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Daisy Azuras

You did better this time not editing out as much. You really should leave in the theme song or make a joke about skipping it. Don’t take everything so seriously if you see something you think is weird or dumb or doesn’t make sense call it out. The reason people love this show is the fact that the writers never really talked down to the kids so don’t talk down to the viewers.

Michael Jones

Those sad dejected eyes as Rainbow and Gilda are flying off after the first meeting always gets me. Sad ponies are just heartbreaking. <3


hey if you’re still reacting to songs I suggest “luna’s future” it’s sung by luna and I think you’ll really like it.


i would totally draw you as a stallion with wings bro

Skyquestria my stories

If I pony I would be a alicorn which means she a earth pony and unicorn and pegasus and her is named Skyquestria beacuse she is creator of her world named after her and her cutiemark would be a computer screen and notebook the magic of the mark is to bring her stories she makes herself to life