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The notifications poured in in a rush. 

Skill up!
Promethean Noose II -> III

Skill up!
Emperor’s Soul II -> III

Level up!
Essence Level 186 -> 187

Level up!
Essence Level 187 -> 188

The Final Boss has been defeated

S-rank Dungeon Call of the Abyss has been cleared! 

Zane was a little too woozy to clock all of them. It took a few seconds for his mind to get that it was all over. A few more seconds and his body got it too.

He did not faint this time. He made sure not to—he held on even as a dragging cloying weariness washed over him, made him sway on his feet… 

He felt heavy all over. A lot of it was the poison. They felt like weights sagging inside him, making every limb a lead pipe. 

But then Reina rushed over, fussing over him, pouring in healing, and staying up came easier.

He let out a heavy sigh. Let his tensed muscles unwind themselves in her embrace. Let his Bloodline burn out….

He let out a grin.

That was the S-rank dungeon cleared.

It still hadn’t really set in. It felt like they'd been in here a very long time. And his Levels, his Bloodline, even his Soul—so much had changed since they’d started the long swim down… he could barely even remember what sunlight felt like.

He was suddenly eager to feel it again. He was done with this place.

Avery and Evan paddled over looking relieved. Avery gave him a hearty slap on the back. “Nice!” 

Evan tackled him in a hug. “We did it!” 

He seemed excited to get out too. 

Together they made for the dungeon bottom.

The Beacon lay there. An island of light on a bedrock floor banishing the dense dark. And right beside it lay the Dungeon Chest.

It looked like a pirate's sunken bounty. So many barnacles and mosses ran over it you could have mistaken it for any other boulder—just unusually big. When they cracked it open though they found plush velvet insides. Charmed to be bigger than it looked from the outside.

Inside they found an astronomical wealth of treasure. 

A heap of max-grade essence stones shored up the base. Which was more riches than they knew what to do with already. 

But Zane’s eyes were instantly drawn to another treasure, a little crimson tower at the center of it all. Something about it called to him—called to his soul… 

He picked it up. It glinted in the soft light. It looked like one of those ancient Japanese pagodas, intricately carved, down to the tiny lines of the rooftop tiles, the features of its dragon-mouth statues…

Red Moon Pagoda [Uncommon (E)]

The signature treasure of Emperor Red Moon, ruler of the Red Moon Cluster. The Emperor was a Space Pirate during the Warring Factions Era who even the Nine Great Factions dared not challenge. Wielding this very Red Moon Pagoda, he established himself as the Hegemon of an entire star system. 

It was said that the Emperor could kill deities with but a glance—and all essence Skills that rose against him would inevitably fail. He could dominate a star system without moving a finger. That was the power of his soul Skills, amplified by the Red Moon Pagoda.

Each layer of this treasure stores a crucial technique of Emperor Red Moon’s Soul Inheritance. Each Layer unlocks upon mastering the previous.

This Treasure contains seven layers. 

At the first layer, this treasure is graded Earth Grade – Uncommon. Each subsequent layer grants a 10% increase to the power of Emperor’s Soul. 

Prerequisite for use: A5 Soul Talent, Soul Skill: Emperor’s Soul

Zane got a mysterious feeling looking at the thing. Almost like a premonition, a certain feeling of suspense, a gut feeling, like something awesome or terrible was looming on the horizon…

He still wasn’t really sure what it did. Something to do with souls? There was lots on its last owner, not a lot on its powers. It seemed to be partly an inheritance, partly some kind of tool. 

As he turned it over it grazed a bloody patch of finger. It flashed bright silver. Vanished.

He blinked.

It wasn’t here—it was there. In the astral plane. Placed right at the center of his soul, where his heart should be. 



Skill evolved!

Emperor’s Soul [Uncommon (E)] -> Emperor’s Soul [Rare (E)] 


He tried applying his new Emperor’s Soul, and felt that Pagoda light up within—it felt like he’d been wielding a blunt club for a limb this whole time. Now he’d finally grown fingers. He could move his essence around with a precision he could scarcely wrap his mind around. 

He was pretty sure this thing was the rarest drop they’d gotten in a long, long time. He struggled to believe you’d find this kind of thing in every S-Rank dungeon. Reina certainly seemed to think so. She was stunned after reading the description. It had to be because he’d unlocked that Emperor’s Soul Skill earlier. 

There was something roulette-like about these dungeon chests sometimes. They seemed biased to help the adventurer. 

He still wasn’t sure what he could apply this stuff to. He supposed he’d see once he cracked the Inheritance inside. 

The next most interesting treasure—an ordinary-seeming clay pot. With quite an extraordinary essence aura. It held no laws, yet its mere presence, its mere density, was stretching the air around it…

Sap of the Tree of Life [Common (E)]

Refined by Master Alchemists of the world tree faction, this Vial contains Sap tapped from the World Tree itself. Contains an amount of essence which is so intense it cannot be safely let loose on an E-Ranked Planet. As such, it must be contained in this vial.

When consuming, drink directly from the vial. Do not pour out.

This would be good to take once they got home. It sounded like it’d grant quite a lot of Levels. And Zane was pretty darn close to Level 200.

Next—“Oooh!” Avery gasped. She pulled out what looked like a floppy sealskin notebook, bound together with copper wire. But it turned out to be a partial Water Inheritance from the Thousand Seas Tribe. It was just what she needed to complete her Law of Mirage. 

Evan found a pair of S-ranked Sandals. They had little wings on the sides that crackled as he moved them about—an electric affinity. They’d let him move even faster once he started channeling lightning essence. 

And Reina got a partial Wood Inheritance too from the Temple of the World Tree. Which meant she could also break through to full Fusion. Everyone found something they liked in that chest. 

There were seven or eight other S-rank treasures. Law treasures, a few essence vials, some other random Inheritances for other Elements… 

It was more treasure than they knew what to do with. 

They had waded through four floors of Level 190+ Monsters for this. 

It was a haul at least proportionate to the danger, he felt. 

As they all sorted out their winnings, Zane thought over the raid. No one had gotten too hurt—except him, but he didn’t really count that. Their first S-Rank Dungeon came to a resounding success. He was proud of everyone. He told them so. 

“Awww,” said Avery, scratching her head. 

“Awwwww!” cried Evan.

“But… eh. Let’s be real,” said Avery. “You did like 99% of the work there, big fella.” She looked a little sheepish. She puffed out her cheeks. “I mean—I wouldn’t say I was useless, but… I definitely coulda done better distracting ‘em. I’ve gotta work on that when I get back.” 

“Yea!” said Evan, nodding. “I’ll work harder too. When the Superdungeon comes I’m gonna pull more of my weight, promise! I won’t let you down!” 

Zane said it was alright but they were quite determined about it. Reina was too, saying the first thing she did when she got back would be to learn that Evergrow buff spell they’d picked up.

It had been a good learning experience—they all saw where they were weak. They all wanted to support him better. 

Everyone was in fairly good spirits as they made their way back.


It was late afternoon when they finally resurfaced. It was a shock feeling air—feeling salty sea spray, feeling the wind tickling his face. Seeing the sun scattering glittering gold across the waters.

They were back.

Almost as soon as they got out—even before their ship came to pick them up—they saw wyverns swooping down from the clouds.

It was the reporters. Of all people. 

“...Coming out now!” said the guy. His voice drifted over. Zane could barely make it out. “We’ll see if we can… catching up—passing it off to you, Becca!”

The blond lady was flying over. She looked quite nervous. A little pink-faced, flushed.

Zane looked to Reina confused. Even Reina took a moment to clock it—“They’re here for the post-dungeon interview,” she explained. “It’s in the contract. Just answer a few questions, alright?”

Zane shrugged.

Soon the wyvern splashed down, paddled over, and the panting reporter started stammering at him.

“Savage Sage, sir! So glad we could catch up with you—are you free for a quick interview?”


“Perfect! I want to take you back to that pivotal fight on the third floor, right when you were cornered by those three Level 190 Minions. How’d you stay so calm in such a high-pressure situation?”

Zane got this kind of question a lot. His usual answer was he didn’t know how he was calm. He just was. But in this specific case, now that he thought about it…

“I wasn’t calm,” he explained. “I was worried they were going to hurt my friends. So I had to destroy them faster than usual.”

“Ah!” She didn't seem to expect that answer. “I… see. Uh—you make it sound so straightforward.” She gave a little laugh. 

Zane shrugged. It was.

“Err—did you have any doubts down there, stranded so far in such hostile terrain, in all that extreme pressure and darkness—surrounded by Monsters like none of us have ever seen? Any moments that tested your faith in yourself—were you frightened at all?” 


He found that question baffling. It did not even cross his mind to be scared of those things. And it was not a matter of faith for him. Winning or losing was almost irrelevant—he would give it his all anyways.

And his all, Zane found, was always enough. 

“That's, uh, pretty remarkable!" said the reporter lady. She seemed to be scrambling for words. “Some of those moments got pretty tense—even we were getting nervous on the broadcast! I know our viewers at home were too."

Zane wasn't sure what to say to that either. "Don't be." 

Thankfully, Reina jumped in just then and saved them both. "That's what's so special about him," she said fondly. She was on his arm, stroking him gently. “It’s his mind, not his body. Of course it’s his willpower and his bravery, but everyone can see that. What you don’t see is that he’s got such a big heart too…” 

She gave him a pat. 

Sometimes when he heard Reina talking about him, he was also baffled. He was pretty certain it was his body that made the difference. 

But it saved him from having to flounder, so he let her do her thing. The reporter was as relieved as he was.


They boarded the S.S. Styx again, got a round of applause from the crew—then made landfall and got another. The folk of the Pearl Throne Faction there greeted them like heroes returning from a long journey. Leaked Monsters from the trenches had been plaguing them for months now, terrorizing their coastlines—they'd lost a few World Rankers fending them off. Finally the menace was gone.

It almost felt like a parade walking all the way up the Main St. Between seashell-sheened skyscrapers, between roads lined with fan-shaped leaves. Back to the teleportation Beacon.

Zane was a little zoned out though. He was thinking of what was coming next.

The training.

There was so much to do. Figuring out that Pagoda treasure. Leveling to Core—and figuring out what that even meant, how to get better Core grades. Working on his Titan Rhino Inheritance. Getting another Concept to add to his Stormfire, and bringing that to the next level too…

There was a lot of room to grow. For him and for his friends too. 

He knew halfway across the world the Europe Team, led by World Rank #1 Irina Volkova, would soon start working on the Everest dungeon.

Zane was World Rank #2 by pure Level after all that—but Irina still held onto her #1 spot. He wondered how high she must’ve gotten. In the 190s, at least, which was pretty remarkable considering she hadn’t even raided an S-rank yet. Her talent must be off the charts there. 

Reina started briefing him on the S-Rank as they made their way back home, teleporting Beacon to Beacon. Popping between a dozen different climes and times of day. 

The other S-Rank Dungeon was called Heaven's Peak. It seemed like their trench S-Rank in terms of power—the Monsters leaking out were also in the 190s. But it seemed somehow more unstable too. Its description notifications often flickered and fuzzed out, scrambling. Other strange reports issued out, none verified. There were claims of auras soaring out of it that sent other leaked Level 190s from nearby A+-rank dungeons running in a panicked stampede… 

Nobody really knew what it all meant. But the raid—which was happening in just a few days—would be televised for all to see, like Zane’s raid. Then they’d know. 

In the meantime a growing number of World Rankers were hunting for the entrance to the Superdungeon. You’d think it’d be pretty obvious, with how big the dungeon was meant to be. No luck so far.

Some thought it would pop up out of nowhere once the S-rank cleared. Others thought it was hiding in plain sight...



Nice chapter looking forward to his training and reaching core. Lots of stuff to happen before super dungeon opens up lol


Imagine if its the moon lol