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Chapter 22

Let it slip? Harvey was confused. At first, he was terrified. His boss had caught him sleeping on the job? He truly felt she was going to fire him.

Although, no one has said that she won´t. Maybe this is what she wants to tell him. Perhaps, this is the end. Time for him to go.

And this implies much more than just losing his job. What about the place where he´s staying? That´s her place, does it mean he´ll go back to his old apartment? Things could be worse, for sure. However, there´s something important here, right now, his boss is looking at him.


When the boss caught you off guard, doing something you´re not supposed to, then that´s bad. And you get a feeling, deep inside, that there will be a consequence, bigger or smaller; it all depends. But, when your boss is a giantess, who stands above nine-feet-tall.

He´s sitting at his desk, which only makes Mrs. Stalwart look taller. At this point, he´s unsure about what makes her more imposing, the fact that she´s the highest authority at the building; or the fact that she´s a large amazon of a woman.

She´s looking down at him, one hand over her fleshy hip, and a stern look on her face. She´s focused, certainly picking her next words carefully.

But he ignores one thing, she´s not thinking on how to fire him, she´s actually concerned about his reaction for what she´s truly wanting to say.


“Gosh, look at him, his hands are shacking. Has he noticed?” She´s intimidating him, and the look on her face doesn´t help.

This could be all blamed on her. But she did say he shouldn´t worry, right? Well, that word can be quite ambiguous. Like, don´t worry, it´s fine; or don´t worry, it´s already ruined.

“Ok, Vera, relax. Just breathe in and breathe out. Relax your face, smile, let him know everything´s fine…” she thought. Realizing just how bad of an impression she was giving.

But it wasn´t her fault, but the fault of her exterior. Her large, tall, thick and intimidating exterior.


It can´t be denied that she´s a bombshell of a woman. A statuesque amazon, thick all over. Her legs are so long, and so thick. She certainly rocks the skirt she´s wearing right now with her pillar-like legs. Her waist, even if fleshy, is certainly much thinner than her wide hips.

She´s got a thick hourglass figure. An alluring figure for some, but too big not to intimidate. Her arms are plump, but no one really has the chance to focus on those since, well her height basically plus, she´s got enormous breasts.

Breasts that are heavy, bouncy. Round, firm, so sexy. If they didn´t bounce way above him, Harvey could notice in an easier way just how sensuous they are. He can tell their size, for sure, but he´s never been able to actually have a look at them from the right direction.


But now, he´s uncapable of feeling anything but worry as he looks at her. What has he done? Was it that bad? He knows that, the second she speaks, something bad will happen.

And the words, the first words he fears he´ll hear are: “You´re fired…” but, after that, what will come? What else will she have to say? He can´t deny that, if there´s someone prepared enough to give a speech while firing someone, that´s her.

As if she had something prepared in advance, she certainly can recall every single mistake he made. Every wrong answer he gave, every delay, every imperfection. Is he actually prepared for that?


“Why are you so scared?!” she immediately asked.

 She wanted to settle her mind, pick the right words. Be kind, gentle. But he was so tense, so concerned. She hated it!

She hasn´t done anything. Any single thing to make him act this way. If she wanted to be rude, mean, if she wanted to have this effect on him, there would be a thousand other things she knew how to do. Why is it so hard to be kind?

Even now, her first words are not smooth, but a question. She´s demanding a response.

“I… I just…” Could he have lied and denied he was scared? No, he knows it´s easy to pick that. Everyone could see it in his eyes.

“I told you, you´re not in trouble, why are you so worried?” she asked, now putting her other hand on her hip.

“I… I don´t really know, I guess… because I fell asleep? And, I know, that´s not something that´s allowed.” He replied, swallowing hard at the end.

“That´s right, it´s forbidden to sleep at work. But… I´m not mad, ok? So relax.” Maybe being so dominant won´t help at all. Perhaps, she must find a way to be sweet.


It´s so hard for her. When has she ever had the need to be sweet? To be attentive. To be sensitive. Her ways have always work, however, this is something new. Something she´s never done before.

She needs practice. She needs to find the correct words. What she´s about to say isn´t easy. And it´s that struggle that makes her mad. Nonetheless, she cannot allow this to beat her, she cannot go down without fighting.

“Harvey,” she started, forcing herself to sound sweeter, smoother, “honey,” making her lips pronounce words of care, adoration. “I don´t want you to be afraid of me. You see, I care about you. I truly do.” There she goes again.

She cares, but what does that mean? She cares because he´s her assistant and everything he does has to be done perfectly? She cares because if he fails on his job, then she´d also fail on hers? Maybe he´ll delay her. He could be a rock that´s sinking her down.

If Harvey wanted to show him he wasn´t scared, then he must speak up. Her words are so confusing. He needs her to clear things up. “And… what does that mean?” he asked.

“Huh?” she replied.

“You say you care, but… what do you mean by that? I… do you care because I´m your employee? Or, do you care because if I don´t do my job as I should… then…?” she didn´t let him finish.

“I´m sorry, but I can´t answer that question. Even I ignore the right answer. But, let me explain.” He was listening.


“I can´t say I care for you as a boss cares for one of their employees. That I look forward to you being healthy, well rested and contempt only because I need you to get your work done. That´s not what I mean, that´s not my intention.” That doesn´t really sound too good either.

“There´s more, something more. Even I can´t put it into words. When I care, I don´t mean that I do because I need you to be proactive at work, what I mean is… whenever I look at you, my… my…” Well, it was now or never. She already planted a small seed on his mind, an idea, a thought. Now, it was time to make it flourish.

“My heart skips a beat. I feel… butterflies inside. I blush, so lightly, but still, that´s much more than I´ve felt for other man. Harvey, what I mean to say when I care is that… I… I like you.” And that clearly doesn´t mean she likes him as an employee.

It doesn´t mean she likes him because he gets the work done, that he´s her favorite employee because he´s punctual, or because of the efficiency on his work. This is more… romantic.


This, of course, didn´t settle his mind. She likes him? In the romantic way?

Harvey stopped worrying about being fired, but is this better? What if he said the feeling´s not mutual? Then, he´s fired, right?

But the thing is, he can´t quite say the feeling´s not mutual. As she confesses, he can see a couple other things on her rather than just dominance and authority. She´s shy, the fact that she can´t put this into words without hesitating, without feeling silly, that´s a gentler feature of hers.

It´s funny, even. To the point where he understands. He´s been there, and he knows how hard it can be.


“You… you do?” he asked, the shaking had stopped and now, he was eager to listen to her words.

“I… I do! Yes. I just can´t explain why, I just… there´s something about you. And I know what you think, I´m too old, too big. Maybe even fat…” she said, thinking on how many X´s were on her clothes tags.

“I don´t… I don´t think you´re… fat, ma´am. You´re… big, a big lady. But, uhm… if I man, I´d say your body is… beautiful.” He admitted

“You think so?” she blushed. Her heart´s pace sped up. Was she complimenting her? Was this silly feeling the feeling of love? She wants to hear more!

“So, I´m beautiful, right? My body, it´s beautiful. Now… how about my face?” she was eager to listen to his words. She even bent forwards to listen clearly.

Her breasts bounced due to the quick movement. And then, her face was much closer to his.

He felt unsettled for a second, a bit nervous. Harvey swallowed and continued. “I think you… you say you´re old, but you surely look… good. You´ve got a pretty face. I mean, you… you´re… cute? G-gorgeous!” Call her cute doesn´t quite fit the statuesque lady, but gorgeous does.

“Mmm, I like it. And I must admit you´re cute too. Handsome… but, for real, don´t you find me old?” she asked, not even sure if he shares her same feelings, but the way this is going, she can tell he feels something for her. Maybe not love, yet…

“Uhm… no. I, I don´t mean to be rude by saying you´re of… that you´re a bit, and not much! But you´re, ehm… more mature than me. But, I think, that´s normal. You know, boss´s are often of a certain age.” He said.

“Ok, but, thinking of me, not as your boss, but as a woman, do you think that, maybe, you´d. I don´t know… date a woman like me?” There it was, what she wanted to say.


Dating, then more dating, then kissing, then more and more! Until they are officially a couple!

“D-date?” he asked.

“Mhmm… date, honey. I really like you, and I´d like to know if I have a chance with you. So… what do you think?” she asked.

This was starting to feel like a proposal. And he can´t deny it´s a little uncomfortable.


Does she want an immediate answer? This is going WAY too fast. Can he ask for a time out? He knows he´s got a certain feeling for her, more than just considering Mrs. Stalwart as his boss, but he´s unsure if it´s love.

Sure, she´s got a nice body, and she´s pretty. But she´s still a titan of a woman. He was sure that she could rip him apart, and if they were dating, what if she got mad? He´s unsure if he should say yes, and certain he shouldn´t say no.

He needs time to decide. This is a big decision, and he´s still to be sure if he shares the same feelings she does. He certainly feels something when she walks into the room, but what is it?


“I think…” maybe that other day at the restaurant, that was sort of a date? He was unaware, but she might´ve considered that as a date.

And he must be fair, she did stand for him against that waiter. Which means she does care for him. And that she´s a bit intense. Does he want her to get that intense with him? No, surely not. But, if he appeals to her soft side, if there´s a sweet spot for him in her heart, that means he´s safe, right?

He needs to confirm that. Without making a big decision right now. Taking things slowly…

“Can we… maybe we could go… slowly?” he asked.

She was expecting an immediate answer. A loud. YES! But he´s right, this is so sudden.

“Sure, honey. We can take this slowly. There´s no need to rush.” She understands, that´s good. “However, no one can know about this, about us. Ok? Let´s keep it as a secret until it´s official, ok?”

He nodded. But the thing is… what´s “us”?



Lovely progress - and yes, FINALLY.

Daniele Mereu

Giant Milfs are the best always!


LOL, it seems that a few words ain´t my forte. More like a few chapters. But it´s finally here, the sweet moment we´ve been waiting for. Now, what will happen next? ;D