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The workaround one was part 2 technically.


Albeit I was a bit tired today at lunch, I'm feeling well. Being prepared for what to do with this, I'm having no worries performing the updates. Admittedly I got super happy last night when I found out that Deviantart will allow streaming of the videos in WMF format. Thank you again to the person on my twitter that let me know DA's policy changed in 2019.

Right now all the videos are uploaded to Deviantart for streaming, just not posted yet. That'll be later today since I have to make some adjustments to the files there as the thumbnails for a lot of them are just blank squares due to fade ins.
I'm going to upload them to Google Drive also. Reason: Google Drive will host my MP4s. and Deviantart will host my WMVs. I know that some phones can't use WMVs so the MP4s should work from there. There are a couple of old projects that are only Mp4 that will be on Deviantart (this was due to a problem with codecs back in 2018/2019, they might be lower quality or a larger file if I reconverted them back into WMV.

After this step, I'll upload a couple of the projects to Iwara. Due to Iwara's restrictions, I have to upload them slowly. I have to upload them one at a time and let 3-4 other people upload a video before I can upload the next. I will send Playmate's Bubbly Dream, Camilla's Giant Surprise, The Puff Buff Minotaur, and Lindsey Does Her Taxes as the first four within the next week.
Iwara is currently my complete "failsafe" at the moment in case other places start removing things.

I did a bit more research on other places and I got feedback and useful places I can possibly store these videos for sharing. But I think these three places should be sufficient for now.

I'll be starting on the next video hopefully within the next few days after sorting all this out.

EDIT: I forgot, thank you to everyone. You are all helping me with support in many ways, even sharing my works with others is helpful! And I appreciate it all ^_^


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