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Jeff Spencer

Ok first off yeah the new season got a bigger bugget and the back ground and effect artists added more and the animators tried putting more activity and better animation (as they has the exsperiance after 2 seasons) if you watch the background you'll notice many of the ponies are doing things and not just standing there. they also got more seasons as 65 was the goal to syndicate it but with the fandom showing so much love they gave it another season and eventually 9 over time. as for the IT you missed it in the end the IT was her now being responsible for balancing canterlots check book or my name is making it up.... wait that isnt.... crap. but seriously the empire was the IT and that black book is important I can't honestly recall what part it plays I think I know but we'll wait to see cuz if it is what I am thinking that could lead to spoilers. oh and that end with sombra, yeah he's dead. 100% dead he aint coming back unless you can summon a necromancer and have them work some black magic and bring his turned to dust ass back now onto telling the truth about saving the chrystal heart and the kingdom, honestly I couldn't lie. I mean come on what is the good side of it you are trying to lie to a deity over something that only means you fail a test. Tia has the wisdom of over a thousand years of life and in that time she's learned to read ponies to judge their heart and how well that can be trusted to work with her and the kingdom. also lying IS NOT easy. I know you'd be like "just tell her this and that and she'll believe you." cool that works now, so hey do you remember ALL those detail's 3 months ago about what you said happen in the chrysal empire? oh hey remember last year do you remember all those details about saving the empire? it's easier to recall the truth then a lie you said 3 months ago or a year ago so yeah it may screw me and I'll lose the intrest and possible glory of things I could of done under tia but I got 6 great friends and can do so much magic. I do understand what you are saying and yeah short sighted it works so well but in the long run you will get caught and what is worse failing a test or having your mentor your idol think of you as an untrustworthy liar.


Alllll right season 3 and let's get the meta, opening bit stuff out of the way first. Yes, when the show was first being created, it was assumed that the end of season 3 would be the finale of the show. No this is not where the show was "intended" to end, this wasn't a creative decision, this wasn't what any of the writers had wanted, it was just a fact of the business that no one assumed the show would go past that point due to Hasbro simply not wanting to more. An idea that is made pretty damn certain by the length of Season 3. This is due to something called the 65 episode rule. Which is a general rule in cable TV that animated shows require 65 episodes to be syndicated, that is sold off to whatever network will pay to be able to run the episodes. This is why sooo many of the 90's and early 2000's Disney cartoons got cancelled despite being hugely popular, they reached that 65 episode mark, and it was now more profitable for the network to simply sell syndication rights for the existing eps then it was to make new ones. This was very much Hasbro's initial idea for the show, hence Season 3 being JUST long enough to get the show to a grand total of 65 eps. BUT, the show ended up being SUCH a massive hit, and moving so, much, damn, merchandise, and just overall being such a financial success for Hasbro that they realized they could milk this for years, and so started ordering more seasons. So yes, Season 3's finale was what would have been the end point of the show, if not for it being so popular the suits saw a reason to let the writers keep going. None of the creative staff wanted it to stop there, and it VERY much was not Lauren's intended end point for things, as we'll get to later. Next up..... Lauren being involved in the show does not matter when it comes to the writing. Again, Lauren Faust was the show creator, but she was only a writer for the pilot. The show has had a rotating cast of writers from the start, nothing about that changed over time. Yes the person overall in charge ofthings shifted overtime, but that doesn't really change much. So.. you are focusing on something that really does not matter. The more important credit to look at for an idea about the epsidoe is who is the credited writer for that ep.


Okay that said on to the episode! Let's get this down first, since I just talked about the writer for the ep being the most important thing to look at.... this is a Meghan McCarthy ep.... and it shows. Meghan..... has certain issues as a writer, and we see them on play here. 1. She has no idea how to write Celestia and Luna and sees them as little more then obstacles for Twilight, and sometimes Cadance, from saving the day. 2. She is a very "because the plot said so" writer, where the reason things happen in her stories is "because the plot needs it to" rather then making sure things are written in a way where it makes sense. For example,Shining Armor says they need to rely on Cadance to keep the shield up, because his magic got blocked by Sombra..... except.... that JUST happened. So.... why was Cadance having to do it before this? Or the entire framing of this as a 'test' by Celestia, just to give some forced internal conflict for Twilight to deal with. As to lying about the test...... it doesn't matter what you would do, Twilight would never do that. That said, this ep did have some great stuff, Sombra really is an epic design, the Crystal Ponies and Empire will become lasting figures, we got some fun songs, and one of the greatest memes in the show Epic Wife Tossing! How many issues can you solve by yeeting your wife off a balcony? Oh that became such a meme.... So overall, I'd call this a 'decent' double ep. It has some great stuff... but it's also held back by some ploy holes, Sombra's poor characterization.... for years the most the fans could come up with for a personality with him was an obsession with crrrryyyyysssstttaaaaaaalllllllsss and stairs. (Mostly due to Meghan trying to have the best of both worlds, wanting him to be both a vague, unknowable, Sauron type evil force, but also a legit character, and kind of muddling in the middle.) Plus the really odd details of the 'test', a few other bits of overt plot conveince and, just some issues but still good. Oh, and it did have The scary Door! Which is legit terrifying. Also Pinkie Pie in a FLuttershy body suit.... becuase we all need more reason to fear The Pink One.