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I knew it would happen eventually, but when it did, it was stronger than I had first anticipated. It was almost like an engine rumble, suddenly activating every sensation in my smooth-scaled body. My cock was always out and never entirely flaccid, but it grew rock hard, hitting my underside and almost making it up to my hands from how long it got. My tail straightened, and my pussy squirted buckets of fluids drenching my muscular, yet still feminine dinosaur thighs. Usually, when this happened randomly, I would shove practically three-quarters of my tail deep inside my pussy to stop my body from orgasming on the spot.

But this was a different problem. I was about twenty feet away from a human survivor.

It had been two days since I transformed into a beautifully scaled raptor, fit with a three-foot-long cock (at full mast) and a pussy deep enough to shove a parking meter inside. I was a beast built with an evolutionary desire for sex, 24/7, and as far as I knew, every human-now-transformed-into-sex-crazed-dinosaur has had their mind twisted in such a violent way to see human taboos as simply non-existent. There are no rules, no laws or a sense of decency. All the dinosaurs cared about were pushing their extremely pheromonic cocks up against humans and infecting them with a virus that very quickly turns them into just like them.

But this didn’t happen to me. I could still think, still feel like I was a human behind my eyes, and for a while, I felt like maybe the lust virus inside me just didn’t land.

This was half-true however. Yes, I wasn’t drooling cum from my huge cock everywhere I went, fucking anything that moved and spreading my influence as far as I could, but the lust was still absolutely there. This was most apparent when I met the first human I found since I had transformed. I could smell through the human’s clothes that they had a thick cock, one that hadn’t touched a human’s (much less a dinosaur’s) pussy in a long time.

My heartbeat caused my mouth to grin upwards. How pitiful, I thought, I could easily show him everything he was missing~

I bite my tongue and shake my head. I need to show that I want to be friends with them that didn’t involve fucking the shit out of them. Somehow…somehow…~ mmrghh~

I feel my eyes straighten out at my prey, my cock throbbing to the rhythm of my heart, and without my control, my strong legs dash towards the human. Saliva drips from my teeth, possibly filled with dino TF juice, nearly hitting the human I just knocked to the ground,

“Gyahh!!” the human yells, immediately scrambling off. I blink, remembering how scared I was when I was human like him, when a dinosaur would pounce on me just as I did to him. It makes me wince a bit, but I really couldn’t do anything to stop myself. Besides, it wasn’t like they were going to stay human for a lot longer, and in this way, I could possibly make them take the same cough syrup that cleared the mind of the pharmacist I was living with. I was going to transform them in my own way,

“G-gyh! Get off me!!” the human kicked and pushed me away. I growled, pinning them,

“Stop struggling!” I roar back, “I’m not going to- nggh~! Fuck!”

My cock throbbed harder, demanding I push it deep inside the human. It manages to slip inside the shirt, popping up through the collar and near the human’s face,

“J-just…mmgh~ I won’t…hurt you~ it’ll feel good~ I promise~”

I pant my words through intensely horny breaths. Infecting a human like this felt right, as if it was my purpose. The human still seemed scared but mostly stopped struggling. Their hands grasped my cock right near their face as a big red blush began to flood their face,

“Wh…what’s happening…~” the human said, their eyes beginning to haze, “why’s it feel so…soft…~”

Without much more convincing, the human began to push the cock tip into his mouth, suckling on the cock. I let out a feral purr as the pleasure seeped into my system, causing me to let out a low, pleasured growl. Precum already filled the human’s mouth as I watched their eyes become less and less human-like. Their muzzle grew out as their hands became soft and scaled. Their teeth were sharpened, but shaped in a way that didn’t get in the way of cock-sucking, and I could feel their own cock growing rapidly in their pants. The sight of them transforming was unbelievably sexy to me, and I could feel the base of my cock flaring more and more until I clenched my teeth together, flooding the quickly transforming human’s maw with milky, dinosaur cum.

Scales covered their whole body and their body structured morph painlessly, sending waves upon waves of new pleasure and power through them. Within seconds, I could feel their cock throbbing and gushing in their strained pants, wetting and staining them with quickly intensifying dinosaur seed. Their tail became thick and covered in similarly coloured scales as the rest of his body, which was bright orange and blue. Their knees kicked, and finally, they reached full orgasm, arcing tons of cum into the air as their pants ripped off, letting their cock free,

“Gwaarrrhh~~!!” they roared, and my heart soared. It felt unbelievable, incredible, amazing to transform a human, it made me want to transform another ten, fifty, thousands!

But before I became too ambitious, I quickly pushed my hand into my bag and grabbed a cough syrup bottle. The dinosaur struggled under me, but not in a way to escape, simply under complete lust-driven feral instincts, wanting to probably breed my deep, soft pussy until I could lay a hundred eggs, which I wouldn’t say no to,

“Breeeeed~~” the dinosaur purred, “pleasee~? Please can I mmmhhh~ cum insiide you~!”

Without responding, I popped open the cap of the bottle and then tried to pour out a portion of the medicine, but I was suddenly caught off guard by the prehensile cock of the dinosaur underneath me pushing deep into the soft, pussy entrance to my backside. I let out a sudden growl, clutching the cap and the bottle harder as I was afraid the blast of pleasure would cause me to drop it,

“YESS~!!” the dinosaur roared loudly, immediately beginning to thrust deep inside me. I couldn’t help but get into the rhythm, bouncing up and down the thick cock, feeling the edges of my pussy pull and push against the smooth exterior of the huge dino cock. God, it felt so good.

My eyes closed, trying not to go full inhumanly feral, but it was hard not to. The hits of the dinosaur’s crotch against my own were enough to make me shoot out a rope of cum every time he would do it, splattering the wall of an abandoned building. I took in a breath, trying to still my beating heart. If I could exhaust him, I could potentially make him drink the syrup easier. I just needed to…~!

I pushed my whole weight down on him, letting his whole cock push all the way into me, filling me up to my belly. If he was just a few feet longer, I bet his cock would have pushed right out of my maw, which was another exotically hot scenario that I would have never thought about if I was still human. I felt his hot, thick cum rush deep inside my near infinite capacity womb, which was already making easy work fertilising eggs and making them grow inside me. My belly inflated slightly, making me feel the churning warm cum inside my body.

The dinosaur wheezed, collapsing backwards and panting. Using this opportunity, I grabbed the bottle again, twisted the cap, poured out the portion of syrup and forced the dinosaur’s mouth open,

“D-drink, you…you sexy dinosaur you…mmgh~”

The pink fluid poured down the dinosaur’s throat. After thirty seconds of the dinos cock still inside me, throbbing and squirting, the dinosaur blinked. Shaking its head,

“M-mmwrrr…?” it muttered, “head…weird…?”

G-ghh~ good boy…” I say, sliding off its massive cock, nearly cumming again from the sensation, “j-just…stand up. Lemme…bring you to a safe place. I’m sure we can find you a place to rest,”

“Gwhh~ mmwrr~”

The orange dinosaur nuzzled me as he stood up, licking my nose as a sign of love. I let out an exhausted chuckle,

“Slow down…my man~ let's get you home.”

I felt my belly below me. I’m gonna have a lot of eggs to lay after this~


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