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[TL;DR] Been making video games. Shifting back into art. Realize I ought to update you on what I'm doing, so I'm starting a (likely weekly) blog. Also, I'm going to start daily rough sketches to build my speed and discipline skill.

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Firstly, I'm not good (yet) with community updates. Being the socially awkward introvert I am, I default tunnel into my art over sharing progress. Plus with how currently self-critical I am with my work, it's easy for my brain to poo-poo anything I've made and think no one would want to look at it. These things are something I'm aiming on correcting as best as I can as soon as I can.

At the start of July, I took a break from art and focused on cleaning up and "future proofing" my programming workflow (setting up scripts with functionally in which, after taking time away from programming to do art, I can return to my code with descriptions on how everything works without needing to relearn everything over several days). I'm satisfied with what I accomplished and, as a test, I was able to create a parody of "Motherload" (I'm considering making a gts-related version of this, however, as excited as I am to do this, I ought to lower the priority of it to focus on developing my art speed). After this, I resumed dabbling in art, and found that I lost some confidence. Namely, I'm at one of many skill hurdles every creative goes through as they learn and develop skills. That hurdle being effective time management and speed in drawing.

Most artworks I've shared over the last two years have taken at least several days to several weeks to complete with on-off doodling. I want to shorten that time a drawing takes from inception to completion, but the only real way to develop that "skill" of speed is merely to draw more, often, and without concerns of perfection and detail.

I would like to start a daily art challenge, tasking myself to create and share quick sketches and drawings, regardless of how "complete" I feel they are. Like going to the gym, I want to train myself into creating things faster to keep up with the flood of ideas I get on a daily basis. To start said routine I will work towards creating blog posts here to update you on my doings.



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