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And welcome to season 2! Sort of.... I'll get to that. But, this is going to be awesome! Season 1 was a surprise hit that got a lot of people on board with the show that no one ever thought would like it, mostly by just being a sweet, wholesome, fun, and above all sincere show about, just, being a good friend. As well as having way better writing then one would expect from a show like this. Season 2? Season 2 took this from "Oh, this is surprisingly good" to "Holy shit this show is amazing!" So the "sort of" for this being season 2 is that these two eps are in a very unique place, in that while they are the Season 2 premier, they were produced as part of season 1, as a kind of capstone to everything for that season. The upgrades and improvements that they made between seasons don't kick in until the actual season 2 production episodes, which start next time. Which, as a capstone for season 1, this is amazing,and it works so well, especially with on line that just..... perfectly sums up the core of the show and Twilight Sparkle's journey. "I've learned friendship isn't always easy, but there is no doubt it's worth fighting for!" Damn such a great line.... And then, we come to the big guy himself, Discord,the Draconequus (almost literally just Dragon-Horse,which gets interesting later....) he stole the show, proved to be a legitimately intimidating and powerful villain, and instantly became the single most popular villain in the show, with only one other potentially reaching his level. It also proves, yet again, that you haven't watched much classic Trek, as anyone who did instantly knows exactly where the inspiration for him came from. He is Q. And I'm barely even joking about that, the number of fics that have Q and Discord be the exact same entity are massive. Q was a reoccurring character on TNG who also made a few appearances on DS9 and Voyager who was an extremely powerful reality warper who would show up about once a season, sometimes seemingly just to troll the crew, sometimes on some other mission that they get dragged into to, but most often as sort of trickster mentor, who would put the crew, especially Picard, through some ridiculous or even dangerous events, with the goal of teaching them a lesson in doing so. So pretty much exactly the same as Discord's powers, and pretty much his personality, if having the dickishness and antagonism cranked up to max. Also, they are played by the same person, the amazing John DeLancie, so... yeah pretty much the same character. The best part is why, see, Lauren has flat out said that Discord is just Q, as she got the idea for the character after a TNG marathon and thought adding a Q like entity would be great, when she pitched the idea to the execs they were on board,and when she said they should try to cast someone who sounds like John DeLancie, since she doubted they could get someone like him on the show, the execs surprised her by saying, why don't we just get him to voice it then? So they reached out to his agent and set it up. This led to a whole other thing but we can get into that later. Suffice to say, Discord is awesome, and John DeLancie is amazing! So, on to more trivia related things. Just from the opening we have the addition of another CMC meme, first we had Scootaloo is a chicken, now, Sweetie Belle is a dictionary! Also, we have a chicken or the egg type question here. Was it the CMC fighting and being chaotic that led to Discord's prison cracking, or was it the fact that his prison was already weakening what made them so quick to start fighting like that? As to the repeated question of why the Princesses don't get involved, several answers. The most obvious one being the one they explicitly said in the ep,that the Sisters are no longer linked to the Elements of Harmony and so cannot use them. Side note, this is a bit of accepted fanon I do not understand....so many fics seem to take it as it was using the Elements (test test hey anyone actually reading all this? Jack you just skimming this!?) against NMM that severed Celestia's link to them, let, no, this was explicit, it was the mane 6 taking them up that did that, otherwise Discord would have broken free centuries ago. Other reasons, this is still production wise season 1, which means the executive mandate that a dark, night themed Princess is too scary for the show still held.... yeah that's why no Best Princess in season 1, luckily, you shall soon see the glorious return of the one true PRINCESS OF THE NIIIIIIGHT!! But also.... that's not their job. Being a leader doesn't mean you are the one to personally deal with every situation, it means you make sure the ones best able to handle it are in place to do so. Which is what she did, along with just the right nudge to help Twilight when needed. This is one of the best handlings of the Princess during a crisis..... sadly..... but we'll get to that. Beyond all that,we have many new memes, from the names for all the personality inverted Mane 6, the standouts being Liarjack, Greedity, and Meanie Pie. Tom the rock. Many, many jokes that AJ wasn't the one who tied up Fluttershy, they just found her that way. Fluttershy being a badass, because again, while she's never going to be quite RD's level of ace flyer, she is skilled, most of her issues with flying are all mental blocks, not physical issues. Spike being the new Rainbow Dash. Screwball. And like, 90% of Discords lines. Overall,an amazing start to the season with one of the best villains in the show, and still holds up as one of the best season premiers of the series. A hell of a start to an amazing season.


One thing bugging me this episode is the fact you keep questioning Shutter Fly's flight avoidance. Ignoring the fact that she's a weak flyer. Its like asking someone with 0 disabilities why they don't run everywhere. Some people just don't like it. But then you have people that do 1500 meter marathons for fun. There are a bunch of pegusi that live on the ground despite there being ways to make clouds and therefore they ability to choose any spot of air to live. But they don't because, well, any number of reasons. This all boils down to "Yeah I can do this. But I prefer to do that" and that's just human nature


Hey thank you for writing all these Textwalls of information. Its always so fun to readthrough and I love the Funfacts/Trivia you provide! - I even use them as a inspiration for informing/introducing other new members to the fandom, i hope you dont mind. :)