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Hello, wonderful Patreon family! 🌟 Today, I've got something truly special for you. I've just released an exclusive video where I react to two of the most highly acclaimed animations in the MLP fandom: 'Lullaby of a Princess' and 'So The Moon Rises.'

First off, 'Lullaby of a Princess' is a masterpiece of hand animation, a labor of love that took over three years to complete. The dedication and skill poured into this animation are simply breathtaking. 🎨🌙

Then there's 'So The Moon Rises.' What makes this piece stand out is its 'demo tape' version. Interestingly, it was initially recorded by a friend of the animator to capture the essence of the song. Though the final version features a more famous singer, there's something raw and emotionally resonant about the demo that really speaks to the character of Luna. I delve into both versions and share my thoughts on which one resonates more with me. 🎶💫

This exploration was made possible thanks to a request from a Tier 3 member in our 'Your Wish is My Command' tier. I'm always excited to dive into your suggestions and share these experiences with you.

A little update for everyone: the Tier 3 slots are currently sold out. Your support and enthusiasm have been incredible, and I'm truly grateful. While there are no open spots at the moment, I'm looking forward to reopening them in the future, so keep an eye out!

To those who've been part of this tier, your contributions have brought unique content to our community, and I can't thank you enough. And for everyone else, your support in any form is what keeps this channel thriving.

Thank you for being the best community out there. Let's keep exploring the wonders of animation together!


Jeff Spencer

some absolute great songs from the fandom. and still feel bad discord can't see you rock out I was doing the same lol. also it's not a spoiler but kinda is for music. prince whatever is huge in the fandoms rock and metal crowd and 4everfreebrony is huge in the softer side and rock side so those names may come up a lot not a tier 3 member so i can't recommend it but I do hope you get one of them to recommend all 5 parts of prince whateveres destabilized series (destabilized, L_st _n D_t_, enemy undefined, code phantom, alr3dy d3ad). also dont feel ba dabout getting teary eyed lullaby for a princess the first time I saw it made me cry. luckily it was at everfreeNW (ponycon) and was watching with others so their crying hid my own lol. their is so much more fan stuff out there and I am sure it will all get recommended


Ohhhh that was a great batch of songs, few near the end I've never heard of too. So, with just how much fan content there is of all types and genres.... Lullaby For a Princess is still pretty unanimously regarded as THE Brony fandom Magnum Opus, it is just.... well you saw it, it is phenomenal. Now The Moon Rises, is also a great companion piece, but slight correction, the second version wasn't a 'demo version' of the song, that was the original song. Both of these started as sings made by the brother/sister duo Ponyphonic, with that being their original song in Lullaby. Moon Rises ended up going with a cover version of the song by fandom VA/singer Eilie Monty. Ponyphonic also has a third song in the Royal Sister series, Harmony Ascendant, that sadly never got a major animation. Most of the rest, not much lore or trivia to, just really cool songs. Though that last one PFUDOR.... was the start of many, MANY, short, adorable, wholesome animations featuring Flufflepuff,the adorable pink ball of Pony(ish) fluff. She started out as a side character on a tumbler story/art blog, then he made this and a few other short animations, and Fluffle took over everything. Wonderful to see you getting to watch so many great fandom videos, as epic as the show itself is, it really is the tip of the iceburg when it comes to Pony.