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Catherine had everything ready. Her books were out and she had soothing music playing in the background, the lighting was dim, but not dark, and it was only six o’clock at night. The sun was beginning to set, so there was a beautiful amber skyscape right outside her living room window. To her, and to anyone else, this was the perfect environment to learn!

In preparation for the test that was happening tomorrow morning, Catherine was practically forced to study right now or never. She wouldn’t chalk it to procrastination, but she did find herself busy every single night from when the test was announced to tonight.

But, as Catherine thought, she has read thick books before in the span of a single night, so she presumed she could find the focus to read through the textbook chapter. All she needed to do was retain the information, and how hard could that possibly be…?

Catherine managed to get a paragraph into the chapter before she found her eyes wandering away from the pages, trailing her gaze to a soft stress ball that sat on her table. Her heart fluttered seeing the ball, and she couldn’t help but bat it with her hand, sending it flying off the table and rolling onto the hardwood floor,

Damnit, Catherine cursed in her head, I better go pick that up…

She left her seat, strolled over to the ball, bent over and picked it up, placing it back on the table. This time, everything was ready for reading!

…but unfortunately, that didn’t last long either. She began gently grooving to the soft music that she had on, vibing to the slow rhythm and closing her eyes. Her mouth curled up into a smile, and she felt her head getting lost in a dreamy state…


Cathrine shouted, suddenly struck with the realization. She knew why she wasn’t focusing! Quickly, she scampered over to a window and searched the sky for the moon. To her despair, the moon was nowhere to be found, which could only mean two things:

The moon was on the other side of the earth, or it was the night of a new moon. To this, Catherine let out a loud, pained moan as the pain of failing tomorrow's test sunk in.

Catherine had a mutation of a mutation; a rare genetic disease. Unlike other werewolves and were-creatures that transformed under the brilliantly bright full moon, Catherine suffered from the opposite; she would transform under the new moon. This meant that all the handy warnings and calendars that existed for were-creatures detailing the full moons in the month were all useless to her. She didn’t understand what about the strange mystical magic curse was different to her than any other of her were-brethren, but her body just couldn’t help turning when there was no moon in sight.

Which was exactly what was going on right now, and at the worst possible time. She had to study, she needed to study, or she could risk failing the test, but like many other were-creatures, her transformation came with a few behavioural changes. She had two changes, and one of them was that she couldn’t focus on anything for the life of her. Everything was interesting, everything was fun to play with, and her span of attention was minimal to non-existent.

Regardless, Catherine was still determined to at least get some studying in…

She grinded her teeth as she focused on the words on the page, her other hand feeling her neck begin to grow in her soft black fur. The sensation of transforming was always a pleasureful trigger to her, causing her to curl her toes and murr in place. Eventually, her hand made its way to her crotch, which was starting to become wet.

Along with the inability to focus on anything, the second behavioural change was much easier to spot. She would get very horny.

Her hands were beginning to fluff up, forming into paws as they began to stroke and dig into her pussy, which she was spreading her thighs for. Her eyes were moving across the page of the textbook, but none of the information was going into her mind. All that was in her head was the fear of losing the test tomorrow, and how funny this all was~!!

She let out a giggle, which quickly turned into a pleased mewl. Her kitty tail sprouted out of her rear, and her body was now covered in a soft line of black fur. Her hands were quickly turning into big soft paws, perfect for hugging and her favourite action: stroking massive cocks.

Speaking of cocks, even after Cathrine’s strange moon transformation trigger, she had a more common (albeit still quite rare) transformation along with it all.

Her paw was quickly rubbing and stroking her clit, which was starting to fatten and grow larger. Her breasts began to shrink into her body, flattening her chest out. Her mewls were getting louder and louder, with her enlarging clit starting to drip out the front. She was growing a large, hefty cock!

Her serrated tongue fell out of her maw, which was quickly becoming feline. Her toes curled as she mewled and mrowed, her cock growing out under the desk and hitting the underside with a loud thwack!! That sudden sensation caused Cathrine to go over the edge, cumming all over the underside of her desk with feline cum.

Not finding her own desk interesting anymore, Catherine stood up from her study desk, her cock tenting her dress,

“Mmmrrow~” she mewled, “mmrh~ I’m…I’m very pretty~”

Her paws lined her cock bulge, and she looked down at her femboy-like form with pleased eyes. Her human mind, which was now trapped underneath her femboy kitty mind for the rest of the night, briefly surfaced, telling her to please please please study. This caused her to glance back at her cum covered desk.

The sight of the cum made her mewl again, her cock throbbing and twitching. Seeing something so covered in cum was really fun looking! Instead of doing boring stuff like studying, she should go out and find people to play with!

And so, Catherine sealed her fate. Hopefully, the professor will understand…


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