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I wanted to make sure I set the form up and everything works before i posted here :D

The basis of it is Elbe tricks Bremerton into inflating via each time someone on social media shares her post. All patrons are allowed to submit a message (within common sense rules) and I'll slide it into the video at a good spot. :D

Here is the google link for the form and more details about the video to help you create a post for it.

(I accidentally overwrote the form itself , I still have the responses, no worries! If you still want to join in just see the new form in the new post.)

There is a small chance that I or one of my characters may respond to a message (in the video as well) but I cannot guarantee it for every message. ^_^;

The video will launch soonish AFTER my birthday, Jul 21st, cause there's so much going on with this video I want to make sure everything goes in clean and coordinated.

I'm hoping no more than a week. :D Depends on how the rest of the video creation plays out.




That’s awesome bro it’s good to be back from work, happy birthday early.