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Thank you everyone for your support!

First off the sound will be being redone by Swell Reads, I wasn't a big fan of my own ^^;; It'll be ready for when I send out the videos. I can render the videos out and when the new sound is ready I'll just add it on.

Each person's video will be private. The public will get "Pop me" on the panty snap public version for final release.


So what do I need to know from you all?

1. The name you want written on the panties.

2. Panties - snap off? Make sure to put "Snap" or "No snap" or panties stay on or panties come off, or break or no break. (Just any way so not to confuse with the butt pop)

3. Butt Pop or non-pop?

Important stuff to read!

If you have not sent me your name and pop/nonpop etc, please do. It's not too late. I will keep the files until the end of August or a bit longer (if I'm lazy). If you do not want one, please just respond about it so I know not to constantly poke you about it :D

This is the first time I've done a "Special Offer" so I'm not sure what kind of list it's going to give me or if I have to go based on my own knowledge of who's on the VIPs ^_^;;

By August 10th, if you don't get your video, please contact me. Don't panic, I got a lot of these to send out so it might have gotten lost or I wrote down the wrong place to send to. Contact me and I'll get it to you, don't worry!

I will send out an important reminder message to everyone who hasn't sent in all the info during August a couple times as a reminder.


Butt Video 4 Versions - Google Drive


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