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First off: Here are the two WIPs with Amie and Amie+Rieko.

Amie is done except sound (I'll be doing that) and Amie+Rieko is about halfway in.

I have some slightly bad news. I don't know if I can have the Halloween video ready on the day needed because I misjudged the time it would take for doing the lip sync  and motions (all on me, none of the VAs or such) as well as the model fixes and such. I've been working so much lately on these I'm a bit tired and stressed that I won't make the deadline. ^^;;

I'm very VERY pleased with the result of the first video with meeting Amie, and the second one is about half-ish way through on the content. The third video is the full halloween video but it requires a small setup from the other two to make sense, so I wanted to post in order.

So I do ask if I don't get the 3rd video done for Halloween, that I can get a small extension on it. And after the main video work is done I'll immediately do the sticker sending and 3d Renders  for the VIPs. I won't push it back too far, and if it takes too long I'll pause the video and do the renders & sticker sending.

SPOILERS for Halloween video

Basically Lindsey is going to be going to Miss Rieko for trick or treating and there's a full moon out, and Rieko gets all flustered and starts howling, which Lindsey covers her mouth cause she's too loud and will annoy the neighbors, causing Rieko to blow up.


October2022 WIP Preview - Google Drive


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