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Zach was not excited about what was about to happen. He barely got any sleep the previous night, and was practically dragging himself through his university hallways towards where he had to go: his university-grade english class.

Zach didn’t mind university and all the classes that came with it. What he minded more was the fact he was forced to take classes he didn’t want to eventually make it to the subjects he wanted to study. It was a vicious cycle of studying and class work.

The lecture hall was very spacious, with high ceilings that towered over the seats. Each row was one long table, which students would sit at while listening to the professor at the front of the class. Zach tried to not let his dizzy head get the better of him and sat down at a chair somewhere in the middle of the room. He had his notes out, his textbook out, even his laptop was ready to help, all he had to do now was survive without passing out.

At one point in the lecture, Zach’s laptop flashed a strange purple colour, as if picking up an interference for half a second. Zach didn’t notice it, assuming he blinked weirdly at some point while writing down his notes. As he was doing this, his eyes flicked up to the top of the screen to notice his internet tabs. It was all furry porn!

Whoops! Zach quickly closed those with a small blush. That would have been embarrassing if everyone saw his tastes in porn in the middle of class, not that it would be any less boring than listening to a professor go on about English history.

While closing the tabs, Zach got a brief glimpse at what he had opened. Immediately, his cock stiffened into an erection, seeing the beautiful fluffy tails of foxes dance across the screen, all of them wearing cute dresses, and all of them having fat, meaty cocks, exposing them to the air as if it was nothing. The overwhelming confidence they had in showing off their knots was very cool to him~

Zach tried to stuff his libido down with a deep breath. He couldn’t let the horny foxes take over his mind, at least not now! He promised himself he would satisfy his sudden horny urges when he got home, since that was where all his fat dragon dildo toys were. He’d dress up, put on some ears, raise his tail up, then drop himself down onto the toy. It would make his whole body shutter with pleasure, possibly making him let out cute moans or yips.

In a second, Zach snapped back to attention, trying to get back into the lecture and what the teacher was talking about, but his cock was pushing hard against his pants. It was getting harder and harder to ignore it, he had to be taken care of!

He let out a strained huff as he gripped his cock bulge under his shorts. His toes curled and he let out hot, blushy breaths as he rubbed his bulge…

“Hey, control your tail dude,” the guy next to Zach whispered. Zach’s large, fluffy fox tail was swishing rapidly on its own, and it was hitting the person next to him. Flustered, Zach quickly hugged his tail and wrapped it around his waist,

“Ah-haha! Sorry…!” He blurted out, trying to focus back on the lecture, gently brushing his thick tail…


Did Zach always have a tail? Why can’t he remember always having it…?

No, he definitely did. Ever since he was a kid he had a fluffy fox tail…and ears, and a cute black nose along with it. Zach swung his legs a little in his chair, still thinking about the thick Bad Dragon toy he has at home stuffing his fluffy butt.

Eventually, his hand- paw was wrapped around his quickly growing knot, which was starting to tent his shorts- skirt. His muzzle let out cute little yips as his body didn’t respond to his efforts to stop. It felt too good, way too good, to stop masturbating.

Soon enough, Zach wasn’t the only one pawing off. The wolf beside him also had his own throbbing canine cock out exposed to the air. Even though Zach was still trying to keep his tail from bothering other people, he couldn’t stop himself from viciously wagging it.

The wolf noticed the cute, feminine fox boy eyeing his dripping cock underneath the desk and smirked. He spread his thighs and motioned to it. Zach knew immediately what he needed to do.

Zach slipped under the desk and moved between the fluffy thighs of the wolf. His sensitive fox nose picked up the intense scent of the wolf, sending pleasure all the way through every orange hair on his body. His eyes were hazy with lust, his own cock throbbing and squirting all over the floor, getting precum all over the inside of his cute skirt.

Without needing any instruction, Zach pushed the cock into his maw, slurping up all precum and taking in the intoxicating musk. His fluffy tail raised on instinct, and his body shook with excitement of being used and raw pleasure.

Minutes later, the wolf suddenly hoisted him up onto his lap. He didn’t care about being exposed, neither of them did, or anyone else in the lecture hall for that matter. Everyone had become completely taken by intense, unending lust, fucking each other in a love-bound never-ending orgy. Zach’s ass was pushed into by the wolf’s fat cock, and it took barely seconds for him to spray heavy loads of cum onto the students in front of the two.

Meanwhile, outside the lecture hall, an uncorrupt human happens to walk by and hear the ruckus coming from the lecture hall, and decides to investigate…


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