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Jeff Spencer

heh dashie get in trouble that is cute. spoiler she is part of the mane 6 she could go all smile HD on ponies and wouldn't even face charges. hope you like miss do she will have a brief comback later in the franchise


Ah, the one where the writers really had to fight themselves not to call it "Reading Rainbow". Also the introduction of Daring Do, AKA Indiana Jones Pony, who became an instant, massive fandom icon with TONS of content made about her. Now to address the big issue, no, no no! Lauren Faust is beloved by the fandom. She is The Creator! Let me put it this way, making your OC an Alicorn is the fast way to get sooo much flak and hate for trying to be special, and you will piss people off just by trying to do so. There are only two people who not only is it accepted they get to be alicorns with no one having any issue, but no one can see them as anything else. Lauren Faust, AKA Fausticorn, the creator of MLP: FIM, and Bonney Zachery, AKA Granny Bonney, the OG creator of MLP back in the 80's. Really there are few to no people involved in the show that you could call 'hated', the closest would be Merriweather Williams, who I talked about before, who is.... decidedly less popular then any other writer. Anyway, for some other questions, Equestria seems to run on a 'no harm no foul' legal system. Where if you have a good(ish) reason for it, and clean up any mess you make, that's about all you need. Also, pretty sure the Mane 6 get a free Royal Pardon for anything they do as long as the "Times saved Equestria" counter remains higher then the "times caused a local disaster" one. The bald pony, no one knows. Common theories are he had his mane shaved prior to some form of brain surgery,he's on pony chemo, and/or he's got some condition that causes rapid hair lose. The other thing we learned is, Ponies can heal from a severely broken bone in about a week. Is that just, Ponies are heckin tough and heal fast, or do they have medical spells that speed up the healing? On that topic, given how bad we've seen RD wreck before and walk away fine.... how bad was her crash here!? We also have a few mysterious, such as, WTF was RD supposed to do after getting out of the hospital? They kick her out and say don't use the wing for another week.... except we've seen her home, it's a cloud, with no way to reach without flying. Also, when Twilight pulls out the book to give RD, we see what is clearly another Daring Do book behind it. But she explicitly said this was the first book in the series? Either Book Horse screwed up when sorting that shelf, or, the common theory, it's a prequel and she shelved them chronologically. Other trivia, the barking pony in the straight jacket has been named Screw Loose, and keep an eye out for her having her own little story playing out in the background. Then we have Ahuizotohl, who is based on an actual creature from Meso-American folklore, who looked much like seen here, a large monkey/cat creature with a hand on it's tail. It was an ambush predator who would lie in wait inside watering holes and rivers to pull unsuspecting prey under and drown them. Overall a fun ep that furthered the Season 2 theme of "RD gets some character growth" and gave us one of the most popular side characters in the series!