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As many of you have noticed. Something went wrong with Patreon this month (Again). Unfortunately many of you didn't get your Private message with the links for this months rewards. (So far it looks like a minority) Just a few minutes after launching the rewards I began getting messages of subscribers not getting their links. At first I thought I screwed up I did several years ago. So I decided to send a second private message. Which those who get the first message probably got again. What happened? I don't know. But I do have an idea. I've noticed that many of you subscribe for the month, and renew when we get closer to the next batch release. And since this time they were released a couple days later and Patreon only allows me to send this message to active subscribers. Otherwise every single past subscriber could get a link as it happened last year. Maybe by this time I sent the links you've already suspended your subscription as usual and that way the release window was lost. This of course is just a theory and only you know if this is true. Nonetheless. I'll keep sending this individual messages as long as they are needed. Just be a little patient because being In a different time zone will definitely impact how fast I can answer your request.

I'm sorry for this whole situation and I promise I'll get back at you as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your support.




I was one of the peeps who received two messages. No problem here - I just used one of the message links and it worked fine.

Joe smoe

Still haven't received my link, any updates?