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So I've been enhancing and practicing my inflation morphing/shapekeys for growth and I am getting much better.

These are some samples of what I was practicing. Using Race Queen Atago and Takao ( future video(s) ). Takao's belly needs adjusted some as I didn't catch an outfit error.

And Tamamo Cat (for next video) is prepped up.

And they can get a bit bigger than this before they lose their smoothness.

I also learned how to fix a general problem that occurs when the butt grows and the leg starts to lift. You'll see this ugly division where the hip gets big and the butt gets squished as the leg bends. I made some special morphs that allow the leg to lift some and move a little before it starts to look bad. It's not perfect but it got me to where I can make special morphs for certain motions with the butt.

Also I made some inflatable ears XD they might be cute when applied to certain cats/foxes (they're not done fully as I need to give them some fuzz in the center.

I also have a fox tail balloon (for Tamamo Cat when she grows) but it needs UV Wrapped. So it's just a wireframe at the moment.



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