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"I heard stories from my father while learning the history of our people, but dismissed it as unimportant. I now understand why the Vandercross were granted a seat on the Convocation. Without the Sunwell, we are nothing." Koren Vongstag, one of the twin dragonhawk riders said in a mix of awe and bitterness.

"Hmm." Varrus intoned as he sat atop the bulwark overseeing a never ending supply of Mana Stones being exchanged for Undead scalps.

Now was one of the rare, peaceful moments when his wife had gone off to press more flowers into her diary, yet here he was, impressing some dude. Admittedly, it was a skilled dude who would make for a great ally, but he'd rather spend his alone time away from his wife…alone.

Besides, Koren's hungry gaze almost had Varrus shiver uncomfortably. Fortunately, his desire was placed upon the large pile of stones. At least Varrus hoped so. He'd hate to explain Koren's 'mysterious' death if his wife ever thought some guy was hitting on him.

"This bores me brother, when we left father, we promised him to gather survivors, rescue fair maidens, and gather glory for House Vongstag!" The other brother, Dakar, complained.

"Apologies for my brother's impertinence, Highlord!" Koren was quick to flick Dakar on the ear.

Dakar scoffed, and strode off to mount his dragonhawk.

"...." Varrus remained silent in the face of Koren's apology.

Dakar was the one who his wife wanted him to punish for daring to 'woo' her. Varrus considered using this opportunity to take petty revenge, but decided he would rather do so stealthily. He didn't want to ruin an opportunity to make allies with a pair of brother's who could take out a frostwyrm.

What was especially impressive was that the Vongstag brothers did so while in the throes of mana sickness. Based on their performance, they might be eligible for Hero status once their mana was restored.

Considering all this, Varrus let loose with a big belly laugh, he then raised his hand, and pat Koren on the shoulder. The other blonde was stiff like a board, and soon relaxed with a hollow chuckle of his own.

"No worries my friend! We must come together in these trying times!" Varrus was quick to reassure.

"That is a relief to hear my Lord." Koren visibly brightened up, and softly smiled.

"Yes, your help was most welcome Koren. Please, you and your men deserve a reward!" Varrus gestured toward the dozen or so pack of figuratively salivating dragonhawk knights.

"Well, if you say so…" Koren said with uncontrolled desire.

Varrus wordlessly dumped a bag full of Mana Stones into Korens hands.

Koren seemed to ignore the world as he eagerly crushed and consumed the power inside. His body exploded with holy light, and Varrus felt a pressure emanating from him only just below that of Syra's.

"Amazing! How much of this did you say you had!" Koren dropped his diplomatic act, and gripped Varrus' forearm like a hyperactive kid hopped up on sugar.

Varrus merely raised an eyebrow, and stared him down.

"Ahem, I forgot myself." Koren cleared his throat and stepped back when he noticed four nearby guards with half-drawn steel.

Varrus waved his hand, and the guards stepped back.

"I understand. Our people are destined to crave mana. It is our biggest weakness, and our most powerful strength. One day, I hope to restore the Sunwell." Varrus said in a conspiratorial tone, yet loud enough that every Elf within 30 ft must've heard.

High off this crushing victory, Varrus knew his strongest supporters would be in the crowd. If he wanted to sway the general population to work with him, the ad hoc army members would be the loudest voices spreading word of both his plan to restore the Sunwell, and his achievements.

"Truly?" Koren said in a voice that desperately wanted to believe.

"I have some ideas on how to accomplish this feat. It would take time, months, possibly years, but I am certain I shall prevail. Yet I worry some may try to stand in my way…." Varrus trailed off, and looked into the distance with an unfocused look in his eye.

"Who would dare?!" Koren stepped forward once more, and said in righteous indignation. A holy aura of might weighed heavily upon the air as his magic pressed down onto the surroundings.

Varrus internally smirked as he beheld the casual use of Koren flexing his power. Hero units were something else.

"I know not their names, but our people fell low to treachery once, it could happen again. I have your support in quashing the plotters in the dark, don't I Koren?" Varrus said softly.

Emotions warred across Koren's face as he was obviously conflicted about something.

"But my father, my House-"

"Will only benefit from an alliance. I've seen the talent you and your brother displayed, and I'm impressed. Think about it." Varrus finished by clapping Koren on the shoulder and sending him on his way with another mageweave bag of Mana Stones.

[Speech +1]

Varrus decided not to press any further, knowing he had planted the seed of doubt. If Koren wasn't convinced to form an alliance by his words at face value, he would be convinced by Varrus' Mana Stones or his battle record.

Besides, Varrus' Speech skill had leveled, what better indicator was there than that? He was certain the mana addiction would sway Koren, and where he went, his much less responsible brother would follow.

Speaking of said brother, Varrus saw him mounted upon his dragonhawk performing flips and tricks while a dozen or so women and one or two men swooned at his performance.

"Do you want to see me do a corkscrew dive, kick flip?!" Dakar asked the small crowd of his fans.

The responding cheers were music to Dakar's ears, so he began to fly high up in the air, then corkscrew down low, as close to the ground as possible.

There, on the ground where he was about to almost hit before pulling up was a large pile of dragonhawk dung. Varrus narrowed his eyes. This was his chance for Syra's revenge.

As Dakar came closer and closer to the ground, and the cheers became more and more frenzied, Varrus stealthily flicked his hand, casting Telekinesis.

The animal shit flew up from the ground in big globules, absolutely coating Dakar and his mount.

"Who did that?!" Dakar scowled, and his mount cried out as its shit covered wings spread to the fans down below.

"Boo! Boo! Doo doo Dakar!" One fan scowled and began to chant.

Soon the entire group sent him fleeing in embarrassment with their hurled insults.

Varrus rolled his eyes at the fickleness of fans, and took this lesson to heart. Earlier, he had had his name chanted to the heavens. Yet they could turn on him at the flip of a coin. Even Kael'Thas had half his own troops defect to the other side in Outland. If it could happen to the beloved prince, it could happen to him.

After completing his petty revenge, Varrus turned away, and decided to go over today's gains.

Varrus had collected a few dozen alchemical ingredients from his army once they searched and looted the city's ruins, or the few undamaged homes.

Alchemical ingredients were quite frankly, a huge negative in Varrus' opinion. Oh sure, everyone wanted to find the right ingredients to make a potion that could theoretically upgrade stats, armor, etc forever. The trouble is, Varrus had to literally eat the ingredients if he wanted to find out their viability.

Ever eat Murloc eggs? Harpy's feather? Troll's blood? Undead flesh? Treant bark? Fire oil? Ghost mushroom? Blindweed?

No? Varrus didn't think any sane person would either.

Yeah, and if he cooked the food items, they would no longer be listed under the ingredient tab, and instead become part of food.

Discovering the secrets of alchemy like this would be long, tedious, and frankly, disgusting as all heck. Varrus resented the thought, hence his alchemy stagnating to a low level. Perhaps he could randomly mix them, and his Ui would tell him the effects, but he was rather ignorant on the subject. Some players devoted time to alchemy in Skyrim, but it was frankly, one of the skill trees he seldom touched. It would be something to test out at a later date.

Fortunately the formulas native to this world were in the book section of his UI, he could craft those. He may have to settle for Warcraft potions for a while.

Which wasn't all that bad considering he could learn things that increased his spell power, haste, shrink/gigantify things. Just thinking about brewing a thousand shrink potions, then feeding them to a sleeping dragon was setting Varrus into a chuckle.

Potions were definitely important, but he was much more interested in enchanting and smithing.

His Soul Cloak for example collected over 4,881 Petty Soul Gems, 511 Lesser Soul Gems, 58 Common Soul Gems, and one Greater Soul Gem.

Fortunately the Undead were functionally little different from Draugr, and he didn't need to make Soul Stones to contain their souls. As a Soul Gem worked under the Skyrim UI system, and took their essence while the soul moved on. Otherwise, all the innocent Human and Elf souls trapped within the Undead would become trapped once more in his Soul Gem.

However, the Soul Stone ability in Warcraft, not to be mistaken with Soul Gem from Skyrim, was a Warlock ability, and could act as a Black Soul Gem. Which Varrus did use to contain the souls of particularly troublesome opponents, and would consume their soul upon use. Such a vile opponent like Drathir Dar'Khan deserved nothing less. That guy had his entire body immolated into ashes, yet somehow still came back three more times. Varrus could think of no better punishment than to use him as fuel to strengthen an enchantment.

He didn't have much time to experiment, but thanks to the Alteration spell Fabricate Object, he could spawn in a crafting station anywhere at anytime.

Casting the spell with a wave of his hands, Varrus saw the enchanting table appear out of a purple vortex, and plop down in front of him.

Placing his hands on the table in the classic pose from the game, he felt his consciousness go to the crafting UI, and he could vaguely see his surroundings in a 360 radius.

Over the past five days, he had picked up tons of rings, amulets, crowns, cloaks, and other assorted items that contained a modicum of magical power, and disenchanted them. Although they turned to dust, he learned dozens of enchantments.

He could enchant brooms to sweep the floor, items to remain hot or cold like a fridge or stove, he could even create magic orbs which acted like mobile phones, able to record or facetime with linked orbs.

Silly QOL enchantments at face value, but what if he enchanted a thousand swords to sweep at an incredibly fast rate? What if he enchanted thousands of plates of armor with the coldest frost attribute, and dropped them on top of Ragnaros? Conversely, when he eventually made a trip to Northrend to rip the Lich King to shreds, what if he equipped each of his troops with a hot plate?

There were many more QOL enchantments, but what Varrus was interested in was damage. Unfortunately, those were less common.

In terms of flat effects, Varrus gained: water walking, breathing, invisibility, fire, movement speed, protection, and levitation.

Additionally, he could allocate stats such as strength, intelligence, agility, spell power, etc to a piece of equipment.

For instance, a Petty Soul Gem, instead of enchanting a piece of gear with something like water breathing, he could assign 5 stat points.

Say Varrus wanted to enchant his ring with +5 strength? No problem! Additionally, he could distribute those points in any order. As an example: +2 intelligence, +1 agility, +1 stamina, and +1 spirit.

And this was the base amount. As his enchanting skill went up, so too did his ability. Just like in Skyrim, when skill went up, the amount of damage on a fire enchant would increase.

Of course with perks, enchanting was that much more powerful. Enchanting Mastery (2) - New enchantments are 25/50% stronger. Soul gems provide 2/4 extra weapon charge points per level of Enchanting.

A Petty Soul Gem could therefore enchant a piece of equipment with +10 stats. Not much at face, however, it was important to keep in mind that 1 intelligence = 10 mana!

In fact the entire stat to effect distribution went something like:

1 spirit = 2.5 mana +hp/sec

1 intellect = 10 mana

1 strength = 5 dmg on a weapon

1 agility = ×0.05 cast/swing/move speed

1 stamina = 10 stamina + hp

1 spell power = 5 dmg on a spell

Doing some simple math, say every piece of clothing is enchanted. Hood, chest, gloves, two rings, amulet, pants, boots. That's 8 pieces of gear for a total of 800 mana. Meaning one entire set enchanted by Petty Soul Gems provided enough mana to cast most Master tier spells!

The Petty Soul Gem is the most basic enchanting material. Meaning the stat increase could only go higher!  

After some experimentation. Varrus concluded that the rate of stat improvement seemed to increase by a factor of 4.

This was Varrus's theory at least, because he had every Soul Gem type except a Grand Soul Gem, so he had yet to verify.

HOWEVER, the stat distribution was looking pretty crazy.

At their base, without any modification, Soul Gems could dole out an amount of stats like so:

Petty: 5

Lesser: 20

Common: 80

Greater: 320

Grand: 1,280

Once he learned the perks Gem Dust, Regalia, and Attunement, he would be able to increase an enchantment by 90%!!!

Gem Dust - You may choose to destroy a Flawless Gem when you begin the enchanting process and sprinkle its dust on the Arcane Enchanter. New enchantments are 25% stronger when placed upon an item of the type corresponding to the gem.

Regalia - New enchantments placed upon robes, circlets, hoods and necklaces are 30% stronger.

Attunement - All enchantments on equipped weapons and armor are 10% more powerful and last 10% longer.

A Grand Soul Gem would be coming in at 2,433 stat points. Aka, 24,320 mana or hp.

Varrus was imagining that, but on every single piece of gear. If he put it all into strength, would he be strong like the Hulk? Agility making him fast like the Flash? Heck, agility also affected his cast time!

Frankly speaking, Enchanting was some bullshit, and some bullshit accessories. And Varrus was happy to abuse it.

If he wanted the perks for himself, he was going to need to level Enchanting. He might as well take this opportunity to further his follower's strength at the same time. Petty enchantments for the fair weather fighters, and maybe a few pitty lesser enchantments for the actually skilled amongst their number to sweeten the deal.

And for House Vandercross? Varrus practically wanted to shout 'you get a car, you get a car, everyone's getting a car!' He couldn't leave those directly sworn to him by the wayside. They were getting almost all of his Lesser enchantments. As for his Common Soul Gems, he had so few, he only had enough to fully deck out himself, his wife, and two or three more veterans.

Pulling out of the UI interface, Varrus turned to the one veteran House Guard he had come to rely on the most when he wanted shit to get done. The man was different from most Elves, as his hair was red, he sported a beard, a scar ran diagonally across his face, and he possessed a rugged masculinity not seen in many other Highborn.

"Rho'dan, inform everyone to gather, it's almost time to return. However, before we set out, inform them that I plan to reward everyone present by placing enchantments upon their gear."

"Yes Highlord." Rho'dan nodded, and began to round everyone up.

There was no nonsense with that one. Serious, quick with a blade, and experienced. He made for an excellent follower.

Varrus, meanwhile, was brimming with excitement as people began to form a crowd around his table.

After a sizeable group formed, Varrus raised his voice to be heard.

"I am so impressed by the contributions of everyone present. My pride in the brave defenders of Silvermoon is so strong, I know you can face any adversity head on! However, this should never have happened!" Varrus said as he gestured toward the nearby ruins.

"The harsh reality is that despite our magical might, our long wisdom, and keen intelligence, We. Are. Too. Weak!" Varrus sighed in lamentation, and slammed his hand down harshly upon the table.

"So let's change that starting here! Line up, Vandercross House Guard on one side, everyone else the other. I will enchant two pieces of your equipment of your choice, and then you will get back in line until I am out of enchanting materials. For the glory of Silvermoon!"

"For the glory of Silvermoon!"

Varrus then began to accept the irregulars first so he could level up his Enchanting skill level, and place his perk points in the skill tree. Once he had that 91% boost, then he would upgrade the gear of those truly loyal to him.

Once the line began to advance, Varrus had the people strip off their gear, and place it on the table one at a time. Once the item was on the table, it would enter his UI interface, and he could choose the effect. When he wanted to enchant an object, he would feel his body move on autopilot, and wave glowing hands over the equipment for a second, then it was done.

All in all, about a 5-10 second process with Varrus deciding on what enchants to use taking up most of the time.

Before long, several hours had passed. He often enchanted bows, and ranger equipment with a combination of strength, agility, and intelligence. Varrus considered going all in on agility, but the Elven rangers were already pretty fast, what they needed was a larger capacity to cast Arcane Arrow, and a stronger draw strength to permanently put their enemy into the ground.

Paladins got a mix of stamina, intelligence, and spirit. Warrior's strength, stamina and agility. Priests and mages got spell power, spirit and intelligence.

Finally it was time to pimp out Rho'dan and the one other veteran guard who had tagged along. Varrus' enchantment skill had reached 100 after spending thousands of Petty Soul Gems, and hundreds of Lesser Soul Gems. With all the perks in place, he was ready to strengthen his most loyal followers.

Each Common Soul Gem netted 80 stat points by itself. With the 91% boost due to the perks, it came up to 152 points per piece of gear. Given the 8 traditional pieces of equipment + the shield of a warrior, Varrus could give Rho'dan 1,368 stat points, an amount theoretically equivalent to 13,680 health.

Now that he had 100 in enchanting, he could also use the second enchantment on anything other than stats.

What Varrus wanted was a wall to stand in front, so he could rain down magic from behind. So he put 1/3 of the stats into strength, and the remaining stats into stamina.

As for the secondary enchantment, Varrus went with Protection. Which acted just like Ebony Flesh, coating the wearer in a secondary film of magical armor that lasted until it broke. The base armor amount wasn't much considering it was only a Common Soul Gem, only about 25pts, which was the equivalent of an iron armor chest piece in Skyrim.

Meaning, anything like a long bow from Earth, or especially a bullet from a modern firearm would easily break it. However, the 91% boost made Protection increase to 49 armor. Multiply that by 9, and a pale, translucent shield worth 441 armor would completely covered Rho'dan from head to toe.

Confusing math aside, the point is, Varrus' favorite yes-man had just become a nigh unstoppable tank.

As soon as he placed the armor on, unbearable strength radiated from his person. The crimson haired warrior took a step forward, and slammed his sword into the ground, then took a knee.

"I had misgivings for so long. The drunken parties, the womanizing, the squandering of generations for wealth. But you have opened my eyes to the real you. My loyalty was to your father, and everything he had done for me. Now, I fully pledge myself to you, Varrus Vandercross. I am your blade now and forever. All hail Highlord Vandercross!" Rho'dan said with great seriousness, and solemnity.

Varrus was slightly embarrassed as his inherited memories of bad drunken poetry, and long nights partying came to mind. Rho'dan was the one who had to rescue him from one to many potentially nasty situations. His stiff face and unyielding attitude were something ingrained into Varrus' psyche.

The old him was quite the little Malfoy. Lines like "My father will hear of this!" followed by a swift retreat seemed to be the norm.

Varrus barely plastered on a weak smile, and withheld the cringe from spreading to his face as he helped Rho'dan stand.

"I accept your oath of fealty Rho'dan." Varrus replied with some embarrassment.

Deciding to move on from this moment of uncomfortable memories, Varrus enchanted a new set of equipment, placing his robe and family necklace into his inventory.

Using Common Soul Gems, he put half the stat points into stamina, and half into spell power. Increasing his health, stamina and spell damage/effectiveness on the Skyrim UI by a considerable margin. Likewise, he also placed protection upon his gear too with the help of the secondary enchantment perk.

Robes, pants, boots, 2 rings, and an amulet came up to 6 pieces of gear, worth 912 stat points. Divided in half, that was 4,560 hp/stamina, and 2,280 damage added to spells! When compared to the toughness of a Legendary Dragon on Legendary difficulty that had 4k+ hp, Varrus would be able to two shot one with a basic fireball.

Again, Varrus had to remind himself that there was no such thing as hp in this world, as health translated to toughness. However, Varrus considered the toughness of a Legendary Dragon to be lore accurate to his current situation.

Meaning if he fought something of similar size and magical ability, it should have just as much toughness.

This told Varrus that he had a good chance to take on anything less than an Aspect. That other than the most powerful of their kind, perhaps only the most venerated and legendary of 'regular' dragons, like Onyxia, Nefarious, Korielstraz, or Kalecgos, would prove a challenge. Anything smaller than them were of no concern.

Satisfied with his gains, Varrus was going to dismiss the enchanting table, Varrus felt a sudden and tight embrace from behind.

Syra was nuzzling her head into his back like some sort of kitten rubbing her scent on him.

For a woman carrying such a big sword, her footsteps were exceedingly nimble. He couldn't hear her despite his increased hearing.

But he wasn't mad. In fact, he loved to be surprised by his wife.

"Yes, yes, I haven't forgotten about you. I've simply saved the best for last." Varrus said faintly as he turned around in her embrace, and gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

Syra forced her head under Varrus' chin, and simply wouldn't let go.

It was only now that his position had swarmed that he could see hundreds of Highborn staring at him and his wife.

"Rho'dan, have everyone break camp, darkness is approaching and it is time we were well on our way home." Varrus said with as much injected authority and Highborn smugness as he could muster.

"It will be done Highlord." Rho'dan said with a smile.

Apparently it hadn't been as convincing as he had hoped. Rho'dan never smiled! Besides, there was no Speech level up.

Varrus sighed, lifting up a strand of his wife's hair from the exhale.

"Do you want strength, speed, endurance, defense, mana or a mix?" Varrus questioned.

"Speed so that I may never stray from my Love's side for too long." Syra said after a moment's thought.

Including the Greater Soul Gem among the Commons, Varrus enchanted Syra's boots, pants, shoulder pads, bracer, two rings and an amulet. Dumping everything into agility, his wife's movement/cast/attack speed had increased by 81.85%!

Syra dashed from his front to his back so fast, he could hardly believe it. If he had any comparison from Earth, it was like watching a sports car accelerate to 60mph in a second. She was clearly still visible, yet her movements were outrageous!

She then began to giggle as she would run back and forth behind Varrus, creating tiny gusts of wind, and flapping his long blonde hair left and right.

Varrus rolled his eyes at Syra's frivolity, but joined in the fun too when he predicted where she would run, and held her in a telekinetic grip.

"I've been caught. What does my Lord think my punishment should be?" Syra said huskily.

"Why my dear we should-" Varrus paused in his tracks as he took a whiff of his wife.

Good lord, what kind of flowers was this woman picking?!

"Take a bath." Varrus exited sex talk mode, and said matter of factly.

"What are you implying?" Syra said in a lower pitched voice.

Her slightly clenched fists did not escape Varrus' notice.

Biting the bullet, Varrus pulled her in closer to him with his telekinesis, and recommenced with the romance.

"I mean a bath, our naked bodies intertwined within the warmth, me washing your hair, cleaning you." Varrus breathed heavily into her ear.

"Oh, oh yes, I see now my Lord. I've been a dirty girl, and need a good wash. Will you help me?" Syra said as she roughly pulled on Varrus' robes.

"Of cour-hya!" Varrus agreed, then was picked up in a princess carry by his wife.

"I shall see you at home, HighLord." Rho'dan bowed from the side.

"Highlord Vandercross, I shall tell my father about our meeting!" Koren shouted.

Many other Highborn laughed loudly at the scene.

Varrus didn't even have time for a witty comeback as Syra began to speed blitz them home. She dashed there with single minded determination.

When they reached the premises of the estate, several rangers and other House Guard on patrol greeted them, yet Syra paid them no mind.

Hundreds more Highborn who were training in the square hastily bowed. Some seemed to even recoil at their approach. Varrus idly noted that most of them were bruised, and had been heavily damaged. However there were easily more than a thousand of them. It would seem his ultimatum had paid off! Of course some would be scared, they were forced to kill their former friends turned Undead.

Varrus didn't have much time to appraise the people, because his wife stopped for no man.

She marched with him in her arms to a bathouse whereupon she promptly kicked the door open, then practically tore off Varrus' clothes. Warm steam from the bathhouse entered his pores, and helped relieve the day's stress.

He wanted to say something, but her hot, moist lips pressed themselves upon his mouth, and any protest disappeared.

He breathed heavily as they parted, and rested his forehead onto hers. They stared at one another for what felt like eons before he went in for another passionate kiss.

His hands squeezed her firm, yet pliable buttocks, and felt himself harden as she began to moan into him and rub her body up against his crotch.

Syra pulled away from him, and took Varrus by the hand.

Confused, Varrus followed along.

"Come, rest your head." Syra commanded, as she pointed at her lap.

Varrus followed her orders, and soon found himself staring up at her magnificent breasts.

He reached a hand up for a squeeze, only to have it be slapped away.

Syra's enchanting smile stunned him, and he couldn't say a word in protest.

Varrus felt warmth spread across his chest and abs as his wife began to ladle water from a bucket onto him.

Her soft thighs made for the perfect pillow, and he felt like he could let go, and fall asleep.

This closeness, this comfort. It was heaven.

His drowsy eyes, however, were forced wide open as he felt his wife's grip across his cockhead.

Syra began to rub the palm of her hand up and down his shaft, causing him to shake and shudder in pleasure.

All the while, she would stroke his hair with her other hand, and began to hum an Elven melody, and occasionally sing along.

Varrus was transfixed by her performance. Tears of ecstasy mixed with a forlorn sense of loss dripped down unbidden from the corner of his eyes.

He had lost so much coming to this world. His parents meant the world to him, and their deaths would break his heart. Yet he would never again see them, or handle their affairs.

The tears began to well up, and Varrus started to uncontrollably sob while his wife held him in her embrace. She gently rocked back and forth, and kept singing her nameless melody.

"I love you, always remember that Varrus. Come woe and weal, sunshine and doom, we share our lives together. I will always be here to protect you, my Love." Syra said as she leaned down for a kiss.

Varrus wanted to lean away because snot and tears had made him embarrassed to look her in the face, yet she gripped him tight, and clunked her forehead onto his.

"I love you too Syra, and thank you. Thank you for everything you do. Without you, I, I don't think I could keep doing this. I don't want to fight, but if I don't, who will?" Varrus said between stuttered sniffs.

"You are a brave man Varrus. I know that you hadn't fought so much as once in your life before five days ago. Most people hadn't. But you faced your fears, and came out stronger for it. And bravery deserves to be rewarded." Syra said huskily once more, and resumed her ministrations.

Her hand began to pick up speed, and Varrus could barely contain himself.

"Syra, I'm-mnn!"

Varrus was interrupted by a sloppy kiss, and couldn't help but buck his hips while his wife's smooth hand sent his cock tingling in pleasure.

Varrus closed his eyes, and softly moaned as sticky hot fluid erupted from his tip all over his wife's hand.

"Oh no~ it looks like it's your turn to clean me my Lord." Syra said with great drama.

Varrus rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but smile at her antics.

God, he was in love.


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