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Chapter 50

Evangeline may be eager to meet Josh, but Larry can´t say he feels the same way about the person he knows he´s got to meet.

His ex, Wendy, they didn´t broke up in the best of terms. He would´ve loved it, it would´ve been nicer, if she had just said she was the problem. And, in a way, she did say that she´s the one who´s got the problem. But the problem was him.


She broke up with him because he was not at his “level”. Which is rude, way past rude, it´s even toxic. And the thing is, even if he´s succeeded over all these years, even if he´s acquired, evolved, achieved so much more; life, more like an Angel, has taken something very important from him.

Wendy might be right, he´s no longer at her level, based on height of course. And he knows she´s going to use this against him.

She´ll mock him, he can almost hear her words, he can almost listen how she laughs at him. Her annoying laughter; it´s funny how he never truly realized she had such an annoying laughter, well, when you´re in love, there´s things you don´t notice.

He didn´t notice she´d be such a superficial, cold, and careless woman. That she didn´t care for anyone but herself, and who´ll leave aside those who were not at her level. How could he be so blind? Were there any signs of that as they were dating? Or did she just change from one day to the other?

He´s unsure, but that´s not something he regrets. The main issue is, how can he contact her? What will he say? What´s he supposed to do exactly?


The first thing he needs to do is contact her. Larry would like to think that there´s a chance she has changed. Or, at least, hope she doesn´t hang up the phone on him when she listens his name.

Maybe, has she forgotten about him? No way, she´s way too organized and with a really good memory, there´s no way she´s forgotten him. And, certainly, no way she forgets why she broke up with him.

He´s so uncertain about how this will go, and it´s just a call!


Violet, somehow, which is something he won´t ask, managed to get her contact information. Apparently, Wendy´s someone really important now. He never really stopped to look how far she´s gotten; mainly because he was focused on his personal success. And dating, and other selfish things he should´ve reconsidered prioritizing.

Anyways, Violet managed to get her phone number through her assistant. Which must have been something hard, but Violet managed. She always does.


Now, Larry´s looking at his phone, reading the phone number Violet sent him. He wonders, is it a new number? He´s looking at the number, wondering if it´s the same as the one he used to have on his phone.

Was this nostalgia? Does he actually care? Maybe his chapter with Wendy wasn´t over yet. Even if she clearly said they were done. Or, maybe it´s just one of those things you wonder, knowing clearly that they do no good to you, but you still wonder about them. Like, what if I drink spoiled milk? What if I drop my cell-phone?

Or, what if I call my ex? Clearly, the last one´s the only thing he thought he´d never do, and, of course, the one he must.


Larry was so concerned. Part of him wanted to avoid calling. He´s been through a lot of changes, and everything was because he wanted to prove her wrong. Not shove it on her face, simply for the satisfaction of knowing he was better than she said.

Now, maybe he could blame all of this on her. If he hadn´t change, then he wouldn´t have turned bitter. And if that hadn´t happened, then he wouldn´t have met Evangeline, and none of these would´ve happened.

He wouldn´t be a 2´2” man, sitting alone in bed, in the middle of the evening, wondering if he should or should not call her. But it´s not possible to blame her for everything. Sure, she might´ve being the cause, but she never really asked him to become this kind of man.

For as much as it hurts, he´s the one who chose to go this way. Maybe he should´ve looked for a sweet lady who cared…


There´s decisions that could´ve been taken differently. Times when he could´ve said no, when he could´ve turned away from this life he had chosen. One he thought wouldn´t have any down sides. At least until he reached a much older age.

Now, he´s got to make a decision, he has to click the dial on that number he has been staring at during the last fifteen minutes. It was so hard, the first time, in years, he´s been afraid of calling a lady.


Now, someone else is having a not-so-hard time somewhere else…

Evangeline was at Josh´s place, and she´s been there for quite a while now. Enjoying his company. Loving the way he just can´t take his eyes off of her.

But it was completely logical. Josh had a crush on tall women; we can call him a tall lady enjoyer. And, of course, he liked pretty ladies. Now, Evangeline was the tallest, and prettiest woman he´s seen! Totally an amazon! Standing at 7´1”, and her body was the one of a muse.

He feels as if he had to praise her, and even when he does, he doesn´t feel like he´s doing it properly. She´s got that effect on him. Unlike the one of intimidation, she has over everyone else. She´s a towering lady, of course she´s imposing.

Evangeline didn´t really thought she´d like to have this kind of validation, but people do need that from time to time. And she wondered why, but now, now that she´s met this feeling she´s certain it´s quite pleasant.

Not truly loving being ogled, leered at, glared at, but knowing someone likes you, that gives you a feeling, a deep feeling of being special. And being special to someone, that´s better than being alone.


Evangeline didn´t really know what she could talk about. What would this “problem” be? She told him that she needed him, that she was feeling bad. Which was a lie, but she must do it. Larry told her that giving comfort to a woman was something a man must do, specially when they love her. Plus, this could lead, on her case, to where she wants.

If she played her cards well, they could get really close, and that could lead to kissing…


“I just… none of my clothes fit! And, this is… this is so frustrating!” she complaint. Well, “complaint”. She had to seem a little desperate, in a concerned way, displeased by how things are turning.

And, surely, the whole growth thing could be the easiest answer. Which was still true, but it´s not a problem to her, she did it on purpose. Although, it has gotten too far.

Before, this really made her outstanding, and draw a lot of men closer. But past a certain height, it seems it no longer has the effect she wanted…

“I know, I mean, I may not fully understand it, but believe me when I say, not all of this is a bad thing.” Not bad for him, either.

Josh likes tall ladies, and now, he´s before a woman that´s expanding! She´s unaware of the reason, supposedly, but he´d lie if he said he´s not looking forwards to her next spurt.


Deep down, he knows he shouldn´t be looking forward to this, that it´s selfish to hope Evangeline will grow taller before his eyes. Again.

But there´s a feeling even bigger than this one, a feeling that´s mixed with lust and desire. The wish to see her growing taller. The hopes that she´ll soon become the woman of his dreams. A woman so tall, so sexy, a goddess on earth.

He´s rooting for this to happen. Waiting, eager, to see what the future´s got for her. Don´t get it wrong, she´s already a lady he´s dreamt about, but, is she meeting his deepest fantasies?

His words are not fake, he really means it when he says this is not so bad. But what he truly means is, please, keep expanding…


Josh can hardly hide it. He knows he must understand, that he must be empathetical an care about what she says. And it´s not like he doesn´t! But, his lust might be a little bigger.

He´s looking at her, paying attention to each and every single word she says. The disadvantages of it, the struggles, the bad side. But all he can look at are the good sides of it.

Her longer legs, her thicker thighs, her impressive butt. Taking over more space on the couch than he does, maybe nearly twice as much. He understands where she´s coming from, but he cannot say that there´s something bad about outgrowing your bras. In fact, that shouldn´t even be a complaint.

Josh, deep inside, feels bad. There´s a version of him that´s clearly saying: “Don´t be such a jerk, hug her!” He shouldn´t leer at her, he should show her how much he cares.


Although, the hug might not be such a great idea…

“I´m here, ok, everything you need, remember I´ll be there for you…” he said right before he wrapped his arms around her.

Evangeline was large, he could barely wrap his arms around her shoulders, and she was so tall. Even while sitting, her head feels like miles above his.

He wanted to make the moment sweeter by showing how much he cares. But the hug only did one thing, arouse him.


He held her in his arms, but it honestly feels like he´s just trying to get a hold of her. Not much of an embrace, more like trying to attach to something that´s too big.

The contrast, a 5´8” guy like him, trying to wrap his arms around a 7´1” amazon like her. He knows how he looks; he looks silly!

But this doesn´t make the moment any less hot!


Evangeline can feel it, she doesn´t need to read his mind to notice she´s turning him on. Which is good, and exactly what she wanted.

She put her hand over his and said: “Thank you for being so supportive…”

“No need to thank me, if you need a shoulder, I´ll be there for you.” He said.

Josh was full of sweet feelings, sincere feelings. And lust, she knows he´s getting horny as well. Maybe this would be a nice time for a kiss.

She bent, leaned over and kissed him, to “forget about her worries”. To make the moment special. The amazon, kissing her short kind. Her large hand on his cheek, and her tender lips over his.


Larry would´ve wished it had been that easy to him.

Instead, he was finally dialing Wendy´s number. Listening to the beeps as the call connects. Hoping she doesn´t answer. Hoping she doesn´t pick up.

After the second beep, he thought she might be busy. “Maybe she doesn´t answer, I mean, she could still be at work…” it would be nice if she missed his call, if she had, of course…

“Hello?” Came a woman´s voice, Wendy´s voice! “This is Wendy Collins, who is it?” Her words sounded kind of polite, but he´s certain that she wasn´t expecting his call. Well, anyone´s call.

Just as any busy person, receiving a random call, when it´s non business related, is not so pleasant. And Wendy was certainly the kind of lady who got upset when someone wastes her time.


Larry regretted calling, he shouldn´t have, but he did. Now, he can´t even find the words to say. Maybe hello? He left about five seconds without a reply, he knows that Wendy will hang up on him, and probably never answer any of his calls again, if she doesn´t block him first, of course.

“Hello?!” She said, now he can tell she´s upset.

Larry took a deep breath, it was now or never. “Hi!” he said, a bit too loud.

“Hi, who is this?” Wendy asked, a mere greeting does not make things any different. He hasn´t even introduced himself.

“I… I was hoping you remembered me, I´m… Larry?” he replied.

Larry felt so stupid. Shouldn´t he be mad? Shouldn´t he have a serious tone? At least keep neutral? He was hoping that the next time he spoke to her, if there ever was one, that he´d be talking to her as if she was just any other lady. Instead, he sounds shy.

“Larry…? Larry who?” Wendy asked.

Impossible, she doesn´t remember him? It wasn´t so long ago! How has she forgotten about him? Well, at least that proves how little she cares…

“Larry, your ex…” he said, rolling his eyes a little.

“Larry… Larry… oh! Larry, yeah, I remember you. What can I do for you?” That´s the thing, he doesn´t even know what he wants! What is he supposed to do? What is he supposed to say? Evangeline should´ve given him a speech or at least the key points he should discuss.


Now, speaking of the angel…

Their make-out session was sweet. Tender, spicy even. Evangeline can tell Josh is getting turned on by her. What were the odds that she´ll find a man who´s into women as tall as she is? Was it luck? Or was she unlucky to grow past what the standard is? Too tall for regular men, but just perfect for him. Unless… is he still waiting for more?

“Tell me, you don´t mind me being so tall?” She asked.

“Mind? Haha, of course not. You´re not too tall, you´re… sexy tall.” He replied, overwhelmed by her beauty, her size, her body.

Evangeline knew that things were starting to get hot, so why not making them hotter? To spice things up a notch…

“You think so? But, what if… what if I grew taller? Would you still like me?” she asked, trying to appear a little vulnerable, still, she had total control of this.

“So? I´m aware that´s a possibility, but, if I may, I´d say that´s not something bad. But something good! Now, don´t get me wrong, it´s not like I´d ask you or beg you to grow taller, but, let´s just say, I wouldn´t mind it if you were taller…” So he likes them taller, that was good to know. “In fact, I don´t know if you´re aware of this, or if there´s a way for you to tell, but, do you think you´ll have a growth spurt in the future? Like, ehm… the near future?” Oh, he´s kinky…


Evangeline smiled; it was nice to feel desired. But that´s not up to her, it´s up to Larry. If he was to shrink, then she´ll grow. There´s no way she can tell for certain, but she can check, just to see if there will be any growth for her. Time for her to check what he´s doing…


Larry was still on the phone, making excuses not to tell his ex that he was on a mission. But, how can he tell her he´s been shrinking? That´s odd, strange, unrealistic. Wendy will think this is a prank!

“Funny, you sound a bit higher in pitch than I remember…” she pointed out.

“Sure. So, the reason I called you…” he started, maybe he should talk to her about how things have been? What if he needs to tell her how his life was and that he realized he´s been doing wrong? Maybe that would mean he´s learned from his mistakes, right?

It could´ve worked, at least in his mind, if Wendy had given him a chance…

“You miss me, don´t you?” she said. She´s been waiting for one of his exes to call her. Larry´s not the first ex of hers, and certainly not the last one. “Let me guess, now that you´ve learned I´m successful, you want us to “get back together”.” She explained.

He hated this, why does she always want to be right? One step ahead? As if she actually knew what was on people´s mind. One step ahead of everyone.

“Of course not!” he exclaimed.

“Listen, I don´t know how you get this number. But that´s fine, I won´t even bother to ask who gave it to you. Now, let´s talk business, do you need money? Hmm? I can remember you didn´t have the best of jobs. Are you still on minimum wage?” she speaks as if she could walk over him, as if she was the boss of his, some sort of superior being.

“Of course not! For your information, I´m doing fine. NO, not just fine. I´m doing GREAT!” He doesn´t need any money from her, and if Evangeline hadn´t make it this way, he surely wouldn´t need a single thing.

“Is that so?” she said, with a skeptical tone.

“Yes! Ugh, you know, I had forgotten how it was to talk to you.” He said.

“And how is it?” she asked, just to tease him. She can tell he´s starting to lose it.

“You… you treat people like shit! You did that when we broke up!”

“When -I- broke up with you.” She wanted to clear that out.

“When… you… ugh, you know what, I´m glad things were done between us. I don´t even know why I called.” He was so angry right now, she´s just a know-it-all, she thinks she´s so smart, so clever, above everyone else. Treating him as if he was dumb, belittling him, trying to humiliate him!

“Maybe you called because…” she started.

“No! Save it, I don´t want to hear that. Bye.” And he hung up.

Thinking about it, she could´ve hung up first, but she wanted to tease him. To show him who was better, that she knew more. She was toxic, definitely. Annoying, and feeling superior. Maybe Evangeline should punish her instead of him. Or at least punish her too.


Larry hung up; his heart was pacing up in anger. He now had to breathe in and breathe out. But, now that he´s relaxed, now that the anger´s slowly fading and his brain´s thinking straight again, he wonders… what has he done?

“Fuck, I hope I didn’t mess anything up on that call…” Will Evangeline understand? We´ll see about it, if he messed up, Evangeline will tell him, really, really soon…


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