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After last month's Portraits of Corruption poll, many have asked me where the Venom/White Queen PoC winner is. Well you'll see it on your February Rewards. 

The poll was such a fun exercise that I'll be repeating it from now on. So starting this month we'll have a poll to choose a new Portrait of corruption that will be published on the next month's term. So this month's poll winner will be published the first week of march, and so on.

How is this going to work? There will have 4 stages. On the first one, you'll get to decide the corruption theme of the month. On the second stage, you'll get to propose characters, on the third stage you'll get to vote to choose three finalist, And in the final stage the royal rumble to choose between this three characters. First 3 stages will be exclusive for $5 - $20 pledgers, last one will be open to everyone.

Once a character and corruption theme are chosen they can't be used again for the next 4 months and the combination can't be repeated again for at least a year.

So stay tuned first stage begins tomorrow and it will last 24 hrs. Check your Discord for the announcements.

And what about the second monthly PoC? I will choose the theme and character(s) for that one, and It will be optional, if my work load is to big, this one might not be published, but don't worry I have several finished pictures under my sleeve.

I hope you enjoy this new dynamic, I'm pretty sure some great combos and ideas will come out from this polls.




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