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After those songs i just had to start reacting to the actual show! Don't worry i will still be reacting to songs you have requested !! More to come enjoy! 


Daisy Azuras

Dude. Go back and watch the first episode again. When twilight is walking around her library worrying about the return of nightmare moon she walks past a giant hour glass. As she does you see an image of Nightmare Moon in the glass.

Michael Jones

Just adding my very short two bits to say that this is how I found your patreon. For me, seeing this sort of a reaction is a pretty good litmus test for whether the reviewer will tackle shows on their own merits. (I've seen some watchers far more skeptical than yourself, for example, come out the other side changed by the experience). You seem positive and on board to lean into the characters and story, and that just makes long term fans like me smile. It should be a fun ride! Pony on, friend. /)