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Now that MEIKO SHIRAKI (Prison school) won this months character poll it's time for you to suggest how she will CORRUPT or be CORRUPTED.


Only 3 theme suggestions per person.

No past winning themes will be considered so you'll have to be creative with this one this time.

If you are going to suggest something from the anime, please add from which chapter your suggestion is.

Goblin corruption is a little too obvious. Something different will be highly appreciated.

This is a list of past suggested theme winners that WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

  • Roman corruption

  • Anubis Corruption

  • Hollow Mask

  • Breeding corruption

  • Jokerization

  • Souless zombie

  • Mewtwo corruption

  • Mutagen corruption

  • Italian Senate corruption

  • Work as a stripper/ escort for a job gone wrong

  • Sexy brainwashed nurse

  • Dark Triforce


Ickyy Peach

Demon corruption