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I'm sorry about any problems with the previous post! If you feel cheated in any way, contact me for another render. As I said "at least 1 / month". :D

And... if you still would like a render and haven't asked yet for January, please contact me :D It's never too late


• DM/Message on patreon or discord, or use the render channel on discord, what you'd like in a picture render.

• For Inflation picture renders: You can use characters I've inflated before in videos. And/or with rigs I've used before that are set up for the character or easy to set up. (ask for details if needed)

•Characters I've done inflation morphs and have not used yet are also okay to use. But: this is more for the people who have gotten me to help rig/morph their models before.

•For bubble/balloon/etc: anyone with a working model is fine.

•Multiple pics are allowed from the same render (like a short sequence) up to 4. (That's a good number for this.)

•Private renders are allowed, but you must inform me in advance. (edited)

•You can get at least one per month, so you can ask for more after the first, and if they're not hard I can do them.

I will have to decline the following: Using a character I haven't used before that needs a lot of repair work. Or building a completely new complex rig for an outfit expansion. Also way too many characters are not allowed. No more than 4 let's say.


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