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I want to fully apologize for this last bit as I started giving VIPs their renders I caught a fever (/flu? I think a flu can have fever symptoms too?) that my roommate got. It knocked me out to where I was bedridden for most of the week. I had no energy. I don't want to go into any details because they are rather disgusting...

I hate giving excuses and I rather have new content to show, but I've been unable to even stay awake for the last 3-4 days for more than couple hours at a time. The fever has broken and I thought I could get some work done today, but I got dizzy and passed out again...  -_-;;

I feel I've let everyone down since my anxiety trouble (also health insurance getting medicine to me issues). I just want to be open about this instead of hiding any details. I still will be giving all VIPs their content, I'm just a bit behind on getting the renders done and getting to the Cirno voice lip sync.

I just want to say I appreciate you all giving me a chance here to recover and get my act together. I'm already taking steps to make sure my anxiety will be more under control so that part doesn't get this far out of control again.

EDIT: to note I was in the middle of getting people their owed renders when i got sick. (I don't know why that was deleted, I must've accidentally hit delete on it)



Your health and mental well being are most important to me so take your time and hope you feel better soon so you can have some you time to shake off the after sick tiredness


Your health is more important. Please take time off for yourself to recover your mind and body.