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It was a night like every other night in the gloomy skies of the Outlands, but the castle in the centre glowed with lights from inside. On the inside, a party was being held, specifically a Halloween party. Things like time and dates don’t matter in the Outlands, so whenever a holiday is celebrated like this, it’s often because an Anchor discovers it, reports it to Chaos, and Chaos holds the party for celebratory sake.

Many Anchors stand around in costume, happily conversing with each other in the cathedral gardens and courtyard. Tents had been set up with tons of free food, candy, and sex toys, which were free to be used whenever and on whoever anyone desired.

Meanwhile, in the cathedral itself, the higher-ranking anchors had their own space to relax. Tables had been set up with Halloween-themed cookies and snacks, and the bowl of punch was being closely guarded by a large white-antlered dragon, keeping watch to prevent any unnecessary “fluids” from entering the punch bowl and causing a transformation outbreak. She didn’t suspect any of the anchors to cum in the punch bowl, but there was one who she had to keep an eye out for…

“Hiya Life~” Chaos strode up to the punch table in an anthropomorphic form, before leaning his elbow on the table, “enjoying the party?”

“Why are you anthropomorphic?”

“I’m anthro Chaos!” Chaos smiles, “it’s my costume! Do I look sexy? Maybe someone you’d, I dunno, hold and breed intensely~?”

Life looked down at the horny salamander with disapproving eyes, “I don’t think changing forms like that is what dressing up in a costume means,” she says, “…but who am I to stop you?”

Chaos snickered, leaving the table to continue making sure everyone was having fun. As he’s about to try heading to the punch table again to sexually flirt with his sister, his tail touches another’s tail, causing his whole body to shutter in response,

“Oh! Sorry! I-“

Chaos turned to the one he touched tails to find…himself. An exact copy of him stood in front of him, in the same anthropomorphic form, everything down to the minute details of how smooth his head fans were curved along his head was accurate. Chaos blushed,

“Well, nice costume you got there, cutie~” the other Chaos murred, “feeling like copying your big boss~?”

“I-wuh…~” Chaos was very confused. The other Chaos snickered,

“Don’t worry, I won’t take it personally. You do have an incredible figure anyway~”

The other Chaos moved right up to him, gently placing their paws on his love handles. Chaos shivered with a blush

“Mmm~ i guess you were always cute when someone gets all dominant around you~ gosh you really are adorable~!”

Chaos read his energy readings, finding out that this was an exact copy of him, down to the divinity and makeup of his body,

“Are you…me?”

“Mhm~ and I know exactly how much you love yourself~”

The other Chaos moved in and embraced Chaos with a deep kiss, their hand sliding down to his cock slit, fingering it. Chaos murred, holding the other Chaos as his cock began to harden out for them,

“Mmm~ this place is kinda crowded though…” the alt Chaos murred, “how about somewhere relaxing?”

The other Chaos snapped their fingers, and in an instant, the two of them were transported to a bedroom. The original Chaos falls backwards onto a bed, his cock hard and exposed for the other Chaos, who also began growing their own cock out.

The alt Chaos moved on top of the original Chaos, frotting their cocks up against each other, making the original Chaos let out a moan. The alt Chaos slides his paw up to the original Chaos’ shaft, gripping it by the base and stroking it, keeping their faces close together,

“Mmn~ your moans are beautiful~” they purr, pushing their own cock against Chaos’ tailhole, “let's hear it a little more~”

The alt Chaos pushes their thick, tapered cock deep inside the original Chaos’ rear, causing him to curl his toes and grip the sheets underneath him. The two dark salamanders snuggled against each other, the one on top deeply rutting his fat, tapered cock inside the other Chaos’ tailhole.

The bottom salamander huffed, pulling in the top Chaos and deeply kissing them, pushing in his tongue and letting the two trade saliva. They passionately made out as the thrusting got faster and faster,


The bottom Chaos moaned loudly as his cock throbbed harder, pushing up to his chest as it began shooting ropes of cum all over his chest. The top salamander purred, watching the bottom cum all over himself,

“Mmn~ gosh you’re adorable when you cum like that~ mnnh~”

With one more intense thrust, the top Chaos came deep inside the bottom, letting intense, thick shots of seed flood into the bottom Chaos’ system. After a few shots, the top Chaos pulled out, shooting all over the bottom and covering him in more cum. This coating ended up being hot enough to the bottom salamander that he came again, coating his face in more and more cum until he was entirely coated in a layer of creamy, sweet Chaos cum.

The two kissed again, nuzzling each other, rubbing each other's cocks, “mmmn…for a copycat you…hahh~ you really know me well~” Chaos purred. The other Chaos smiled, “well, I know me more than anyone~”

After a few seconds of snuggling in the thick puddle of cum, one of the Chaos’ opened their eyes,

“Do ya wanna cum in the punch bowl and corrupt the party~?”

Chaos’ tail straightened out in excitement, his cock already ready to provide for the prank~


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