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Get ready for an enchanting exploration of 'Steven Universe' Episodes 23-25! In this special post for our Patreon community, we'll delve into the depths of each episode, revealing hidden layers, character arcs, and the mesmerizing storytelling that defines this beloved series.

🌟 Episode 23 - 'Monster Buddies': We'll explore Steven's heartwarming interaction with the Centipeetle and discuss themes of friendship and compassion. How does this episode shape our understanding of Steven's character and his relationship with the Gems?

🔍 Episode 24 - 'An Indirect Kiss': This episode offers a mix of emotion and humor. Let's dissect the layers of Steven's and Connie's relationship, and the significant development in Steven's powers.

🚀 Episode 25 - 'Mirror Gem': A pivotal episode in the series, introducing new characters and plot twists. We'll analyze the introduction of Lapis Lazuli and the implications of this episode for the overarching storyline.

Your engagement makes this journey through 'Steven Universe' even more magical. After reading the post, please share your own interpretations, theories, and any questions in the comments. Your thoughts add immense value to our discussions and help us all see the series through new, diverse lenses.

Thank you for your support, which enables this deep dive into the world of 'Steven Universe.' Together, let's keep the magic alive and continue to explore the wonder of this incredible series!



Hi Jack! Just thought I’d let you know that all gems can create rudimentary bubbles! Steven’s ability to create large protective ones is unique to him, however :) that’s what Garnet was doing before. I love Lapis! V excited that you got to meet her.


Can't wait to see more


I know this is an old video but I'm just gonna lay out the basic gem powers that we've seen (That all gems we've met can do) Fusion, Creating a bubble that stores items, sending that bubble 'home' (wherever home is to you), Shape shifting, weapon/item summoning and the ability to regenerate into a new default form (their new outfits) Also every gem type (Like pearls, amethysts, garnets, rose quartz's, ect) can have gem specific powers like the rose quartz' healing tears and defensive bubble (think of it like class abilities)