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**The following story is intended for mature audiences. All characters on the story are 18 or older.**

It was now the middle of the night, the sky was cloudy with a chance of rain; there where almost no cars on the streets, except for some other people, maybe doing some errands or on their way to or from a party. The city was quiet, a little boring actually, or that´s what Dave thought, sitting on the counter of the store, just waiting for his shift to end.

It was his first day working there, he worked on a convenience store, next to a gas station. He applied just a few days ago and the day before they called him for a job interview, what he didn´t know was that they were looking for someone to work on the night shift; the store was open 24/7, and they were short on staff. So, it was easy to get the job, which he didn´t wanted, but he needed the money.

Now, on his first day, he was working the shift no one wants to work, the last time he attended a client was hours ago; and it felt like ages. He was there all alone, just watching thru the window, or getting busy with his phone. He would´ve rather work somewhere else, but he had been fired from a lot of places before, so he had almost no choice. He was 26 years old and didn´t have any plans for his future, he just lived day by day, waiting for an opportunity to show up.

Then, he heard a thunder, and drops of water started to fill the shopwindow; a few at first, but after a couple minutes big droplets of water started to fill the whole window, and you could hear how heavy the rain was. “Oh great, just what I needed” he said, there had been no clients in a while, and none seemed to come in the next couple hours, so it wasn´t really much difference; at least he was working indoors.

“I just hope it rains until the guy from the morning shift comes, or else, I´m going to have to clean those damn windows” it was true, the store had to be clean when he arrived and when he left, lucky for him, no one came to use the bathroom at this time. He checked the watch and said: “Well, at least half of my shift already went by; now, only other four hours to go… lucky me” he would rather be at his place sleeping, but he needed a job, at least for a while.

A couple minutes passed and he was just checking his social media; with all the rain outside, the chances of getting a customer were almost null. He walked by the aisles of the store just to check everything was in order, he didn´t knew what to do; his boss had told him that there wouldn´t be much to do, other than cleaning and attending some other customer.

He returned to the counter, he checked on the bubble gum packets and the screen, wondering if he could connect some console on it, but that wasn´t allowed. “God, I should´ve applied in some other place, I´m suuuuper bored.” He then laid back on a chair and started browsing some stuff on his phone, it must´ve been the tenth time he checked his phone in the last hour, but there was nothing else to do, besides, he was tired.

Suddenly, he noticed a light from outside the window, it was so wet that he could only see that it was a car, and a big one, most likely a pickup truck. “Finally, someone” he thought, he wasn´t particularly eager to have clients, but at least he wouldn´t be alone for much longer. “I just hope they didn´t came to take a shit on the bathroom” he really wanted to avoid cleaning the bathroom, it was disgusting, it was clean, that was true, but he would rather not to do it.

He turned back at his phone. In the meantime, someone came out of the car and rushed to the door; it seemed to be someone of great stature, thru the misty glass you could see a big dark blur, maybe as tall as the truck, but you couldn´t tell because it seemed to be crouching a little to avoid getting wet. All the while, Dave kept his eyes on his phone, laughing at some other meme. Then the shop doorbell made the welcome sound as it opened.

Dave turned his eyes towards the door just to glimpse whoever came in and turned back at his phone; but he had to turn again, he couldn´t believe what he was seeing. Thru the door, came in a woman; it didn´t surprised him that it was a woman, what left him dumbfounded was how tall she was. She should´ve been at least 7´tall, she was huge; Dave wasn´t a tall guy himself, actually he was a little small, he stood at 5´3”, but this woman, she was statuesque.

She seemed young, about his age or maybe a couple years older; she had long brown hair, maybe a dark cocoa color, wet also; she was wearing light grey yoga pants and a sky-blue top; but what amazed him the most was how tall she was, and her body, she had a buxom shape. He couldn´t avoid but to stare at her body from head to toes, and then back; her calves were thick and toned; her thighs were stout, maybe thicker than his torso; she had wide hips and a feminine waist; and her chest, well, it was tremendous; her shape was proportional, at least for her height, but her boobs were enormous, breathtaking; round, perky and yet so firm. She was his description of the perfect woman, but with amazonic proportions.

She stood by the door for a moment, trying to take off the wetness from her clothes and hair, in the couple seconds she came from her car to the door she was a little soaked. Then she noticed Dave by the counter, “Oh, hi” she said cheerfully; lucky for him, she didn´t notice he had been staring at her like an idiot for the last minute or two.

“O-oh, h-hi, welcome” he replied, mumbling a little, still agape by her incredible beauty; when she turned, he could see her face, and she was beautiful. Her big baby blue eyes left him speechless, and her smile, kind and sweet. He was a single man, and if she hadn´t been two feet taller than him, he would´ve asked her out, but only watching how tall she was made him nervous.

She just smiled and said with a mellow voice: “I´m sorry if I make a mess, but it´s bucketing down outside.”, there was a small puddle of water beneath her, he had forgotten to put the carpet inside, but who could blame him, it was almost 2 a.m. and it was raining, the chances of getting a customer where one in a million; yet, here she was, standing all wet by the front door.

“I-it´s ok, I got it… don´t worry, I´ll clean it in a second.” He replied, leaving his phone on the counter and walking over to get a mop. He couldn´t help but to be excited, not every day you see a woman as pretty as her; and talking to her was something he didn´t count on, he thought she would just pay and leave.

Just within seconds he returned with the mop and the mop bucket cart. He was extremely nervous, each step he took closer to her just made him realize how tall she truly was; he felt smaller with each step, and she was just smiling at him from above. “Aww, thank you, I wasn´t expecting such a good customer service” she said as he started moping; not knowing what to say, he just smiled at her and she smiled back. She moved to a side to give him space.

He started mopping the floor, he couldn´t help but feel timid, normally he would´ve said something to break the ice, but he felt a knot in his throat, her mere presence just unsettled him, she was so big, so stunning, so authoritative; and yet, she seemed so kind, so tender and at the same time sweet. Even though she was imposing, she seemed to have a kindhearted personality.

“Why is she still looking at me?” he thought, “she´s just standing there… smiling, what the fuck… wait, is she… like, making fun of me?” Dave was sometimes insecure about his height around regular sized people, there´s no need to mention how insecure he felt next to this statuesque woman, even though he was 26 years old, he felt small, as if he had done something wrong and she was about to reprimand him.

“Uhmm…” he said, finally speaking, “can I help you with anything?” he asked looking up to her, he was below her boob level, and being so close to those gigantic breasts made him swallow a little.

“Well, not right now, but thanks for asking, I was just wondering if you were new here, I don´t recall seeing you before” she said a little baffled.

“Yeah, today´s my first day” he answered, “So it was just that, she was just checking if she had seen me before, which is a little awkward, but at least she´s not making fun of me” he thought. “Do you come here often?” he asked.

“Mhmm, every once in a while” she said, “So, on your first day they send you to the night shift, aww, that´s a little mean, don´t you think?” she got closer and just fondled his head, ruffling his hair. He just froze there, as his face was turning red, his heart started beating rapidly on his chest.

She realized he was embarrassed and said: “Oh, I´m sorry, sometimes I got carried away, it´s just that… you´re a little cute and I couldn´t resist it, I hope I didn´t bother you” she said giggling.

“N-no, i-it´s totally find, n-no worries” he said giving her a big nervous smile.

“What the… why would she do that?” he thought, “c-cute? What does that even mean? Is it something good or bad?” although it couldn´t mean much to her, for him, being caressed by such attractive woman was unforeseen, it made him feel shy, and what she said didn´t help, it was true, he was good looking; but never before, at least not at this age, he had been called “cute”, was she hinting at him?

“NO!” he said to himself, “Why would she hint on me? What woman would want a man that´s not even shoulder height with her, let me rephrase, why would a woman that´s easily over seven feet tall be interested on a man like me?” He was puzzled.

She then walked by him and picked a basket, which seemed too small on her hands, more like some sort of toy. She just left and walked thru one of the aisles, Dave couldn´t help but to stare at her behind, she was simply magnificent; her long legs where so thick and her but was just plump, her pants where so tight and accentuated her curves very well, they just hold to her butt like a second skin; he wasn´t sure if she noticed, but someone could see the full shape of her buttocks.

Dave turned, he didn´t wanted her to think that he was a creep for staring so long, but who could blame him, such an outstanding beauty in the same place as you, it´s hard not peeping in. He tried to focus on mopping, but it was really hard to ignore her; her upper torso stood above the aisles, and her breasts where almost telling him to look.

He finished mopping and passed by the aisle she was, he turned when she bent down turning her back at him to get something from the lower shelves; he could see how her butt stretched the whole material of her yoga pants, accentuating her cheeks, he just swallowed as an erection started to form on his pants, he rushed to the closet where they storage the mop and stayed there for a while until his erection vanished. “My… she´s just so hot” he thought.

Something you need to know about Dave is that he liked “bigger” woman, he´d rather be with a plump girl than with a skinny girl; other thing was that taller women aroused him in some way, but he wasn´t sure why, maybe it was because he was short, but there was something in looking up to a pretty woman that just took his breath away. And this woman, well, she was the whole pack, he tried not to stare at her with his full attention, else, he may get over excited.

He returned to the counter, trying to keep his head cool, he just saw how she was picking up some stuff from another of the shelves. “Ok, just charge her stuff when she comes and try not to look at her boobs, that´s all you need to do” he thought, preparing himself.

“Sorry… “ she said approaching to him, “could you tell me how much these costs, there´s no price tag for them” she said handing him some ship cans.

“S-sure” he replied, craning his neck just to watch her face, but for a second, he noticed that her shirt was wet; he could see her bra from underneath the blouse, lucky for him she didn´t notice.

He just checked the price of the ships on the scanner when she said: “Excuse me…” she said, “May I ask you something?” then she placed one of her hands on her chin and leaned down a little.

“Yeah” Dave replied, felling his arousal increasing.

“Well, I don´t want to be rude or anything, but, how old are you?” she asked.

He wasn´t sure why she asked, but he answered anyways: “I´m 26… years old” he replied looking at her, trying not to watch her breasts that were now just suspended at his eye level, he was getting a hard on, and he could feel it.

“Wow, I thought you were younger…” she said standing at her full height again, “we´re about the same age, I´m 28… my name is Claire by the way” she said it in a nice way, then she extended her hand for a proper handshake, “Nice to meet you” he regretted being so aroused by her at the moment, he simply extended his hand, which was shaking a little.

Their hands met in the middle of the counter, and all Dave could think was how huge her hand was compared to his; her hand engulf his hand completely, he could barely see it. He swallowed a little, now realizing how truly big she was compared to him; they were close now and as he rose his sight; he could see that underneath her blouse, and underneath her bra, he could get a gloomy sight of her nipple, surrounded by a big areola. His cock was getting harder by the second, nervously he rose his head to look at her face and try to forget about what he just saw.

She was there, just smiling at him, her intentions where pure, she just introduced herself; and there he was, just looking lewdly at her, with such a carnal desire, he felt ashamed. She rose her eyebrows and with a blissful smile she said: “Do you have a name little one?” it was polite to say your name when someone introduces him or herself, basic etiquette, but Dave didn´t say a word.

“What?!” he thought, “first she calls me “cute” and now “little one”? What the fuck? Who does she think she is?” He was furious, why would she talk to him as if he was some infant, he was an adult, and yet, she was acting as if she had just found a lost child. Still, he needed to speak, he couldn´t just stand there dumb morphed.

“I-i´m Dave” he replied.

“Nice to meet you Dave” she said with a confident smile.

It seemed so strange that, out of nowhere, this woman Claire introduced herself; Dave had never worked on a store before, but he knew this was not very common. “Maybe she just happens to be well-educated” he though, but it was hard to think of a reason having such an immense woman in front of you, she may have held his hand just for a couple seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

Combined with his arousal, the way she talked to him, just so casual and at the same time provocative. Dave began to feel anxious, he just wanted to let go of her hand as soon as possible, but she just stood there, smiling at him. “Uhmm, would you like to know the price for the ships?” he said, it was the best way he could think of on how to turn her attention into other thing.

“Oh, sure, I almost forgot about it” she replied.

Dave told her the price and she just thanked him, she grabbed the basket, which seemed so diminutive on her hands and placed both cans in it, she turned and continued with her shopping. As she left the counter, he could take a glance at her derriere; with each step she took, he could watch how each of her butt cheeks strained and then bounced a little, her pants where so tight that it was almost as watching her naked. Watching her plump strong legs just take long strides making her ass shake was enough to make a man titillate.

He could feel how his mouth started to water, how his member was starting to jump inside his pants, he started to listen to his heart beating forcibly inside his chest. There´s no possible way this woman doesn´t realize how provocative her body is, how easily a woman like this can stir up a men’s libido.

He started to imagine things, to wonder, how would it be to be on a sexual encounter with her? How smooth her body would feel? Just thinking about how big she was, how long her legs where, her round ass, her enormous tits. Dave could only picture himself stuck at those huge breasts, trying to surround them with his arms, trying so hard to squeeze them, to… suck on them.

All of these ideas were starting to make him feel hot, and he could tell that his face was starting to blush, he even started to sweat a little. But he had to focus, he couldn´t let her see him like this, she´d think he´s a perv. He sat and tried to turn his attention at something else, but then he saw the small monitor below the counter. That monitor was connected to the cameras that where on the store, four in total; the screen was divided in four and each of those parts displayed a section of the store. Within a second, he focused his attention at the section where she was, and he swallowed hard.

She was so big and the store was so small that he could easily see her anywhere in the store, but the cameras had a different angle. They were located on the ceiling, and they could watch her from above. She was fixing her hair into a ponytail, but as she rose her arms above his head, he could see how her breasts where inflating.

She stood at a more erect position to reach better the back of her head, and as she did, her chest expanded, pushing out those beautiful mounds. It was as if her boobs where expanding, now he could really see how impressive they were; her clothes where so wet and so stretched at the moment that the fabric on them was almost translucid. That way he could clearly see her breasts, that were barely contained by her bra, by the way they were pressing inside it, it seemed that it´ll break in any second.

He couldn´t take it anymore, his member just stiff inside his pants, he could barely keep his mouth closed. He left the counter and rushed to the bathroom, trying to hide his erection. Once there he just washed his face with cold water, trying to forget what he just saw, but he couldn´t.

“What´s wrong? Just looking at her makes me… makes me, ugh” he was frustrated, she wasn´t even trying and yet, he was rock hard. At the height he was, meeting someone was not something that happened very often, whenever Dave met a girl of his size or smaller, he was just rejected; woman where always looking for a tall strong boyfriend, not him. During all his years in the “search of someone” he never found anyone, which only led him to enter a world of fantasy, wondering what would it be to find someone.

There was a time when, after some internet research, he just found out that if he couldn´t find a woman “his size”, he could look for a bigger woman; women that were attracted to smaller men. At his size, it´ll be easier to do so, he knew he was on the small side, so why not look for someone who appreciates it? It´ll make more sense.

And so, he started searching, but it´ll be hard to find someone still, even if he found a woman, what were the chances that she´ll be the kind that likes men his size. And the more he looked on the internet, maybe look for a date site, he found out that most of the wanted to dominate, to have men for their own in a harem, or some other would want to play mommy with him. He wasn´t looking for either of that, he just needed someone to love, after a while he just gave up and stated that if there was someone out there for him, then they´ll meet someday.

But something stuck on his head after all that, he found out that in fact, he was more into taller woman than he thought. Whenever he encountered a woman taller than him, he just fixated all of his attention on her, and sometimes it turned him on. Now, he was on the store, alone with the tallest woman he had ever seen; he couldn´t avoid being aroused by her mere presence, and her grand physique made it even harder. She was a goddess brought down to earth.

“Focus!” Dave told himself looking at the mirror, “just act in a normal way” he was wondering what will she do if she saw his just ogling at her body, he was sure that a woman her size will beat the shit out of him. But there was something else that came to his mind, something almost impossible, what if… there´s a remote chance that… she´s into him? Could she be of those women that are into smaller men?

She was big, that´s for sure, maybe she found out that it was hard to find a man for someone of her size and she just tried, like he did, to find someone smaller. “Maybe, just maybe… she´s one of those women, which will make sense by the way she´s been acting and what she´s been saying” he tried to persuade himself, think that he was not the only one in the room with those fixations.

Coming to those conclusions was something logical, he thought, but how could he make sure? If he asked, he´ll expose himself; best case scenario, she´s into it; worst case scenario, she just stares at him speechless, judging him. He decided to play by the rules and keep quiet, just treat her like any other customer.

Dave stepped out of the bathroom and returned to the counter, and seconds later she came. She stopped in front of him, placed the basket in the middle and said: “Well, I guess I´m done with the shopping” just smiling at him.

“Oh, cool, ehm… did you find everything you needed?” he asked looking way up at her, trying to provide a good customer service, to show her that he wasn´t just tongue-tied.

“Yes!” she said ecstatic, “everything… and more” she just stood there gripping her hands on her back.

“W-well, I´m glad” he replied scanning all of the stuff she bought, which wasn´t much actually, in fact, there seemed to be more snacks than anything else; maybe some mid-night munchies, who knows.

“Ok… it´ll be… $25.83” he said, putting the last item inside a bag.

“Sure, just a second” now she was searching inside her handbag, of course to take out her purse. “Ok, there you go” she said extending her hand and giving him the money.

“Well, this woman´s on her way out” he thought, “I guess that was all” he was a little relieved, not because he was going to be alone at the store again, but because he´ll stop feeling so over excited.

“here´s your change” he said giving her the cash and ticket.

“Why thank you” she replied.

“Have a nice day” he said.

“You too… “ she continued, he was sure she´ll turn and leave, but then, “But, actually, do you mind if I stay here a little while more?” she asked, “I don´t think this rain´s gonna stop any time soon”.

“S-sure, no problem, stay as long as you need” ha said smiling but, in his mind, he had another opinion: “FUUUCK! She´s going to stay here longer, what am I supposed to do?” it was true, the only option now was to talk to her, at this time and with no one else on the store it´ll be hard not to start a conversation with her.

For a couple minutes she just sat on a counter, where people could eat whatever they bought, and of course, she used two of the stools to sit; she wasn´t fat, but at that size and with a but that big, it´ll be more comfortable to use two. Both of them were quiet for a while, he pretended to check some things on the computer, maybe check on the cash, everything to keep busy. That was until she decided to speak.

“Sooo, Dave… this is your first day huh?” she wanted to start a conversation, he was sure.

“Yes, my very first day” he replied thinking that she was bored and she had no other choice but to talk to him.

“Aren´t you scared? I´ll be scared” she continued, “imagine working the night shift, all alone, someone could come in and just, you know… “ she stopped.

“Just what?” he asked, curious about what she had in mind to say.

“Well, no offense but, at your size it´ll be easier for someone to take advantage and… I don´t know… maybe do whatever they want here” she said as she grabbed a pack of chocolates from her bag and just open it.

“L-like what? What could they want to do?” this was getting weird, she had been acting strange the whole night, at least for him; but now, now she was saying things that were weird for anyone.

“I don´t know, hmm…” she said biting the chocolate bar, “maybe they could tie you and rob the store, or just make you give them all the money on the register…” Dave stood there wondering what was wrong with this woman, even if she thought about it, why telling him? But she continued: “or… maybe, just maybe, someone could grab you and take you”.

He was confused, take him? Like, how? He needed to know, “What do you mean by that?” he asked a little startled.

“Well, no offense but, it´s just that you´re a little bitty too small and, for a girl like me for example, it´ll be easy to impose myself and do with you as I please” she said taking another bite of the chocolate, “But don’t worry… “ she said with her mouth full of chocolate, “You´re too cute, I wouldn´t hurt you”.

There we go again, she was calling him “cute” one more time, and given the fact that she was having such a strange conversation he couldn´t take it and just let out his thoughts. “What the fuck do you mean by cute? The fact that you´re very freakin´ tall doesn´t give you the right to diminish someone!” he was mad, and he couldn´t hold it no more.

She stood there for a second and then stood up, he could see how her head almost reached the ceiling as she rose, but he couldn´t show her he was afraid. Dave stood as a man as she came closer and closer until she was standing in front of him, looking down at him from high above, she leaned; he was getting anxious and he decided to turn away before being face to face with her, he closed his eyes and turned to the side.

“I´m sorry, I didn´t mean to insult you” she said as she placed one hand on her knee and the other one over his head, caressing him like saying “it´s ok”.

Dave opened his eyes and turned at her, her gentle expression settled him down a little, he said no word, allowing her to speak. “Sorry, it´s just that, whenever I´m around someone good looking I start to say nonsense, if I said anything wrong… I apologize” she said still caressing his head.

“I… uhmm… it´s ok, I think that… if you didn´t meant to be mean, I guess it´s ok” he said as he started thinking “What? Did she just say good looking?” he was amazed by that, no one had told him that before, well not at least such a hefty woman; besides, he thought she was going to stomp on him.

“I´m really sorry, it´s just that, at this size… “ she said standing straight again, “it´s really hard to meet people you know, and… I thought that being here, alone in the middle of the night, I could chit chat with you, it´s hard for me to say it but, I don’t have much friends; I guess everyone thinks I´m kind of a monster” now she was opening up to him.

Dave felt sorry to hear that, but she was so big that it was hard not to imagine people getting intimidated by her mere height, he felt like a dick now for raising his voice at her. “I´m sorry, I didn´t thought you were having such a hard time”.

She just stood there gripping her hands in front of her, “No worries, no one really talks to me so, I guess you did more than much people” she said smiling peacefully at him.

Dave was a lonely guy himself, he didn´t have much friends either, so he had an idea, it wouldn´t hurt anyone if he said it so he started: “Would you… you know, would you like to be friends… with me?” he said looking up to her, she then smiled and lowered herself extending her arms. “Yes!” she said lifting him up in the sky, embracing him in her arms.

“Oh my god, I hope you don´t think I´m overreacting, but it feels so good to have a new friend… you should come to my place… you won´t regret it, you´ll see.” She was ecstatic right now, her emotions seemed to be as big as her. He couldn´t retract on this, but why would he?

Dave was smothered by her enormous breasts, yet, he loved to be surrounded by such smooth flesh, he was now filling his lungs with her aroma, her sweet scent. As Claire started to spin with him in her arms, full of joy; Dave just enjoyed the moment, he was making her very happy and also, he was now friends with a gigantic woman, he hated to admit it, but a part of him was looking forward for this. He felt like this could be the beginning of something good, something completely out of hi routine; for now, he´ll let go and live the moment.



Neat setup; Claire’s a beaut. Would love to see more of her.


You can check out "At the lady's house" it's what happens next. Hope you like it :D