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Hey everyone! I’m both excited and nervous to announce that Speedrunning the Multiverse Book 1 comes out today on Kindle Unlimited and Audible! It’s been professionally edited, has a snazzy new cover, and the audiobook features some phenomenal narration from Graham Halstead.

When I started this story two years ago, I set out with the aim of just finishing a book. It’s surreal to see it being published—and it’s only because readers like you gave this story a chance. Thank you for sticking around, thank you for your comments, your feedback positive or otherwise, and your support here on Patreon, which makes this story possible. I know it's a bit of a cliched thing to say, but that doesn’t make it any less true--it really does mean a lot.

If you’ve got the time, please consider checking out the story and/or leaving a review!  That’s all, folks. Regularly scheduled chapter will still come out at tonight, as always :)