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TLDR: Video is almost ready. After the middle of the night hospital  things. My other roommate's father took a turn for the worse and we had things to do to set up palliative care and move things and all kinds of problems to prepare for when he does pass away. And on top of that I had a lot of repair work to do. I want to apologize for being so scattered about working on these things. I'm really realy thankful you all are so patient with me on this. I want to get back to doing more projects regularly ASAP.  The good news is the sound is almost ready and I have the non-pop version about ready too! (I thought up kinda cute little part to  add to it as well)

Okay i'm super tired it's almost 5am i need sleep. And I probably made a LOT of grammar errors below. I just spent the last several hours animating XD. I'll be back when I wake up to keep working.

Long version

I'm really sorry it's taken this long to get it. After the overnight hospital incidents with my roommate I had trouble with my sleep, and my other roommate's father took a turn for the worse in the hospital so I've been helping out over here. We just got him set up with palliative care at home today to spend the time he has left. (There was a lot of furniture to move out). The hospital isn't giving him long to live unfortunately so I will try to get as much as I can done before the inevitable happens... 

The  good news is the audio is almost done with Swell Reads (I sent it the other day) and the Non-pop version (that you see above) is almost done. The third one (where you're mixed with gum after being flatteend... I'm going to try to see how long it'll take to do, I'm going to keep it more simple than this one...

So also along with al that happened, there were a bunch of technical errors I had to fix, I had to rework the hands to the best of my ability on the model I've been using (I should get a new set of arms, honestly).  The physics controls were just going crazy. And having to stop in the middle and fix a few other things here and there... and the projects got me lost as I had to stop to help out IRL X_X... its just been... a lot going on and I feel extremely scatterbrained. And I feel bad for making these mistakes. Seriously I love animating it's just the technical work is stopping me  from keeping on keeping on.



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