t? Being alone all that time can lead someone to have some urges, really big urges. He fought not to have an erection right then and there, but it was really hard.

“Uhm… I don´t want to bother you or anything, but… is there something for dinner?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, I mean, it´s mostly fruit and vegetables, but I have plenty of food, would you like a salad?” he said.

“Sure, I´d really appreciate it” she smiled at him.

He started fixing dinner, he wasn´t sure how much she´d eat, so he decided to make a big bowl. For his surprise she ate the whole thing, and another, and another. He was surprised by how much she could eat. She thanked him and offer to fix breakfast herself. He acknowledged that and smiled, thinking that she had eaten at least the meal for two or three days in less than an hour.

Time passed by as they talked about how things had been for them during these years. It turns out that she was on an underground shelter when they threw a nuclear bomb close by. The funny part is that she was normal sized when it happened, at the age of 24 she was not taller than 5´4”, but when they released the bomb, it seems as a part of the radiation came in thru a crack on one of the walls of her refugee. She felt really dizzy for a couple days, maybe she passed out a couple times without noticing.

What she did notice was that her clothes were tighter. Each passing day the ceiling of her shelter was closer and closer to reach, until one day, she had to duck to walk inside. None of her clothes fit anymore, she had to tie a blanket all over so that she could cover her naked body. When everything settled, she came out, only to realize she was the only one alive.

Wherever she turned, there was nothing but ruins and desolation. She wandered looking for someone else, but she had no luck. She spent her time trying to survive, looking for food and shelter, but in the end, she couldn´t stay in a place for more than a couple days; she was hoping to find someone in the next village, and the next and the next; she spent her time going from place to place, she was anxious, she couldn´t survive with the idea of being alone forever.

She learned how to hunt, that´s why she has a spear, and she hunts big animals; a big lady must eat big she says. With time, she found a vehicle, which she “adjusted” to her size, and went from place-to-place hunting and searching for another person with whom she could be. Years went by and as time passed, her hope vanished.

“That´s until I saw you” she told him, “I was really excited when I saw you near my car, and I couldn´t help but to ran into you, what I wasn´t expecting was for you to run away, hehe, but I guess seeing someone this big is something that can scare some people” she said, she knew she was bigger now, way bigger, she didn’t blame him for trying to escape.

“Oh well, I wasn´t scared you know, it´s just that, you know… the spear kind of freaked me out” he replied pointing at the weapon that rested on the floor.

“Haha, sorry, I guess you have a point… but don´t lie, you almost wet your pants when you saw me getting closer” she said with a confident smile.

“Find, I did, but who wouldn´t? no offense, but…” he couldn´t say she was gigantic, he may hurt her feelings, but he was already getting to it, as she rose her right eyebrow in curiosity, he added, “you know… I… yes I was scared.” It was better to say the truth, omitting the part of being afraid of such a statuesque person, rather than saying something else.

She patted his shoulder and said: “It´s ok, I wasn´t going to hurt you either way.” She was smiling at him but all he could think about was how huge her hand felt on his shoulder. And squeezing it tenderly, maybe a little too much.

“Hmm, it seems it´s already dark outside…” she added looking thru the window.

“Oh yes, it must be around nine I guess” he said.

“Oh well, I guess we should get to bed early to have some rest, don´t you think? It´s been a long day” she said leaning forward on his direction.

“S-sure, we could, uhmmm…” Fuck, and where is she going to sleep? I mean, I can take the couch and let her sleep in the main room, the bed´s king size, but I´m really sure she won´t fit on it. “Do you wanna take the main room? I can sleep somewhere else”.

“Well, I was thinking that maybe…” she said as she leaned closer, and closer, now she was talking to his ear, “We could share the bed” she said in a seductive way.

“What, is she like, for real?” Grey was thinking, could it be possible? Maybe he was overthinking it, but there was a chance that he could have sex with her. It was obvious, her tight clothes, the way she walks teasing him with her every move, and the way she´s been looking at him for a while. He wasn´t the most athletic guy but, at this point whatever will do.

“S-sure, I mean, if you don´t mind, we could, you know… share the bed.” My god, I´m too excited right now.

“Ok then, why don´t you walk over there and I´ll follow you” her face was now one that showed a more luscious look, as if she had been craving for this. He started walking, and when he turned, she just licked her upper lip, she was eager for this.

“Ok, here we are” he said opening the door of the room.

She bent down and said closely: “I hope you´re ready” then she immediately placed her hands under his legs and upper torso, and rose him in the air, she was now carrying him, she crossed the doorway holding him in her arms and then threw him in the bed. He was perplexed.

“I´m really sure you saw this coming too…” she started as she closed the door, “but by the way you´ve been looking at me, I think you´ll like it.” She said winking at him and slowly removing her shorts.

She wasn´t wearing anything under those shorts, she just exposed her full flesh into him; then, she ripped her top, exposing her gigantic yet firm breasts, that bounced up and down with her every move. Now, she stood completely naked in front of him, she leaned and started crawling over the bed, trying to reach for him.

Grey didn´t move an inch, as she removed his clothes, he could feel her smooth hands removing all of the clothes that covered him, now, he was naked too.

“I guess we can start now” she said placing each of her thick thighs on each side of him and standing on her knees over the bed. He was laying in bed facing her, even if he stretched his arm, he was not able to reach a single one of her boobs. He was hard right now, just waiting for the moment, for her to allow him to proceed.

She just smiled and lowered herself, approaching her huge soft bosom into his face; she just squeezed them and smother him with her breasts; each of them was twice or more times bigger than his head. He rose his hands and started caressing her soft skin, moving his smaller fingers all over this titanic woman´s flesh; he was filled with ecstatic thoughts and a thrilling feeling.

She lowered her hand and started massaging his cock, stroking it gently as it got harder and harder. Then she accommodated herself and started placing his member inside her swollen pussy; he let out a soft moan when she did, he couldn´t remember the last time he had intimacy with a woman; he had been craving for it, and now, it was happening.

She did everything as he just laid there, making it hard to believe it, but after all these years, he got what he wanted. Now she was riding him, he felt the muscles of her thighs flexing beneath the soft flesh that covered them. From his point of view, he saw how her boobs bounced, up and down, her nipples drawing circles in the air.

He couldn´t help but to come inside her, once, twice and so on. She did as well, covering him with her juices, they orgasmed more that what they could remember; they had not seen anyone else in years, and now they were going to take advantage of this as much as they could.

Once they finished, they just laid next to each other in bed, both exhausted, they had been doing it for hours, even if he just laid there, he was tired. “I wonder, did she, like it?” he was too self-conscious sometimes, he turned trying to get a closer look at her, she noticed and turned at him.

“I hope you don´t think I just came here to get laid, it´s just that, it´s been a while you know, but I must admit, you´re cute” she said placing her finger on his chest and drawing shapes over it.

“No… I don´t think so, anything like that. It´s just, I wasn´t expecting this, not that I didn´t like it but… you know…I..” she just leaned forward and kissed him, cutting his over explanation, she could tell he didn´t knew what to say, but an action´s worth more that whatever she could say.

Now, they were both laying next to each other, she extender her arm and hugged him tight into her, he could feel her soft warm skin next to him; they were both happy that finally, they met someone else. Yes, she was really tall, but he didn´t mind, and he knew she didn´t mind him being smaller. He turned and hugged her tightly with both arms knowing he´ll never be alone any more.


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