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Glitter Bug

Purple Unicorn - Twilight Sparkle White Unicorn - Rarity Pink Earth Pony - Pinkie Pie Southern Earth Pony - Apple Jack Yellow Pegasus - Fluttershy Rainbow Pegasus - Rainbow Dash Sun Princess - Celestia Moon Princess - Luna (Midnight was a close guess though lol)


Three great songs, little odd seeing the middle one, normally if someone dives into the Movie songs, it's Open up Your Eyes first. Glad you are enjoying the songs, the show is just... it is something else, and yes Luna is Best Princess!

Jeff Spencer

3 great songs. couldn't help but laugh when you thought capper was a good dude he is smooth and gets ya till that ending. but he's still a good cat just needs to learn about friendship. as for the southern horse her name is applejack, rainbow one is rainbow dash, yellow is fluttershy, white one is rarity pink one is pinkie pie and the purple one is twilight sparkle.

Daisy Azuras

I love the kirin and wish they did more with them. I love her references in her song. The phantom of the opera one made my mom laugh.