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Hello. Thank you everyone for the kind support /words of encouragement.

I'll do a quick rundown of what happened. 

The last few weeks I've been fighting with extra work stress and trying to get more time to do my commission/animation work. Then the last week I struck a deal with my boss for a new set of hours, and during the week my stomach was acting up.
I thought it was my gallbladder or gastritis based on the symptoms. On friday night, the pain just got so bad and it was so hard to sleep, I thought it was just trapped gas or something cause it felt pressure below my stomach. Saturday morning I felt strangely calm and low pain, but mildly weakened. I went to the hospital and got scanned and it turned out that I needed surgery for my appendix removal. Somehow it ... I have no idea how this happened and I might be getting part of it wrong... but it slipped downward into my intestinal area and cause a ton of problems and pain. It didn't rupture, but it had gangrene.
The surgery on Saturday went very smooth and they said they cleaned it all up and removed the appendix.

The strange thing is that my dad needed his appendix removed the day after mine. (we live on separate sides of the country so my mom was freaking out on where she should be)

I've just been resting most of the time and just muted all notifications so I could rest.

I finally feel well enough and not on pain meds so that I can type normally again.

I'm still a bit weak, and I will have to spend some time recovering and get some exercise so I can walk regularly. I have about a week more time off of work as sick time so I can fully recover.

I'll respond in a few days once I am able to do things without getting dizzy.



Focus on feeling better first and make sure the family is okay too. Everything else can come later after rest and getting health back. Stay safe.


Glad your doing well. Thanks for the update. Remember to take it easy don't over do it. We will still be here when your back up on your feet


Take all the time you need. Enjoy that week off work to de-stress and recover, and detach yourself from the Internet if you feel like it. Your well-being is above everything. Take care and have a healthy recovery!


Your health is important remember we only have one body. We are glad your doing better God bless u