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I never really thought about if I’ve ever had a lucid dream before, but thinking back to it, it always feels weirdly superficial, as if I was remembering a cool video I watched once. I also hadn’t experienced one in years, so if I did ever experience a lucid dream, I don’t think I would ever realize I was lucid dreaming in the first place.

But this was so, so much different. I couldn’t have been dreaming. The sensations were so real, and the colours that surrounded me felt all the more genuine as I raced through a tunnel of fantasy. A voice was calling out to me, crying out for help, desperate for someone to come and save them from whatever strange and malicious creature they were being attacked by! Somebody had to go save them! I had to go save them!

Before I could do anything else, however, I opened my eyes as if waking up from a dream.

I immediately frowned, realizing that even though it felt so unbelievably real and purposeful, I was dreaming. But then I took a look around at my surroundings.

I was in the middle of a beautifully lush forest. Green trees and the uninterrupted sound of nature filled the air. The air was fresh, and the sky was dotted with only a few clouds. I nearly expected there to be an aeroplane flying through, or there to be some semblance of humanity somewhere, but I was met with a truly serene view of nature.

Had I gone for some kind of hike and passed out in the middle of the forest? Maybe I was dreaming a way-too-lucid dream?

No. I’m absolutely not one to go for any kind of hike, and, even though you never think you’re in a dream when you’re in one, I couldn’t be more sure that I was wide awake.

I was about to stand up to figure out where I was when I was met with the weight of a body I completely didn’t recognise at all. My whole figure was a lot rounder than before, with thicker thighs than a new mother, and I was a little shorter too. My skin was mostly a striking pink, and I felt a tail coming out of my backside.

As I made more and more weird discoveries about my changed body, the surprise hit its climax when I saw the four teats coming from my crotch area. I yelped out, my hands, which now only had two black fingers, feeling my new strange appendages. It was an udder, and not only that but a cow's udder. I could feel fresh churning milk inside, which made me immediately blush. The sensation of gently rubbing the teat made my whole body shutter. It was almost orgasmic with how it felt.

Before long, I began using both hands to rub my teats up and down, basking in the pleasureful sensations that reverberated through my body. My ears perked up, and I let out long, droning, subconscious moos while doing it. A drop of milk formed on the tip of my udders, and seeing myself lactate was enough to make me even hornier. My udders stood erect as if they were my cocks, dripping milk into my hands as I gripped them harder, stroking them up and down, up and down…!

I let out a surprisingly feminine moan as my teats began to gush milk, arcing the pure white nectar into the air and splattering onto the ground. I couldn’t help but thrust into my stroking, completely overcome by how good it all felt to be milked like this~

Above my head, a circle of light suddenly flashed in the air, which faded to reveal a pink, flying cat pokemon with a long wispy tail. It was Mew!

“There you are! You’ve finally arrived!” it mewled, flying down to my pleasure drunk form, “listen, I know you must be so confused, but trust me I can explain on the way to the nearby town. Basically, an evil force has begun spreading its chaos throughout the land, warping the sense of reality and morals! I’ve summoned you because you are the only one who can put a stop to this malice and save the world!”

I let out a long huff. My milk had splattered some onto my hand, and I took a lick of it with my surprisingly soft tongue. The taste of my milk caused me to leak even more, just tasting it put my own body into a pleasureful drive,

“M-mmmh~” I mooed in response, “Do you…wanna try this stuff~? It’s soooo good~”

“Wh-what??” The mew scoffed, “what do you mean? No! Listen, you’ve been called here because you need to save this world! Can’t you realize the fate of everyone in this reality is in your capable paws?? O-or…uh…hooves??”

While I was milking myself, with my milk gushing onto the grass, a splatter of it launched up to where the mew was, landing straight into their mouth. On instinct, they tried spitting it out, but the effects were nearly immediate. They blushed heavily, their sheath twitching as they grew a long, erect cock between their pink thighs.

They dropped their flight down to me and approached my teat,

“Do you wanna drink~?” I say, smiling, maternal instincts suddenly kicking in. The mew huffed and mewled, clearly trying to fight it, but precum was already squirting out of their cock as they pushed the teat into their mouth. The soft inside of their maw was enough to pull me into another milk-gushing orgasm, filling his belly with pints of my creamy, incredibly tasty milk.

Eventually, the mew orgasmed as well, blushing and leaning deep into me, humping their cock against my own soft udders and squirting shots of cum up onto me.

“S-So~,” I say, trying to catch my breath, “I’m…uh…I didn’t really catch any of what you said. Did you say I had to save the world or something?”

“O-oh! Uhh…yeah, you should! B-but uh!”

The mew sputters and pauses, before nuzzling my teat again, his face clearly drunk with giggly, childish pleasure, tail swishing rapidly and his cock throbbing still,

“C-can I have more milk first…~? P-please~ I need more~”

I smiled, holding the back of the mew’s head and letting out a motherly sigh,

“Of course, my child~”

…before pushing his cute mouth deep down~


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