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The story is nearing the end of Book 2, and though I've not got writer's block, I definitely at least have writer's constipation--and it's been quite annoying to work through. There's a lot of moving parts that I need to tie together neatly. I'd really like to get the ending right and not rush it.

I hoped it'd be resolved by now, but it's still resisting me some. It's coming together, though. Will just need a little extra time. Will be pushing today's chapter to Friday, and will be trying a tentative Monday/Friday release schedule going forward (this would also let me celebrate the holidays with my family and take a little breather after a rough finals season).

So that's the update--M/F going forward, hoping to get the next chapter out by Friday.

I also owe you all another chapter that I hope to get out this weekend at the latest.

 Thanks for your patience, all, and sorry for the delay! :/ 



Don't worry man, take all the time you need to work everything out (rather, I'm really impressed you managed to update so frequently until now with so much peak content, really GG).


Yeah I’d much rather you take the turn to make sure the story keeps up the amazing quality you’ve had so far don’t rush it!