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Jeff Spencer

really great episode seeing fluttershy overcome her fears and save the day as for her being better then dash at flying no I doubt it but in the right circumstances I do see her being on par with dash. dash is all about speed flutters doesn't care for that so dash has the will to go faster, flutters tho will when lives are at stakes. as for the goku haired pony her name is cloud chaser her and flitter are seen as sisters in the fandom not sure if they are canon tho. Oh and bad news jack you missed a derpy sighting thanks to the comment "bulk biceps is my derpy" literally in the time it took to read that she appeared and disappeared but since you DID say derpy we are gonna give it to you. oh and as for how bulk can fly honestly my best guess would be he scares gravity. tho this did bring up a lot of discussion in the fandom as to why he can fly and scootaloo can't can't be wing to body ratio nor could it be size of wings because yeah bulk has smaller less formed wings then pumpkin cake and she is a foal. oh and one last thing too as I am a big dashie fan I gotta give her credit here for despite wanting to set a record her concerns where with making sure flutters was ok. loyalty at 100%