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If there was one thing that a pokemon should always know, it was to never go to sleep on an empty stomach. Raboot knew this more than anyone, but because of an intense soccer game he took part in, he was completely exhausted from all that running. He collapsed onto his bed and passed out in seconds, his stomach growling from a skipped dinner time…

In his dreams, he skipped through a field of pancakes and berry-flavoured desserts. He took paw-full after maw-full of every kind of food imaginable, drool slobbering all over the place. He took in full-course meals, thousand-foot-tall drinks and floats, and it only took until he was as round as a Snorlax before he felt truly satisfied,

“Maaaan~” he murred, patting his massively inflated belly, “I sure wish I could taste everything in the world if all this tastes so good~”

Once Raboot woke up, he felt like his stomach had never been so empty. He stumbled out of his bedroom, tripped over to the kitchen, and stuffed every berry he could into his mouth. The sensation of the juices in his maw was heavenly as his stomach was finally satisfied. He wasn’t as big as a Snorlax, maybe, but his stomach wasn’t growling like a Boltund anymore.

He was busy slurping down a Castelia cone that he had been keeping in his fridge when he realized something was certainly off. He could taste a lot more of the ice cream than usual, as if it was going to the back of his throat without him even needing to stick his tongue out that far. When he looked down at his cone, he quickly realized what was going on and froze.

His tongue was huge!

Easily wrapping around the ice cream multiple times over, he could taste the vanilla sweetness more intensely than he ever could before. He dropped the ice cream in shock, but on instinct, managed to catch it with the tip of his tongue before it hit the ground.

“M-mmplff??” He squeaked, quickly picking up the surprisingly cool vanilla flavour off his mouth, attempting to retract it into his mouth. The multiple-foot-long tongue surprisingly managed to stuff back into his cheeks, but the sensation was too strange. He let his tongue out loose again, draping and coiling all the way down at his feet.

Letting out another squeak, he tried to pick up his somehow-constantly-slobbering tongue with his paws, gathering it up in his arms. Fortunately, it seemed, his new extra-long tongue wouldn’t (or couldn’t) dry off, so it was surprisingly comfortable to keep it out like this.

Another thing he realized was that it was fully controllable and prehensile. The tip of his tongue was like a snake, moving around and simply dragging out more tongue-length out of his mouth, which seemed almost endless. His tongue slithered around his kitchen, sliding across every surface he could see, giving him strange, new tastes he had never tasted before.

…wait a minute! Was this his dream that did it? He wished to taste everything in the world…had some legendary pokemon heard him and granted it?? Maybe Jirachi, or Cresselia, or even Lunala?! Raboot had always wanted to meet a legendary pokemon, and it seemed like he not only missed his chance from how tired he was last night, but the legendary pokemon must have granted his wish and left!

He needed to find this pokemon and make them shrink his tongue back into his mouth!

Eventually, as he stomped out of his house, it got to the point where his tongue was too heavy to carry. He let it all unfurl around him, snaking around and slithering over everything in his surroundings. He blushed in full, total embarrassment, but for some reason, everything he tasted was really tasty! The grass tasted like fresh basil, the trees and wood on houses tasted like the smokey flavour of a steak, and even the air itself almost felt like the creamy aftertaste of whipped cream. He couldn’t help but let out a satisfied moan while his tongue continued to slather over everything. Pokemon that were passing tried not to trip on the Raboot’s constantly growing tongue. One particular pokemon, a Typhlosion who happened to have this as their guilty fetish, only blushed incredibly hard, quickly running back to their house.

Meanwhile, a Lopunny was exiting the town department store. The sun was hot out, and so the tall female pokemon didn’t have much clothing on. The Raboot immediately blushed and, to not cause any embarrassment, tried to retract his massive tongue back into his mouth. The sudden movement of the tongue caused the tongue to lash around, unintentionally wrapping around the bunny pokemon’s legs and making her trip,

“Gyaa!!” she let out a shriek as the wet appendage wrapped up her legs to her thighs, causing her to fall backwards onto the pavement, which was fortunately padded with the fire bunny’s tongue,

“Ggwf!” The Raboot blushed even harder, “th-thaawry!!”

Although the Raboot immediately ran up to the tripped Lopunny to help her out of his massive tongue, the Raboot couldn’t help but taste the Lopunny’s fur right up against her thighs. It had a sweetness that no other food he ever had before, and the sensation caused his body to heat up with a mixture of embarrassment and lewd curiosity…

…only to be suddenly grabbed by the ears by the Lopunny’s hands,

“You better have some kinda explanation for this, boy!”

Raboot scrambled, eyes wide with fear and flustered panic. He tried to do his best to explain what was going on and that he didn’t mean to trip the very beautiful tall bunny lady.

The Lopunny huffed, putting her free hand on her hips while wiping off the excessive saliva that the Raboot’s infinite tongue had,

“...okay…you say some legendary pokemon gave you that?”

Nod nod nod,

“Alright, then I’ll help you find this pokemon. I don’t want you leaving my sights while you go off looking for this legendary pokemon and tripping up other boys and girls to see up their skirts. Y’hear me??”

The Raboot gave a sad nod, being placed down,

“Alright…the only thing I could think of is the Jirachi temple somewhere in the forest nearby. I go jogging there a lot, so I think I could find my way around. C’mon tongue-bun, let's go.”

And so, Raboot’s tasty adventure began~


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