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I got a couple of complaints about cutting out some of the previous videos but i did that to make the viewing experience was good for you all and there was no akaward silence. But i am going to listen to you all and upload a totally raw uncut video with no edits or cuts. Please let me know if you prefer this way or the one cutting out the akwaard pauses. 



Yeah,I would just not cut anything from Patreon vids, tends to go over better. It is always wierd just how chill Connie is with this random kid coming up to her and trapping her in a bubble. But it all worked out, so yay!


I love Connie, she’s a blast, and I’m excited we got to peek into Amethyst’s frustrations with the other gems and stuff. Also I’m a Lars fan. He’s just such an asshole I adore him. Him with his little sign during the wrestling is soooo silly.