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Hello everyone, as you might notice and as several of you have inquired, there hasn't been a PoC poll so far and this has to be with 2 situations. First, the Quarantine PoC sequel went a little bit out of hand, not only does it have the largest amount of characters, but it's the biggest one so far, and I'm not talking about the scope, but the size of the canvas, this one is going to be double the size. So this resulted in a delay I wasn't anticipating for which I'm deeply sorry. And the second one as you might guess by the rest of the tittle, is because I'll be taking some well deserved vacations, I've been working non stop for almost 3 years and it's starting to hit on my health, so I'll be taking 3 weeks off from late October till mid November. this doesn't mean there won't be rewards on November since I'm working hard on getting those done before I leave. So, regarding the poll, this is what I've thought so far.

Since It would be a little complicated to release a poll on November and since the next poll PoC will be released until November, I was thinking in doing December's PoC tomorrow. Then January's on the first week of October and on December, February's poll. Please let me know what do you think about this.

Again I apologise for the delay and I would like to thank you so much for your support. 

Two more thing, try to update your billing information so you don't get any problem with October's rewards. And the information on how you'll get November's rewards will be informed before the end of the month.




Sounds good. I hope you have a great, well-deserved rest.


Vacation? What is this thing, vacation. Dang it, I hate being a blue collar worker at times. But in all seriousness your idea sounds good to me. Hope you enjoy your time off and hope you are taking vacation on your paying job as well.