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So yay more Pony! First up we have Bridle Gossip the "Racism is bad M'kay?" episode. Which yeah, lots and lots of jokes and memes about the Ponies being racist here given how clearly African coded Zecora is. But, do keep in mind that until Twilight mentioned she was a Zebra, none of the other Ponies even thought for a moment that she wasn't just another Pony, but one who lived in a death forest that everypony was already scared of, and who acted really creepy on top of that. So no, this really wasn't a racism issue and though they over did it, the Ponies had some reasons to be cautious, at least from their perspective. Adding to this is some very nice work on a few subtle things that shows how much the staff does think this stuff through. So when everypony is spying on Zecora, one of the things we see her do that seems to freak the Ponies out is paw at the ground. This is an actual bit of IRL body language that differs between horses and zebras. For horses, pawing the ground like that is a sign of aggression, whereas for zebras, it's more like a nervous tic and/or something they do to try and find water. Then we have the introduction of Poison Joke and yeah, all the effects are amazing, but by far the most popular was Flutterguy. There is also some BTS trivia about Zecora, as brought up in the shat, the langauge she's speaking isn't anything real, but is meant to sound vaguely like Swahili,as the writers wanted her to be speaking in that language, but budget/schedule issues prevented them from getting a professional translator in to help out with that. Second, Zecora was meant to have a much bigger role in the story then she ended up having. So back in the Dragonshy comment I mentioned that Lauren had wanted a more 50/50 split on adventure and Slice of Life episodes, but had to scale that back due to budget. Well, the plan was that Zecora wouldserve as a kind of secondary mentor to the Ponies, with Celestia focusing on the slice of life, learning to be better people and growing up mentoring, while Zecora would help teach them about whatever the new magic creature or threat they were facing on the adventures was. But the cutting back on adventure eps meant this role never really took off. We are also given our first real introduction to Applebloom, who I'm sure won't become a major part of things going forward or anything.... and in continuing, the staff know adults would be watching this, if only parents with their kids, and so gave jokes they know would fly over the kids heads..... yeah chat was making all those "Twilight needs a little blue pill" jokes for a reason. A rather important ep that introduces one of the most liked secondary characters,and opens things up even more with the mystery of what the Zebra homeland might be like, while also introducing a massive font of fan fic speculation in the form of Poison Joke.... that having read Fallout: Equestria, I cannot not be creeped out by given what happens with the plant in that story.... But above all, we got the glory that is Flutterguy!


Finally for this binge, we have Swarm of the Century. Yes, as caht said, this is a Trekkie Check, as anyone into Star Trek pretty much instantly calls out that the Parasprites are just flying Tribbles, something very much intended by the writers, and no this is far from the last. Hell, even in this ep we also got a Blazing Saddles reference. Parasprites have gone down in fandom lore just as well as Tribble have within Trek, and is also used as a Ponified way to describe internet trolls. Then we have the actual ep and, it's just fun, though yeah, the moral is a little less then perfect when you consider that Pinkie Pie really did not do a good job at even trying to explain herself. It wasn't that the others weren't willing to listen if Pinkie was telling them something important, it's that Pinkie was failing to inform them of why what she was saying was important, so lessons al around. Also yes, I am very sure that Celestia was just trolling Twilight at the end by pretending not to know what was going on. We also have an Apple Barn Destruction counter of 1, let's see if that goes any higher throughout the series.... and... really can't think of much else important, other then noting this is one of the first eps written by M.A. Larson, one of the most prolific and well loved writers on the show. Great to see the binge live, looking forward to more, as you are about to hit the point where Season 1 really gets into it's groove, and then it's full steam to the even more amazing Season 2!

Jeff Spencer

another 2 good episodes but swarm of the century as many will contest had the major issue of neither side saying what needed to be said and this is a big problem in the show but its one they have to have. if you have pinkie telling everyone "these are parasprites I need 10 instruments to get rid of theme for good) they get them and bam shows over in 5 minutes but its still very fun. and yes tia was trolling she is a huge one in the fandom and her VA Nicole Oliver doesn't hesitate to exploit that at cons. always so fun

Thine Tiny Equine

Oh, Jack! I totally forgot to give you the trivia post for the week. Tuesday is an important day in season 1, and that's a fact that's worth remembering, sorta. Every episode either takes place on, or ends on, a Tuesday. This pattern won't last, but it's a cool fact that helps us understand why we don't always get interconnected plots between episodes. This is written by M.A. Larson, who was a super popular/unpopular writer for the show because while he wrote a lot of great plots, one of his episodes was super controversial in the days it released. Nothing bad, just, you'll see. Larson was so popular that he's sort of the gateway between us and the show. He's appeared in YouTube videos such as Bronies React, where a group of about 20 fan members record themselves watching the movies or season finales. He's a really funny guy, though.